DJ! Ahh thanks. I'm glad you liked it. I'm usually pretty video game illiterate, but I loooooved playing the old James Bond Nintendo 64 game with my brothers. We'd play for hours and I'd whine when they would shoot me when I didn't have a gun. Thankfully I have rather sweet brothers who didn't mind following my little character around as I hunted for ammo. [Smile]
OMG - NO WAY!!! Goldeneye??? I used to play that game too!!! For hours and hours with my hubby and his friends and my younger sister - LOL!!! Too funny. So who did you usually play as? I was usually always Natasia (can't hardly pronounce her last name - no less spell it) or sometimes I played Xenya Onatop (I *know* I butchered that whole name <snort>)

That's too funny. But yeah, great story. <g>

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.