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Jose and Sara urged me to make a post similar to Sara's journalism post a while ago, after I shared my scribblings with them. Since I'm such a good girl and do everything I'm told (/me fends off mom who's laughing her head off), I present you with Julie's Notes Born Out of Sheer Classroom Boredome. <g> You know you're addicted when: - You use emoticons when writing by hand.
- One of your favourite authors is a rodent.
- One of your favourite producers is a bird.
- Your net friends/FoLCS know all about you but your real name.
- You meet them and they still don't know your real name.
- You went into a liquor store and asked for qwine.
- You were so shocked to find that it doesn't exist, that you registered it as a trade mark.
- Your favourite drink is Labrat Blue
- Ads for Wendy's(tm) are not associated with fast food anymore.
- You have a little rule about using Lexmark products.
Your job is to add your own points to this list. <g> Julie 
Mulder: Imagine if you could come back and take out five people who had caused you to suffer. Who would they be? Scully: I only get five? Mulder: I remembered your birthday this year, didn't I, Scully?
(The X-Files)
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Boards Chief Administrator Pulitzer
Boards Chief Administrator Pulitzer
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 </font></li></ul><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif"> Okay, that's all I've got for now! I'm sure I'll be back later! Sara (who is trying to look innocent...those were just examples...not really *me*  )
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Okay, lemme see... - You really wanted the Democrate Party primaries to end up with Howard Dean & Wesley Clark, because you wanted that "Dean/Clark" bumper sticker
 - You drive hundreds of miles to meet a FOLC friend.
- You drive hundreds of miles, meet FOLC friends, and go on IRC to talk with them
 - The kids at your kids' school know you as "the mom who likes Superman"
- Instead of counting sheep at night, you ponder fanfic plot points
- Your family knows better than to bother you on Kerth nights
And I suppose there are many more... PJ
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Beat Reporter
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ROFL!! Ahm... 1. You ask for Double-Fudge Crunch Bars in a candy store in the States, and you're shocked when they don't have them 2. For your birthday, your best friends clubbed together and bought you a hand-painted picture of Superman - and you love it! 3. Your father's given up asking you why you're typing so frantically when on IRC; ""Who can you POSSIBLY be talking to??" 4. Every song on the radio reminds you of Lois and Clark/Lois and Lex <g> 5. You throw out all the green rocks or gems you have just in case it's Kryptonite 6. You find yourself humming the theme song as you work Sara [  !!]
Death: Easy, Bill. You'll give yourself a heart attack and ruin my vacation.
Meet Joe Black
I couldn't come up with any and these were all hilarious, but one stuck out big time so I had to comment. 4. Every song on the radio reminds you of Lois and Clark TEEEEEEEJ
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Top Banana
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You really wanted the Democrate Party primaries to end up with Howard Dean & Wesley Clark, because you wanted that "Dean/Clark" bumper sticker 1. you're inordinately proud of the fact that you got the mp3 of the theme song to work on your cell phone 2. you have the opportunity to get a vanity plate for your car and you spend all day thinking up 7 letter combos that would work like Sup1Fan or Chumpy or FoLC ~Liz (who me?  )
Lois: Can I go? Clark: No. Lois: Oh come on, Clark, why do we go through this? We both know I’m going to go. Clark: Then why do you ask? Lois: I’m trying to be nice.
You know you're addicted to fanfic...
...when you're involved in a story and you check back every five minutes to see if there's any new segments posted.
...when you've posted a story and you check back every five minutes to see if there's any comments posted.
...when a Superman related incident happens in the world and you check the message board every five minutes to see if there's a thread posted about it.
...when you think of a really cool LNC story plot and post it on the board and then check back every five minutes to see if anyone else commented about it.
...when you're really needy and you check the message board every five minutes to see if there's any new posts.
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 guys! Great thread, Julie! I've only got a couple to add (so far)... - Your AIM screenname ends in "folc" and hardly any of your friends ask why
- You see something funny in the street and find yourself thinking "LOL"
- You have custom IRC scripts to deal with keywords such as "disembowel"
- At least half your friends know your muse's name
- It feels funny to call your best friend by her real name instead of an alias
- People hundreds of miles away whom you have rarely, if ever, seen in person have a better idea of what you do with your spare time than your own siblings
- Someone asks you where a friend lives and you have to think for a sec to be sure you name the right country
- You know the episodes of a TV show that went off the air years ago better than you know what's going on with the shows on the air now
- You spend more time reading about the characters of a TV show that went off the air years ago than you do reading about your country's political candidates (after all, you already know how you're voting...)
