You know, as many times as Clark has gone from the frying pan to the fire (especially when he's with Lois) because he's waited to act, you'd think he'd figure out that WAITING IS A BAD THING!!!! DON'T WAIT, CLARK!!! DO SOMETHING NOW!!!!!!

Sorry. Just had to get that out of my system.

Anyway, since Jonathan and Martha are flying to meet them in the hospital and not to identify their bodies, one would expect that the day will be saved, even if it doesn't happen in the way we might expect. Go, Lois! Go, Clark! Go, both of you!

Do keep up the good work. This is very interesting. And Lois was about to receive THE answer, wasn't she? Won't she be put out when she finds out the truth?

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing