well, I would like to say the same thing as everybody else: thank you for posting early!! smile1
“Lois?” he said hoarsely.
ooooh yay he's finally awake!!
Her heart swelled in her chest. He was awake! “I’m here... I’m here,” she soothed, taking his hand from her arm and holding on to it. “You’re okay. You’re safe now.”
aaaaww! such a sweet reaction of Lois.
Doctor Bernard Klein. He works for STAR Labs
ooh yay. Dr. Klein is gonna come into the story. He was so good in the show. Finally not a mad scientist after superman!!
He shouldn’t have let her go
He's the one in the hospital hurt and still he worries about Lois, aaaww.
Was it so much to want to be loved just for himself?
others already said it but... Clark, Lois really does love you!!!
He had managed to save Lois, only to lose her all over again.
This is so sad!! If he only knew how Lois really felt about him!!! and what she doing for him right now!

"I have no regrets. If you regret things, then you're sort of stepping backwards.
I'm a believer in going forwards." ~Kate Winslet