It's out, finally!
I had writer's block. ::Looks up at the Writer's block demon on her head:: I think I still have it. But it's kinda cute, almost like a little dragon. You know... if they were bright green with neon pink stripes, extra small wings that look like they belong on a cartoon, blunt, dog like claws, and skin instead of scales, that is.
Anyways, I wrote this in school, fiddled with it while putting it on the computer (thus the first time I've edited this entire story
) and then had fun bashing my head in wondering if I should continue the chapter or not. I added Deka's point of view, and then waited a couple of days to see if insperation would hit and drive off my guest here. ::Pats WBD:: Didn't, so here we go, posted up. I hope you all enjoy it, get caught up (I FORGOT YOU'RE NAME! YOU VISITED ON THE WEEKEND AND I FORGOT YOUR NAME! MY DAD CALLS YOU POUTING KITTY, for ID perpouses. PS, if that is spelt like the sea going mammal, please forgive. I cannot spell.) and hopefully understand what I cannot: where this story is going. Hints would be nice.
Oh, Mom says I should be inquiering about a Beta reader, wants me to ask LabRat. Lab, if you read this, will you Beta for me? If you don't read this, I'll have to ask in the part of the boards for off topic. I'll wait a week, see what happens.
So, here is Dementia, the took-forever-to-write-chapter-because-of-my-new-friend-pet-thing chapter. Enjoy, and please excuse my ramblings.