Hello. Sorry RL has kept me quite busy these past couple of days. So glad to take a break and look in on the boards!

“Mrs. Harris, I will say that this has never been tried before. When I proposed my idea to the doctors they became very excited at the possibilities. It will take some time and practice because Superwoman will be helping me. We will be working in concert to burn out the tumor without damaging the surrounding tissue. I am cautiously optimistic of success.”
Excellent! I am not a medical person, but this procedure that the super duo are undertaking makes perfectly good sense.

Superman and Superwoman positioned themselves on opposite sides of the bed. They each sat on a stool near one of Carrie’s shoulders which brought them down to the level of the operating table so that they were looking directly at Carrie’s head and level with it. They began the procedure that they had practiced so much. Superwoman applied her x-ray vision at a predetermined intensity in a broad field striving to keep it planar, up and down and as thin as a sheet of paper. Superman focused his x-ray vision duplexed on his microscopic vision. Then pinpointing groups of cells of the tumor raised the strength of the x-ray vision and literally saw the cells die. Lois and Clark were in constant mental communication. He directed her movement while he attacked the cells. At a speed somewhat lower than superspeed, he exercised caution, moving from group to group. The procedure took several hours of effort. Carrie’s vital signs did not vary from the norm at any time, which was a good sign.
Performing this surgery on the molecular level must have be extremely stressful for them. The degree of concentration would have been outside the realm of a normal surgical team. Bravo for coming up with this solution. It is a combination of the original fifties TV series episode, Around the World with Superman and Fantastic Voyage.

I gotta tell ya, my nails are going to need a new manicure, I bit them to the quick!

When Carrie woke up there were four people standing around her bed. On one side were her mother and father. On the other were Lois and Clark.

Phoebe said, “Welcome back kiddo. Did you have a nice nap?”

Carrie replied, “Yes, but I don’t feel any different.”
Should she at least have a 'slight' headache? confused


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.