Wow what a nice surprise this was seeing this here tonight. I am so glad you are back with this continuation. I think everyone expected his depression but me. I thought he'd be nervous but happy to get out. I thought after the shock of being free wore off he'd start to have nightmares and deal with where he was and how to get back to a new normal. I can see it is going to be a long road. I just didn't expect him to be so lethargic and depressed. He is out! He is with Lois. I hope his hope starts to make an appearance soon. I am not used to him being so defeated, especially when they accomplished so much. I am looking forward to the next chapter. And of course I will be waiting impatiently through this whole fic ;-)
Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”
Caroline's "Stardust"