Oh Sue!!! I'm so glad you posted it. I didn't want to have to break out the men with pointy sticks...

Okay, I have no time to quote my favorite parts - though you already know what they are - Hubby surprised me with a spur of the moment trip to visit my family this weekend... we're getting ready to leave...


This one is for DJ. She never fails to encourage me in all things, not just fic. So here you are, DJ, Angry!Clark - just because you asked. <vbg>
AWWWWWWWWWWWW! <<<hugs>>> Thank you Sue! What a sweet dedication. <sniffle, sniffle>

Okay, I promise to come back, because I have to quote a few of my favs... but it will be a day or two!

Great job! So glad you posted! dance

P.S. -- Had to say one more little thing. One of my very favorite parts is that Lois was willing to face the clone Superman herself rather than see Clark get hurt. She kept telling him not to fight him to just go - because she was afraid clone Superman would hurt Clark. And yet, that would have left her at clone Superman's mercy. That was such a beautiful tribute to how much she really loved Clark - even if she hadn't been willing to admit it yet... <waffy sigh>

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.