<happy, waffy sigh> This was wonderful, Lynn. I wasn't really fussed either way if you tied up those loose ends. I kind of liked the way you left it with the promise of what was to come. But I certainly won't object to this!
This was beautifully poignant - you made me feel sorry for Mayson all over again with that awkward, embarrassing scene between them. And then there was waffy in the final scene. Superb!
Thank you. This was a wonderfully enjoyable addition to my morning trawl through the boards.
Just one small thing:
They’d already said all that needed to be said. He’d dropped her at her apartment, giving her one last apologetic smile before she had turned and bolted up the steps. Long after the door had shut behind her, he had sat in the Cherokee, staring ahead at his hands grasping the steering wheel tightly. And it was an odd mixture of guilt, regret and relief that filled him when he took off back for the cabin, flying high above the clouds.
I might have missed something along the way - apologies if so - but this confused me a little. I didn't understand what he was doing here. Since he'd had to use the jeep to drive Mayson back to Metropolis anyway, why didn't he just drive it back again to the cabin as Clark? Why leave it there and fly back as Superman?