This was the most challenging section of the entire story. I wanted so badly to have their talk go better. As I said in earlier notes, this was intended to be a 3-part story. Unfortunately, no matter how hard I tried, any approach that tied up the story during part 3 didn’t pass a reasonableness test.

They are both in shock. For Lois, it manifested in grief and then anger. For Clark, he’s insecure and has a tendency to want to fix things. After Lois blows up at him in part 1, he’s in no condition to make a good decision, but he wouldn’t let himself realize that he wasn’t thinking straight.

This was a meeting between two very confused people. One is angry and the other is scared but determined. It’s my belief that if they had met in this night, it would have been explosive. Every way I looked at this, the explosion had to run its course before they could begin to pick up the pieces.

Yes, he’s being sort of lunkhead. This is classic Clark Kent, doing the wrong thing for the right reason.

He (and I smile ) thought it would be so easy to just go in and tell Lois the truth. It was much more challenging than anticipated.

Your FDK is almost like you were reading my mind. (Have you been talking to my muse?)

Woah this is depressing.
Yes it is.

POV makes a lot of difference. This turned into an exercise in dysfunctional communication.

Thank you all for the notes. Part 4 is on it’s way.
