Thanks for the feedback, everybody!
Chris, the quote from "Friends" is priceless, and very Lois!
Julia, "Three" was definitely the shortest of the series, but it is also my favorite one, and I was araid of having it go on for too long. I promise that what length was missing in "Three" will be MORE THAN made up for in "One!" (As I mentioned before, it is shaping up to be an epic!)
Crazy Babe--glad you liked the corn field bit, it is my personal favorite part of "Three" and when the lines came to me I was cracking myself up!! LOL.
Maria--Interesting point about Lois going natural. I sort of thought Lois would go the medicated route because it's the more "modern" way, not particularly because she fears the pain. Although you bring up a really good point. Think I might make up a poll to see what others think she would choose.
L & Maria--Just because Lois has PLANNED a medicated birth, I can't promise she'll actually GET one. That's all I'm going to say for now...
Thanks for reading!!! --Wanda