
Let's see. Lois has adopted the Kents as her surrogate family. Apparently Lucy didn't go along with that, and it seems that Ellen knows about Lois' relationship with the world-famous sculptor who also bakes delicious apple pie (love that career path for Martha!) so she's "punishing" Lois for her "betrayal." And Kal-El isn't Clark Kent! I also wonder where he landed and what he's been doing.

Say, maybe he landed north and east of Jor-El's intended target. Maybe his first human language is the French as spoken in Quebec. Or maybe he landed in the Orient and isn't used to hearing or speaking English.

However you explain it, I'm certain it will be interesting. I'm going to follow this one for certain.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing