SO beautiful! I love how you didn't 'show' us the letter right away, but just fragments from Lois remembering--or trying not to remember it. Are there enough clues yet for her to put it all together? huh It's interesting in this story how creepy Superman has become--because now it's revealed through the letter that he would kill Lois if Clark told her the truth?! Did I understand that right? And yet, Lois still pretty much sees him as the hero--or does she? She is starting to wonder... I was almost expecting her to notice something from the kiss---because she has had a Superman kiss at this point, before Nightfall... anyway, can't wait for more! As I've said before, I love your poetical style. You are good at metaphors and reworking images to be fresh, immediate, and meaningful. LOVE THIS STORY! smile

Reach for the moon, for even if you fail, you'll still land among the stars... and who knows? Maybe you'll meet Superman along the way. wink