I just sneaked online to see if anyone had noticed and/or cared that a new part of Specimen was up - and was happy to see that I have at least three readers left! (Sorry Carol, as my beta and the person privy to the next few parts, you don't count, but do you realise that this is the first fdk you've left me? wink )

alcyone, this whole fic stemmed from the thought 'What would really happen if a couple found a baby in a field...?'

Beth, I know it's sad that Clark sees himself as different, but this Clark hasn't had the Kents' unconditional love and support, just a bunch of scientists telling him he's not human. I can't imagine that being a huge boost to his confidence!

Carol, be a little patient with part 9. It's practically ready to be sent, but I've had a last minute change of heart and it's currently being edited slightly.

Elisabeth, thanks for your enthusiasm! Yes, as Carol can verify, I have been busy working on the story even if I haven't been busy posting anything! My apologies again for the extra-long Christmas break. laugh