Thanks, everyone!

Ann - Yes, I've known for a long time that Lois was going to have to choose between Chad and Clark. That wasn't my original intention, but somehow from early on I could feel the story going there.

To be clear, though, I don't think Lois has made as much of a decision as you think she has. She is still in love with Chad which means he's not a bad choice for her and he is comfortable.

Well, I was going to say more, but I'm pretty sure most of what I was going to say is in the next chapter, so I'll wait.

But thank you - I'm glad Lois is still showing her true feelings for Chad. Early on, I sent an email to Beth with where I wanted this story to go and I asked her at the time if she thought it was possible for Lois to get to a point of being attracted to Clark without seeming sort of... not sure the right word, but like she wasn't taking her commitment to Chad seriously, so it's been a concern from the beginning. I'm glad to hear that so far I've succeeded.

Michael - Still more Chad conversation in chapter 35, so you'll soon see what Chad notices.

robinson - I think you are very right and that is precisely where Lois is right now. She still loves Chad and as a result, it would not be a mistake for her to decide to stay married. She and Chad would need to come to a decision on how to deal better with their different desires in life, but given how much they love each other, I think they could do that. However, it requires them to truly decide if they are willing to make the compromises that entails - I don't see any solutions for them that involves them settling in Metropolis or Smallville that isn't likely to lead them back here in a few years.

Still, Lois has been in love with Chad for years and he is comfortable, so I can also see her (or Chad) making that decision and not realizing that they haven't solved anything yet.

Sheila - I don't think Chad pushed Lois towards Clark. I think Lois and Clark have things in common that Lois and Chad don't and those things have led to a close friendship. And given Chad's absence, they've really been able to let that grow. But I don't see it as Chad pushing them together - I think that would either mean he intentially did this knowing it would mean Lois would develop feelings for Clark, or that while he didn't mean for her to develop those feelings, he was truly awful to Lois or something so that she felt no guilt about turning to Clark. I don't think either is true.

IolantheAlias - I'm not sure I agree that Lois needs to be with Clark. I struggled a lot with this and really thought I could see this story going in both directions. I won't say where I went, but I will say that while my first inclination was definitely for Lois to end up with Clark, I can really see her staying with Chad as well. This universe is not the same as the one we're used to and this Lois is not the same either. She may need something different.

AnKS - Thank you! This is exactly right. I don't think Lois' attraction to Clark means that she needs to end up with him. Most people are attracted to more than one person over the course of their life. You choose to share your live with the person who you fit best with, but that doesn't suddenly mean past attractions weren't really there. Lois could decide this is the wake-up call she needed to see that things with Chad were what she wanted all along and she needs to work on that relationship harder. I think, basically, that she still has a decision to make. That last line was a shock for her as well as for us, but it doesn't define her choice, just means that she needs to make one - which could be to choose to stay with Chad, or to get together with Clark, or she could choose neither.

Okay, expect Chapter 35 shortly.