Ooh, fascinating premise, Nancy! And so far a lot of fun, too!
I do have one serious concern about this section, though. I can't see Martha and Jonathan being anything other than very concerned that Clark has proposed to Lois as Superman. Quite apart from their concern about his secret, they'd feel that he was lying to her unacceptably. I think they'd at least try to persuade him that he should tell Lois the truth and see how she reacts, rather than take the lie further. While the notion of Clark seeming to be in two places at once is fun, it just seems out of character for his parents to approve of him lying to Lois like this, when he's actually going to marry her.
Still, I'm looking forward to reading the rest!
But could you slow down the posts, please? I'm finding it very hard to keep up, and by the number of comments on sections 2 and 3 I suspect others are too.