Originally posted by Female Hawk:
The person in the photo would be more than unshaven. He would also have long shaggy hair and be dirty. Assuming it is a photo of Clark (which Moyne could have easily obtained), Moyne would have chosen the worst/most appalling one from his collection.
Understood but he is still going to look human No pointed ears, nose ridges, spots running down the neck, etc,

Originally posted by Female Hawk:
[b]Patrick You mentioned Nightfall quite a few parts ago. We'll see. wink
Hey can't blame me for hoping...

Saving the entire planet is a good way to put paid to any subhuman ideas lingering in the background.

Plus if the timeline plays out as it did in canon we still have the visit by the New Kryptonians coming sometime down the line and they will be what everyone feared.....
