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Hey!! That aren't the opening lines of Smallville 39 George Thompson checked his watch for the fifth time in a few minutes and let out an annoyed sigh. He'd always hated waiting, and he thought he'd made that clear to Trask the last time he'd seen him. The head of Bureau 39 was under *his* command; technically, he was under him in the hierarchy, at least according to the papers back in D.C. Yet every time they met, Trask bossed him around as if he didn't care at all about whatever orders Thompson or anyone in Washington gave him.
The creation of Bureau 39 had looked like a good idea at the time. He'd supported it so enthusiastically that Everett, the head of the F.B.I., had placed him in charge of the newborn secret department. Sometimes he wondered what had gone through his head when he'd accepted the assignment - it hadn't turned out to be as easy as he'd expected, especially since Trask had arrived on the scene. But the Secretary of the Interior had insisted that his young protege be hired for the job, and no-one had found a sufficiently good reason to contradict Lloyd Tempus's will. Those are!!! Jose 
"Practice up your shielding spells...and remember to duck if you see green light coming your way." Harry Potter to Wizengamot in OotP trial A Bad Week in the Wizengamot
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Oops!! Tricia 
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Top Banana
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Just saw this quote and I reconized it instantly. It's Kaethel's fabulous Near Wild Heaven . And while we're at that topic, where's part two??? It took me a while, but here's the next one: Lois Lane stood out in front of the Lex Corp. Tower, her wedding dress was torn and stained from the frenetic activity of the past hour. She stared in horror as the body of Lex Luthor was loaded into the coroner's van to be whisked away to the morgue. She started to shake. Where was Clark? She needed Clark right here, right now. Perry tightened his arm around her shoulders. Saskia
I tawt I taw a puddy cat!
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ROTFL! I'm just amazed I got so close as to at least get the right author!! <G> Of course, utterly ashamed of myself that I didn't recognise NWH! Oh, and while I'm here - never one to miss a good opportunity - Kae, where's part two!!! LabRat 
Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly. Aramis: Yes, sorry. Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.
The Musketeers
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I'm asking her that question right now as she sits beside me... and she's just thwapped me!  I think we can take that to mean that it's not finished yet.  Even though I've seen the first 40 or so pages and they're excellent! Wendy 
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Even though I've seen the first 40 or so pages and they're excellent! More than excellent - I'd say Best Overall quality so far. Course, to get nominated there would mean you'd have to have it finished by December, Kae - stop boozing and start writing! LabRat 
Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly. Aramis: Yes, sorry. Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.
The Musketeers
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Well, when I posted the oldie I found that this is Dark Revelation by Tank, why doesn't surprise me? 
"Practice up your shielding spells...and remember to duck if you see green light coming your way." Harry Potter to Wizengamot in OotP trial A Bad Week in the Wizengamot
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Saskia, Wendy and Rat, thank you for the nice words and for the nagging.  I'm working on it - don't get your hopes up about it being finished this year, but I am working on it. Thanks for the interest! Kaethel 
- I'm your partner. I'm your friend. - Is that what we are? - Oh, you know what? I don't know what we are. We kiss and then we never talk about it. We nearly die frozen in each other's arms, but we never talk about it, so no, I got no clue what we are.
~ Rick Castle and Kate Beckett ~ Knockout ~
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José's quote is Irene Dutch's fantastic Timestorm, which I had to go and read again once I realised what it was.  Just another reason why this is a great thread! Okay, here's another one: Lois Lane relaxed in Centennial Park, reading a pile of stories written by fans of her favorite TV show. She read on and on, thoroughly absorbed in the pages. Reading was pleasantly addictive (though in a better way than a field of poppies), but Lois soon found herself tiring. Soon, despite the enthralling nature of the fanfic, Lois fell asleep.
She awoke to find herself being spun around by a tornado, the pages of fanfic flying around her. Just as she was wondering what a tornado was doing in Metropolis, the wind suddenly died down. She fell, landing atop a pile of printouts. Wendy 
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Aha! This is Paul's... um... King of the Green City? Well, it's his Oz spoof for the fairy tale challenge, but I have to look up the title. Hey! I was right. This one is a super-short, an old but good friend: People amuse me. I guess they always have. Walking on two legs, no hair, huge noses (that don't smell very much, I've noticed), and no tail, what could be more humorous? OK, the lion cut Himalayan in 503 is pretty funny, but Himmies are known for brains, especially in my world. Give me a yellow tabby anytime. The one in 502, ohhh I can still remember the softness of her fur. Hard to believe that was so long ago. Hazel
Lois: You know the deal. Clark: Superman gets the guys in capes, Lois and Clark get the guys in suits.
-- Action Comics 827
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 A Cat's Life by Melissa Dore. Next one! "The Nightfall Asteroid is on a direct course for Earth. This piece of space rock is seventeen miles across, traveling at close to thirty thousand miles per hour. If nothing stops it, it will hit the Earth in a little more than four days." Professor Daitch, Chief Scientist at the EPRAD command and control center based in Metropolis, paused at the end of his announcement and added, almost under his breath, "The sky, literally, is falling."
