A good instalment. Well written, and in character for the Friends gang.
Clark and Rachel, I don't think so. Even if it is the most natural pairing from the standpoint that people think she is so good looking and has hooked up with Brad Pitt who people think is good looking, it doesn't work for me. From Rachel's point of view I can see it. She always was the flirt of the group, but Clark has been in love with Lois. There is just NO WAY that Rachel could compare to that.
Regarding the sorority sister thingie. While Lois could have been in the same sorority (though I've never pictured Lois as the sorority type) as one of the friends gals, there is too much of an age difference for them to have been there at the same time. I'm not even sure if it was ever mentioned that any of the gals ever went to college.
Tank the Resting (who finds it interesting that Clark has been in New York for five months and is only now getting around to figuring out he needs some new clothes)