- You can leave your house on a trip, stop the mail, forget your cell phone, and leave almost everything behind... except your laptop. Going without net access would be unthinkable.
- You sign on to quickly see what's new and find yourself sitting for half an hour making up a list of signs that you're addicted to FoLCdom
... Okay, so it turns out I had more than a couple after all. Sue me. Paul
When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.
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Features Writer
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...when you're involved in a story and you check back every five nutes to see if there's any new segments posted.
...when you've posted a story and you check back every five minutes to see if there's any comments posted.
...when a Superman related incident happens in the world and you check the message board every five minutes to see if there's a thread posted about it.
...when you think of a really cool LNC story plot and post it on the board and then check back every five minutes to see if anyone else commented about it.
...when you're really needy and you check the message board every five minutes to see if there's any new posts. Damn... I won't admmit I am! Let me see. You know when you´re addicted when: * You talk to the same FoLCs via mIRC, MSN, e-mail and boards. *When you come to mIRC and people ask you how was the chicken pizza you went out to eat on the previous night. *When you wake up and print your already 2X BRed story just to pick a few mistakes left before posting it. *When you miss a test at university only because you were unable to attend it and read a part from your favorite story at the same time. *When your favorite story is up and your run to read it just to be the first one to post FDK so you are able to give it the title you want. *When people see you online and start hiding because they can't stand your nagging anymore. *when you know you´re being a bore, but you can't help it. *when you go through all the sections of the boards, trying to see which ones you haven't posted anything yet. *when you post your own FDK thread just to count how many people posted FDK for you properly. *when your favorites songs are the ones that FoLcs have made videos with. *when you named your white teddy bear Clarkie and your sister's Jimmy even if she didn't agree with that. *when you start calling your boyfriend, who wears glasses, CLark when he has them on, and Sups, when he's without them. *When you refuse to go out on Friday night because there are too many people on mIRC. *when your father goes to work in the morning, you distractively says good bye to him and when he comes back from work and says: You´re still on the computer? *When your father starts telling everybody that you are a writer, but doesn't tell people what you write about. *when your sister begs for the computer 'cuz she had to do an important research for university and you tell her: "Espera! O Clark vai dizer pra Lois que ele é o Superman!" (Trans: "Wait! Clark will tell Lois he is Superman!") *when you´re virtually married to another FoLC. (Of the same sex though you´re straight.) *When you post something this big, knowing you have to stop it although you have other thousands of things to list. MDL. (Who´s definately not addicted.  )
"Work while you have the light. You are responsible for the talent that has been entrusted to you."
when you start calling your boyfriend, who wears glasses, CLark when he has them on, and Sups, when he's without them. TEEEEEJ
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That's really funny! Let me contribute with a few: - a) ...you're using English for four hours a day, without living in an English-speaking country or having English-speaking friends/family. b) ...English words spring to mind more quickly than the ones of your native tongue. c) ...while you're speaking or writing in Greek, which happens to be your native tongue, you keep using English words or expressions (translated or not) here and there - despite your being an aficionado of keeping the Greek language alive. d) ...your father is angry for the bad grade you got in Physics, but you have a good grade in English to brag about. e) ...you type in foreign languages quicker than you do in your own. - ...you find yourself telling your friends something really funny Clark told Lois in a fic. - ...your best friend is fourteen years older than you. - ...you're in a room where the person nearest to you is located more than 1,000 kilometres away. - ...you're sleepy in the morning, because the only chance you have to talk to your Brazilian friend is at 2 a.m.. - ...for everything you might need there's always someone to ask. - ...when a new trailer is a reason not to go to the movies. See ya, AnnaBtG.
What we've got here is failure to communicate...
