This is a nitpick, please note I like your tale.

His rage erupted, and he lurched towards the sheriff.

Two shots fired.

Neville Moyne dropped.

A few seconds later, he died in a creeping pool of his own blood on the floor of the sheriff's office in Smallville, Kansas.
Please consider having him die from heart failure after being shot by Tasers. It is very rare but it does happen. Example Another example

My concern is the shooting review board would never pass on two officers shooting an unarmed subject. Both are looking at manslaughter charges, and no matter how it plays out they are both losing their jobs.
It is a completely different story if he dies from the Taser. In most cases subject who die from tasers are found to have drugs in their systems, Meth commonly.

Meth would also explain how Moyne got so far off track.