"What kind of damage could this asteroid do?" The inquiry came from Phil Morrison of the Star.
Daitch took a deep breath. "It could knock the Earth off its axis, even throw us out of our current solar orbit. It's far larger than the meteor that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. The crater alone will throw enough dust into the air to start a new ice age." Tricia 
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Four Days to Nightfall by Nan Smith The dark streak appeared out of nowhere. It headed straight for Metropolis. Anyone looking at the sky would have screamed in fear thinking that a meteor was about to hit. But no one was looking. The streak headed straight for downtown Metropolis and came to earth in an alleyway across from the Daily Planet newspaper. There was no earth-shattering impact or any other indication that anything unusual had taken place. Nothing except for the young man who walked out of the alley a few seconds later. He straightened his tie and looked at the hubbub on the city streets around him. It was different than anywhere he had ever been -- and he had been to Paris, London, Beijing, Tokyo and most other major and minor cities in the world -- but somehow this one was different. He knew why and he sighed.
Yes. He sighed. A long, deep sigh. If only he knew how to find *her*. She was the reason that he had come here, to Metropolis. He didn't even know if she still lived here. It had been over ten years. Even if he could find her, would she remember him? Probably not. Why would she? She had been beautiful and she, no doubt, had many suitors in the last ten years. She was probably married, maybe even with a child or two by now. He ran his hand over his tie, a normal gesture to anyone else, but he was really feeling for the small circle hidden there. He did it almost unconsciously; he had been doing it for so long. The feel of it there brought back the memories that he treasured. Jose 
"Practice up your shielding spells...and remember to duck if you see green light coming your way." Harry Potter to Wizengamot in OotP trial A Bad Week in the Wizengamot
I know I read it but I can't find back the title...and now that I think of it I'm also mixing up the author :p er...dunavaclue Carole 
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That's Carol Moncado's First Night. How about this one? Superman hovered briefly over the brownstone on Hyperion Avenue, then shot to a nearby roof, dropping to a sitting position and pulling his cape around him. Drawing his knees to his chest, he huddled with his back to the raging wind while he stared sightlessly at the rooftops below.
Something was wrong, terribly wrong, in Metropolis. It wasn't just that the city was suddenly more violent and chaotic than Clark had ever seen it, or that no one seemed to remember Superman, his every appearance engendering panic and hysteria. Or that far from being grateful for his assistance, the police and other residents of Metropolis were uncharacteristically hostile and surly.
No, the terrible wrongness in Metropolis, the wrongness that caused that tight knot in his stomach, stemmed from the fact that *strangers were living in the house at 348 Hyperion Avenue.* Wendy 
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That's gotta be Mobile Richard's Life in a Different World... right?
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Yes, but are you going to post a new one? Wendy 
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I guess, if I have to... <g> But I didn't want to post something when I wasn't entirely sure I was right, and didn't have time to check Okay, I don't *think* this one's been used... It's tough finding a good place to hide -- especially one from where you can watch, plan, wait for an opportunity to strike. To make things right... to get even. Justice and revenge.
It's even harder when you don't have any resources, any contacts, money, a home. When you're not sure if you're being watched as you scramble in the chaos to escape a city ripped apart by corruption and civil war. The only contacts she'd had were also her partner's, and she wasn't sure if she could trust him not to betray her once again. Finally, long after he'd made his own comfortable departure, she too had got out. PJ
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Finally!!! It sounded familiar... :rolleyes: Connections: An Alternate Story by Carol Malo "This is Clark's room," Martha told Lois, opening a door near the head of the stairs. Lois followed her in and looked around.
"It looks like him," she said, surprising herself. The room had obviously belonged to a boy, later a young man. On the dresser was a picture of a much younger Clark, standing between his parents and grinning at the camera. The walls were decorated with posters, pennants and framed awards for both academic and athletic excellence. Several trophies were arranged on a shelf situated on one wall, along with several carefully assembled plastic models of planes and cars.
Martha chuckled. "We keep it like this. When he visits, he likes to see it the way it was when he lived here." She stepped out into the hall once more. "Just make yourself at home, Lois." Jose 
"Practice up your shielding spells...and remember to duck if you see green light coming your way." Harry Potter to Wizengamot in OotP trial A Bad Week in the Wizengamot
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Need a clue? /me thought this was easy Jose 
"Practice up your shielding spells...and remember to duck if you see green light coming your way." Harry Potter to Wizengamot in OotP trial A Bad Week in the Wizengamot
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Okay, thanks to a little hint on IRC... A Matter of Ethics, by Nan Smith. How about this: Sometimes things are not what they seem.
It wasn't until it was all over that Lois understood that this was so. Sometimes, the lie is the truth. And who you thought was there is not. Wendy 
Just a fly-by! *waves*