Ann --
If I'm honest, I expected a negative response to this, I just didn't expect it to be so strong. <g>
I'm sorry if this upset you in any way, but let me start by stating that this was originally going to be part of a much longer piece in which we find out the reasons behind Clark's continued deception (which I'm sure you wouldn't approve of anyway

) and which did indeed contain a revelation that did, indeed, lead to Lois leaving him. I had thought of a lot of the points you brought up - like the time period they were married, Superman's disappearances, Clark's paranoia and Lois's reactions to his return.
As it is now, though, I like this story as a stand alone - it's dark and it's
wrong certainly, but it's meant to be. As a stand alone piece, you may or may not understand them, but you're not expected to agree with Clark's choices.
If you'd prefer, for your piece of mind, I can address some of your points with reference to the longer, hypothetical piece that I'd plotted out to explain my original intentions, but since it'll never be written, I'm not sure it's of that much importance.