Hi Cat,

You made me cry ... and that's not an easy thing to do, since I've had a lot thrown at me in real life.

Lois' feelings were totally understandable, but I'm with Terry on this, and I'd love to see a sequel. In fact, there is scope for a lot of following-on stories, or one really, really long one. wink

I too lost my dad when I was fairly young, but I was so much luckier than Lois. I had a wonderful father, who let me know daily how special I was to him.

So, perhaps that was why, when he got very sick, and after long years of illness he couldn't fight to stay alive any longer, I was able to let him go, with love, understanding and the thankfulness that I had had him as a father.

I believe I was blessed, and I hope that Lois too can one day come to see that the good moments you share with a loved one are the ones that matter most.

Thank you for this story, Cat.
Yours Jenni