You guys are great! Not a single threat of pitchforks due to my terrible slowness in posting! smile

VirginiaR - I hope you get more than two parts this summer, too! I do not intend for this to become the perpetual summer fanfic. smile You guys are all saints, waiting so long for Clark to show up. Your patience will be rewarded!

Mouserocks - Thanks for reading! Glad you remembered it easily! smile

John - You will see Clark soon. He will show up either as a player or a reporter, that much I guarantee. smile

IolantheAlias - I think it's only fair that Perry have some idea what's headed his way in a few years in the person of Lois Lane. smile I'm glad that you're getting the atmosphere - that is very important to me for this story.

KenJ - Thank you! You're very kind. smile

Morgana - Thanks for your gentle prodding to keep working on this story. I'm glad you like it! In fact, there is a tall, dark stranger on the horizon.

Really, everyone, it's so encouraging that you remember and have any interest in this story. I'm trying to keep one part ahead of what I post, so as soon as I finish part 5, I will post part 4.

Amber smile