Oh, wow!! Look at the all the pretty feedback. Thanks, Mellie!!
That one certainly paid off. Will Caitlyn's generous sister be aware of it? She could have taken a close look at her 'purchase'.
She will surely have her suspicions. She will make an appearance eventually. And she will probably also eventually find out. After all, Clark’s sister-in-law, Lucy, knows, so why not Caitlyn’s sister? Her name is Brandilyn or Brandy by the way. (What can I say? Caitlyn’s parents had a thing with ‘lyn’).
Does it only look like it, or is Caitlyn indeed showing off a little?
Absolutely! Wouldn’t you? Hey, I just wrote myself into a story so I get kissed by Superman / Clark... Haha... (The Great Grandmother's Challenge)
Me, too. I really want to know about that. I have that feeling in my gut that it isn't a pleasant tale.
Tense is how I would describe it. Ching is *always* the ‘lieutenant’.
“Well, certainly. You aren’t the only alien on the planet you know. At least one other super hero is an alien, and maybe more than that.”
Whom are you referring to? Zared? Jon?
Hehehehe… Zared *is* an alien - also Kryptonian, but he isn’t to whom I was referring. Lara Moon knows, but I’m sure she’s not telling… (Hint: If you can find a pic I recently posted on the board then you will have your answer.)
This one gave me the giggles. It's really cute. And a nearly-slip, at that.
I bet Los won’t make any more slips….
Oh, my! I shouldn't read this story of yours in a public library. I just can't stay serious.
Did I mention I read this in a library? How embarrassing. I was giggling helplessly. Again.
Never again in a library! Nancy, it's pure torture!
My, another one of those funnily innocent - or innocently funny scenes. And I was still reading in that library...
Librarian gives Mellie a stern look and says, “Shhhh…..!”
Busted, Clark! How can he drive without a secret identity? Otherwise, he'd have been caught without a driving licence. And without ID. And in civvies.
Busted! Somehow I doubt Superman has a driver’s license. But who knows?
“Yes, I think he’s in good hands with Caitlyn.”
I agree wholeheartedly.
And he was going to see if Jimmy’s computer skills could find out what Robert Braun’s handle was. He wanted to make sure he wasn’t saying anything that he shouldn’t be.
Don't trust nobody... So typical for Clark.
‘Doc Bob’ better *not* have said anything, or he could be in trouble with the AMA (American Medical Association).
He got that right! I don't think she's impartial at all - not after she got the taste of 'it'.
Hehe… And what’s a girl to do when she has cystitis because of certain said vigorous activities?
Precautions or denial? And which sorts of precaution work for a Kryptonian male?
Well, if she’s pregnant, it’s still in the very early stages of a fertilized egg. They were more referring to the fact that they’d just had sex for the first time the night before as opposed to some time before that. They were denying that’s why they got married. As for what sorts of precautions that would work for a Kryptonian male, there was one episode that vaguely indicated that Clark used condoms. (I just bought the 4th season, so if I find it, I’ll let you know.)
He will realize it, some Halloween to come...
He’ll already know by then. He may just not have known she could move cars….
I like that part about Danny. Nice to know that he becomes more and more of a caring person.
I’m hoping to work in a discussion between him and Clark as to why he kicked Jenni out.
Jon rested his head on Hannah’s shoulder. “This is kind of nice. The lady can’t usually pick her fella up like this.”
<Sigh!> So cute.
Isn’t that sweet? And Jon’s masculinity isn’t threatened by being carried by a female.
Oops? Why not? What would K'al do if he knew?
He would be very hurt. And he might press charges - father or no father. As noted in the NK arc, lack of knowledge about the law is no excuse. And Clark would have had access to that information in the ship he came to earth in. Of course, Clark lives on earth and isn’t really bound by Kryptonian law, so that could make a difference.
Mayson answered softly. “I don’t want to hurt his family.”
Discreetly telling her husband that she knows he has family, and implying that she knows more. Interesting. But I don't have to like this.
Consequences of his actions.
I’ve actually considered removing the whole Mayson incident, but I do rather like the idea that Clark has to now worry because Mayson ‘owns’ him. Just think what she might ask him to do. And just think what he might do to protect his family and friends.
Clark laughed. <Now that everyone has seen you like this, we are going to have to come up with a disguise for ‘Los’. You can’t wear that anymore unless you are Ultra Man. K’al can’t go out like that either.>
Why not? Although they're obviously Superman's sons, they are not Clark's. So, where's the big deal?
Because they are living with Clark. Too easy to make the connection between Clark and Superman.
Kill Mayson. Or let her hit her head. Hard. Amnesia sounds good to me, too.
I don’t like Mayson, either, but Clark needs to sweat a little - or a lot - about what he’s done. Mayson will live a nice long life - memories intact.
Give Superman a driving licence.
I might do that. Hehe… but could Superman get a driver’s license without giving his address, his birthday, or in the States, his social security number?
And tell us who that guy at the end of that chapter is!
Oh, I will. He will figure prominently in the next chapter.
And also up in the next chapter: The identities of Marisol's and Hannah's fathers. What do the readers want? Lord Nor? (Yikes!) Ran (the bald one)? Drull (the blond)? Or... Ching? (Ching cannot be Hannah's father because I do not want him to be a rapist. I have firmly established that Hannah came about because of rape. I've suggested that Marisol was a product of rape, but it's not a sure bet.) Think of all the possibilities. Tell me what you think. (I may not listen, but tell me anyway.) Edit: Jen-Mai could also be a potential father.