Could this day get any worse?

Lois, Lois, Lois! Never, never ask that question. Believe me, it can always get worse. As you're about to find out.
You'll find that question seems to get asked a lot during this story. laugh

I love how despite our heroes living in different timelines in the beginning, this is very much a Lois AND Clark story. I like the parallel storylines format.
I'm glad you're enjoying the parallel storyline's format. I really struggled with that - trying to figure out what worked best for telling the story. I sort of worried that this part where I use the parallel storyline might make the story too disjointed. Glad to hear that you think it worked.

I think this is the first time a time-traveler has the presence of mind to pack for a trip.
When writing the story, I had no idea what clothing, etc., Clark might need during his trip, so I had him throw in a couple of duffle bags. Figured whatever he needed after that could be found in the bags laugh . So it wasn't really Clark who was thinking ahead - it was me. wink

I think you did a great job of showing how Clark's life is spiraling out of control. Where before, I could worry along with Wells about what might happen if he changed the past, I'm now thinking it might be worth the risk
I'm glad I managed to convey that idea. I wanted to convey the idea of Clark's life as being pretty bleak - as he told the other Lois during Lois and Clarks - so that the reader, even if they were still worried about the risks, might be able to understand Clark's motives in doing what he does.

Oh, and just to add: Clark in his black leather jacket as he goes back in time? Swoon!
Well, hopefully you're not the only one who will swoon over this hip-looking Clark. laugh

Hmm... looks like the years haven't helped our little science editor mellow down a bit. Although, I have to say, he seems to be quite the xenophobic prick compared to what I remember from the show. Even considering he was twisted and evil there.
Well, this is an alternate universe - although it's one that isn't all that removed from ours. But don't expect everyone to be exactly the same or make exactly the same choices in life.

For example, the actress who plays Cat on the show is a bit older than Lois and Clark. In this universe, however, her parents didn't have her until they were a bit older. laugh

Oh and how did Linda manage to make it to the Planet? Given Lois's backstory with Perry.
Perry's not at the Planet - he's Mayor of Metropolis. Lois is not at the Planet - she's missing in the Congo. Preston Carpenter likes Linda so Linda gets the job - she's only been working there for a few weeks, after all.

Anyway, I enjoyed all the comments - even the ones I didn't respond to directly. I'm glad you're all enjoying the story so far.

ML wave

She was in such a good mood she let all the pedestrians in the crosswalk get to safety before taking off again.
- CC Aiken, The Late Great Lois Lane