Once more, you must thank LabRat for this beautifly edited prose, without her which I would never have gotten. Actually, I'm not sure I would have made it to chapter Sixteen without her... She's been a wonderful listener (reader?) when my mom has had to deal with something called life. So give LabRat a party. Here:
On another note, compleatly unrelated to this story, I am now sixteen. On the twenty-third this month. Whee! ::Spins around:: Great, now I'm dizzy!
Oh, and next chapter: Dekani thinks she knows what she has to deal with. Uma seems to have accepted her, and Nym and Nakomii have their own problems to deal with (AKA Nym's mood swings). But when two brothers show up and turn Dekani's work upside down and then throw her version of reality out the window, what's a one armed girl to do? (Not ask Nakomii, because he's running from everything female for a while...