Don't remember if this has been done (or maybe it's been done and I missed seeing it), but I figured I might as well toss it out there anyway...
You know those promotional stills they released waaaay back in the beginning, before the show even aired?
There were a whole bunch of them. Several series. You can see a fair number of them over at the
Superman Homepage among plenty of other places.
One of the series they did was Dean and Teri with S-Shield tattoos.
This picture , for example. Or
this one .
Now, remember, these were released before the show aired. So they're most closely tied with S1.
So, here's the challenge: Write a fic (set in S1 or, at the latest, S2) which explains the pic. Mostly, I'd like to see an explanation of why Lois has a Superman tattoo and what Clark thinks of it. You can ignore the rest (Clark's tattoo, wardrobe, hairstyle, etc) or include it as you choose.