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Boards Chief Administrator Pulitzer
Boards Chief Administrator Pulitzer
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All of these had me cracking up, but I had to point out a few that made me glad I wasn't drinking anything at the time. :p You really wanted the Democrate Party primaries to end up with Howard Dean & Wesley Clark, because you wanted that "Dean/Clark" bumper sticker
The kids at your kids' school know you as "the mom who likes Superman" Pam!!! ROTFLMAO!!!! You throw out all the green rocks or gems you have just in case it's Kryptonite Sara! You too?!  One of my friends gave me some candy one day...some green powder candy...encased in a plastic Kryptonite chunk. I was like...uh...you just gave me Kryptonite! And she said, "But...it's a Superman thing...thought you'd like it." you have the opportunity to get a vanity plate for your car and you spend all day thinking up 7 letter combos that would work like Sup1Fan or Chumpy or FoLC Liz...as soon as I get a new car (you know in a few years <g>) I'm putting SKFOLC on my license plate. You see something funny in the street and find yourself thinking "LOL" That's me all the time, Paul!! People hundreds of miles away whom you have rarely, if ever, seen in person have a better idea of what you do with your spare time than your own siblings
Someone asks you where a friend lives and you have to think for a sec to be sure you name the right country LOL!! Me too! When your favorite story is up and your run to read it just to be the first one to post FDK so you are able to give it the title you want. Me too, Erica!! When people see you online and start hiding because they can't stand your nagging anymore. No comment. When you refuse to go out on Friday night because there are too many people on mIRC. My sister says I have no social life. :rolleyes: when a new trailer is a reason not to go to the movies ROTFL Anna!!! I didn't think I had anymore, but I ended up thinking of some. - You miss class because you were busy chatting on IRC
- You've read so much fanfic that when doing homework, you find yourself typing things like "behaviour" instead of "behavior"
- You forget that for homework assignments you should use italics instead of asterisks
- You take your WIP to work on when you go out to the bar to see your RL friends
- You think your keychains are pretty darned cool because you have a Superman one *and* a Paris one...hello...Near Wild Heaven!
 Okay, I think I'm done for now. Sara
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You know your addicted:
...when you get in your car after reading the boards to check out a street name 10 miles away.
I did that last Monday night. I was reading the boards about people with names from L&C. I had to verify a road I saw in the next town. In Berlin, MD there is a little street that has a street sign that says No. 5 Lois Lane. I made a special trip back in the daylight and took a picture.
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...when you justify your lack of sleep in that, hello, another new segment was posted!
...when you're friends think you *must* be looking at raunchy stuff on the internet; no wonder you hide your computer work so much!
...when you write by flashlight in the middle of a hurricane and tornadoes.
...when your first thought while wasted away on sinus medication is to write a story.
...when you randomly throw UK expressions into your everyday speech.
...when you have so many silly addict moments that you just have to contribute some to the thread!
"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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... when you find that you have experienced most of the above mentioned moments.
If she had to move heaven and Earth, perhaps come back to haunt Perry and explain the story after they'd killed her, she would do it.
Waking a Miracle by Aria
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Boards Chief Administrator Emeritus Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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Your favourite drink is Labrat Blue ROTFL, Sara! Mine would be: When you've been offline for TWO WHOLE DAYS without internet access thanks to a server glitch (no TV or phone since Thursday either) and you spend the time periodically coming into the office and wistfully stroking the pc and sobbing quietly.... <g> LabRat  (with lots of catching up to do...)
Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly. Aramis: Yes, sorry. Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.
The Musketeers
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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-you had a week-long high after learning that WB will be releasing the DVD of the series next year!!! And that's about all I could think of now! Mirage 
Clark: You're really high maintenance, aren't you?
Lois: Yes, but I'm worth it!
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When your friends question you about a Lois and Clark picture you use as your MSN icon and ask you what it is id and then get furstrated when they have no clue who you are talking about
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart
Helen Keller
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Ooh, let me try! - Every time you hear a song, you find yourself wondering about it's "trailer potential"
- Every time your father turns on "Prarie Home Companion," you think of a FoLC and wonder if he is listening.
- You read this list and find yourself going "yep, yep, did that, sometimes..."
- You consider taking a long trip to a country that you used to have a slight phobia of because there's a possibility you might run into your friend, whom technically you've never even met.
- You spend hours on end wondering of Kryptonian is one of those languages where the noun comes before the adjective.
- Hearing the name "George" makes you burst into giggles
- Hearing the name "Mike" fills you with the urge to write
- You know that only one other person will get the above statement, but don't care because you're still high from reading someone-else's statement about L&C coming out on DVD
- Not knowing who the Democratic Vice-presidential candidate is does't bother you, but you feel stupid because a show that was cancelled years ago might be coming out in disc form and you didn't know.
- Chocolate makes you think of Lois Lane
- Your house was flooded, but the fact that your new apartment now has internet is more exciting than the fact that you even *have* an apartment at all.
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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Here's mine: - You remember seeing an certain episode of the show and then realize that, no, it was a fic or nfic. - You beg a writer to make the story longer or write a sequel, prequel, whatever, because you find their particular Lois and Clark totally believable and/or touching - You're thrilled to see that a specific writer posted to someone else's thread because you hope that means they'll soon be adding a new chapter to their own story - You've spent hours arguing on the IRC that making a woman a total b***h and a man a total wimp so the reader can see her growth and his patience rewarded is STOOPID and demeaning (and even though the conversation changes to the benefits of various cat food to force you off your soapbox, and get you to leave, you're back on topic within a week)