Whoo! Almost missed this one. smile

I didn't even know there was a show called "Friends" (kinda lame name if you ask me...), much less know anything about the characters, but you've done a nice job of introducing them. I'll just think of them as OCs and leave it at that. smile

One thing that struck me as hysterically funny is that Clark must have heard everything the ladies were saying. Under the circumstances, why *did* he come out shirtless? Our Clark is hardly into deliberate self-display, the Suit notwithstanding. goofy

As long as one of these friends people don't turn out to be Lois' "sorority sister," I'll be happy. Let's have more!


Lois: You know the deal.
Clark: Superman gets the guys in capes, Lois and Clark get the guys in suits.

-- Action Comics 827