and the next moment he's holding me, and I'm drowning in the feeling of his arms around me and in the warm sort of earthy smell of his chest.
Aww.... Jonathan’s just a big teddy bear.

The way they hug me, it's a good thing I don't need to breathe.

I feel wild and crazy, so I wallpaper him with kisses all over his face.
Romance in the making...

Rick turns the color of tomatoes. How many shades of red does this boy have for his face?
Shades of red. Cute, Ann.

god of thunder suddenly strikes us with his hammer. Or something like that.
Thor, the Batman.

"Bruce???" Rick squeaks weakly. Then he turns beet red and whispers, "I mean... uh...."
Snorting in laughter. Oops.

that it fits him like a c-nd-m, you know?
I almost spit coke on my computer screen. My, my, but Clara is a bit precocious to know these things, isn’t she? Oh, well, okay, she’s going on what she’s heard....

The only place where his suit covers him up a bit better is between his legs, because you can't see if, if he, what he, uh, looks like right there, ehhhrrrmmmm....
You have so captured the things on the mind of a 12 year old girl. Is this the age that you teach?

Kind of sunset-colored this time. Bit streaky.
More shades of red - orange - pink - maybe a little blue thrown in.

Oh, Ann, you have quite the flare for comedy!

and I swear he's winking at me, and I can see the white emptiness of his eyes twinkle.
A little xray vision kicking in.

And she and Grandpa walk over to a battered old tractor parked outside the sheriff's station. I can't believe it - that's their tractor? They came here in that thing?
They came all the way to town in a tractor! More laughter! And Batman’s going to fix their car!

He always parks it round a corner. But when you look round the corner, it's never there.
Camouflage! (Uh... no, cloaking device. Romulans, anyone?)

We're like pearls on a string of a very odd necklace, with Grandma and Grandpa leading the way in their old tractor, then Batman following in the Batmobile, then Mom following in her rented Ford, and finally Rick and I making up the rear on Batman's motorbike
And as slow as tractors go, what a spectacle they must be making!

Where is he now? Where is my Dad?
Yes, where is he?

My anti-dent spray has worked wonders before."
Ant-dent spray!! rotflol Wonder if that works on Harvey Dent, too?

I just stare at him. "You're joking!"

"Yes," he admits, and those white hollows of his eyes twinkle. "But I do know how to fix that dent, never fear."
Darn! He was joking!

So instead of eating more pancakes Batman cuts a small slice of Grandma's apple pie and puts it on the tiniest plate on the table. He pours some custard on top of it and starts eating with a miniature teaspoon.
Hmmm.... Custard on apple pie... That’s a new one on me. But the idea of Bats dripping it on himself is hilarious.

I’m surprised Batman isn’t taking exception to the pics.

Then there's a knock on the door.
Ah-ha! And who might that be?

Oh, Ann, I loved this part of your story. I just loved it. And I laughed and laughed and laughed!!

Mad Mom Lane! Cute Mellie. And hey, when I was 12, I was definitely looking for ‘assets’ but probably more out of curiosity.

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Okay, so it's not the Batmobile, but it does disappear!

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~