Have you ever had one of those weekends where you thought you had plenty of time to get everything done, and then, suddenly, it's Sunday night and you have no idea where the time went? I'm leaving town on Tuesday and I'm probably going to be up for the next 48 hours to get everything on my to-do list done. It's been killing me that I haven't been able to reply to all your wonderful comments.
Virginia - Hot flashes? LOL! I loved the imagery with the coat, too. I wanted something like that scene at the beginning of 'AKA Superman' when he gets possessive and bumps her up against the wall while they're waiting for the elevator. But I couldn't justify Clark getting *that* possessive (not in the first season, anyway), so I settled for him using the coat to pull her to him.

That's a very happy mental image, at least for me.
Shallowford - I'm happy to have distracted you.
Artemis - I've always maintained you deserve a treat.
Amber - It is a vicious cycle for me, too. I write something. I get lovely FDK. That makes me want to write something else… So you can blame yourself the next time I write another one. :p
Mrs M - In my mind, no one else saw them. Lois went to the far end of the garage, so they were well away (and behind a long row of vehicles). As for Perry, he was behind them on the way out and, no doubt, saw Lois was carrying her purse. I think he'd be more surprised to see them return than by their absence, especially given the long wait to get back inside.
I don't know that I've read anyone dealing with this aspect of PML before. Everything went the same, Clark resisted Lois, "nothing happened", but why would neither of them be thinking about it afterwards?
Gosh, I hope there are other stories out there that acknowledge that there's no way they could just ignore everything that had happened! Sure, they might not act on it, but how could you not think about it?
Lucille - I wondered that, too.

I'm glad you enjoyed this version.
Iolan - I can see your point about being too embarrassed -- Lois that it had ever happened, and Clark that he gave in to temptation. But, dang it, I wanted them to have to acknowledge it! It wasn't hard to have Clark tortured by his memories. I tried to layer the story with the idea that Lois *did* remember a little something and it was driving her nuts.
Kate - Can you have one? Sure, I'll pull the alarm and send them all outside again. Maybe this time they can sit in her car to keep warm…
Jackie - Thank you! I'm glad you liked it!
My thanks to everyone who's replied. You guys are the best!