Thanks everyone!

Cat - okay so you were the only one who was surprised because well, you haven't read any other Carol-fic lately wink .

Michael - we'll see a bit more of Claude but not much.

Patrick - no nothing like Divinity's End [though I did have the pleasure of rereading it wink , nor Coming of Age which is also excellent].

Amy - Yeah I wouldn't want to write an ep without Clark - heck, I'm having enough trouble writing eps [and resultant A plots] *with Clark*. /mutter/ Stupid A plots /mutter/

Amber - They may never know for sure what happened, but they may have educated guesses at some point...

Vicki - Glad you're enjoying it!

Grinch - yeah I know. That's why Cat was the only one who was surprised... Hmmm... that's much neater than what I have planned...

Happy Girl - YAY! on more Forward! More tomorrow smile .

Amy - nah - it wasn't Martha smile .

Michael - nope, not Martha. I'll come back tomorrow wink .

AnKS - could be...

Iolan - Queen of Evil... Moi? Not a chance...

More tomorrow!