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Congratulations to all the winners! How wonderful to see so many newer authors making such a great showing. Thanks for the mention, Pel. Hazel
Lois: You know the deal. Clark: Superman gets the guys in capes, Lois and Clark get the guys in suits.
-- Action Comics 827
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Congratulations to the Kerth winners!  There were so many wonderful stories this year that at times it was hard to decide, but I think that all the stories are winners. Thanks to the Kerth committee for all their hard work. Thanks to all the writers for the hours of enjoyment they've given us. gerry
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Congratulations to all the winners! We had so many amazing stories written this year  I had a lot of fun catching up on my reading. <g> Thanks to everyone who nominated and/or voted -- there wouldn't be much point to these awards if we didn't have such great participation Thanks to everyone who attended last night, who made it all so much fun! I was too distracted to pay much attention to the chat channel, but every time I looked, you guys were cracking me up  I like to think we're very friendly, but it's nice to have that confirmed  And you know, now that you've ventured onto IRC, you have to come back and chat with us PJ
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Add my name to the list of Kerth very patient women! This was my first award ceremony, and boy, can I tell you that I had a blast! It was so much fun - I don't think I've ever had four hours go by so fast. I felt like I was at the best party ever! And without the headache of a line at the bathroom <g>. Congratulations to all of the winners and all of the nominees. Reading the amazing stories up for awards, I realized how glad I am that I don't have to do this professionally because choosing from among such great work was so incredibly difficult. BTW, Lab, thanks for the loan of the pin <g>. Every single story was a winner in my book, simply because I found it impossible to choose the best among the best. First, thanks so much to Erin and Pam and Kathy B and Annette. I can't even begin to imagine the amount of work you all must do to make this happen. Please know it is so much appreciated. It's stuff like this that make being in a fandom a wonderful experience - so much more than simply sitting at a computer screen but rather a "real" and heart-felt experience. Also, thanks to the presenters and to Sas, the wav jockey. Hazel, your filk was hilarious! I'm telling you, the Academy has nothing over us in pure entertainment value! Secondly, thanks to everyone who read, nominated and voted for my stories. In a million years I never would have guessed when I nervously posted the first part of my first story that several months later, I'd have butterflies in my stomach and be stammering over what to say when I actually won an award. And not only one, but two! You've all given me one of the greatest experiences I've ever had, and I really appreciate your support. And finally, thanks to all of the friends I've made through this fandom. It's amazing to me that I've never met a single one of you, yet I have no doubt that if we were all to get together (can anyone say "convention") I'm sure it would be like pulling up a chair at the best family reunion ever. Already I can't wait for next year Thanks again, Lynn
You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah
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Congrats to all the winners!!! 
"Practice up your shielding spells...and remember to duck if you see green light coming your way." Harry Potter to Wizengamot in OotP trial A Bad Week in the Wizengamot
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Having got to bed extremely late last night (errumsometimearoundfouramIthinkerrgulp), I'm only getting to this thread now. And I see that everyone before me has said just about all I would have said - but it bears repeating. Last night was just terrific! It was wonderful to see so many newer FoLCs there, especially those who hadn't ventured onto IRC before. I hope you all had a great time and will be back to chat with us again! K-Com, as ever, you did a fantastic job. A very smooth, polished ceremony, with plenty of laughs here and there. Annette, you make an excellent MC! And you did a pretty great double act with other committee members along the way - lots of humour. I thoroughly enjoyed it. We had some wonderful presenting speeches - anyone who wasn't there, you have to read the logs and see the speeches! Lynn channelling CC for Best WAFFy was unmissable, and as for Kaethel and Elena's battle over whether Tempus should live or die - oh, sorry, the Best Alt/Elseworld presenting speech - was one of the funniest things I've heard in years. Wendy 
Just a fly-by! *waves*
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Congratulations to all the nominees and winners! All of the stories were just fantastic. Thank you for all the hours you put into your work. Also, a huge thanks to the Kerth committee for all of the time you put into the awards. I can't even imagine the amount of work it must take! Even though I couldn't actually sit through the ceremony because of work, I did use IRC for the first time yesterday and I just wanted to thank all of you for being so friendly and welcoming. I can't wait for next year and I swear that if I'm working, I am calling in sick so I won't miss it! ~Lauren
Clark: Lois, you're kinda babbling. Lois: I know. See, I never babble. Clark: Are you kidding? You're a brook.
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I was intending to watch the first hour of the ceremony today, but my connection failed. Argh! Anyway, that's not the point. CONGRATULATIONS to all the winners!! See ya, AnnaBtG.
What we've got here is failure to communicate...
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Yes, it was the best ceremony ever, I think - or at least, of the ones I've managed to attend. Everyone involved in the organisation deserves a huge pat on the back for putting together such a fantastic evening's entertainment. I think it's a testament to your success that so many folcs stay up way past their bedtimes in order to take part. I'm not sure what else would persuade me to sit in front of a computer at 2am in the morning <g>. Congratulations to all the winners and nominees! I was especially pleased to see our newcomers do so well in the awards. Hopefully their success will persuade them to remain in the fandom for a long time and give us lots more wonderful stories. Finally, what's best of all about this event is that it shows what a wonderful community we have in this fandom. We're so much more than a bunch of individuals scattered around the world hunched over our computer monitors. We laugh and cry together, we show a real spirit of caring towards our fellow sufferers...um, I mean, fans...and we look out for each other. Just think of all the times the community has rallied around an individual or a group - there are the big world events like last week's bombs in Spain, but there are also individual events like the terrible tragedy of Yael's death, or the special fanfic collection which was put together a few years ago in order to raise funds for a fellow folc in need. Where else can you find a fandom as warm-hearted as this one? I think we're incredibly lucky to have this community, and long may it continue. Yvonne
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Congratulations to all the winners and the nominees! 
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I can only echo the congratulations that all the others have mentioned.
Good job by all.
Tank (who is too computer inept to consider getting involved in something like 'undernets' and IRC)
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I'm just only starting to wake up - no comment, I went to bed after 4 am this morning  - and so I'm not sure I'm going to be any more coherent than I was last night. First, I want to say a huge THANK YOU!!!!! to the Kerth Committee for the time and dedication they put into organising this event every year; last night was the sixth Kerth Ceremony I attended, and every year I have loads of fun and cannot wait for the next ceremony. Last night was fantastic for a whole set of reasons: as others have explained very eloquently in their posts, there was the atmosphere on the chat channel, so warm, friendly and very funny. There were also the speeches on stage, either hilarious or thought-provoking for the presenters, and understandably incoherent  and often very moving for the winners. I also want to congratulate all the winners and nominees - your stories have brought us so many hours of enjoyment; by all means keep feeding us more fic.  So thank you so much to you all - you've put me on cloud 9; heck, you've put me on cloud 936726466848!! And I think I'm gonna stay up there for some time. Kaethel  (feeling very, very encouraged to tackle her current WIPs and get a couple of them out sometime this year)
- I'm your partner. I'm your friend. - Is that what we are? - Oh, you know what? I don't know what we are. We kiss and then we never talk about it. We nearly die frozen in each other's arms, but we never talk about it, so no, I got no clue what we are.
~ Rick Castle and Kate Beckett ~ Knockout ~
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Let's see if I can be a little more coherent than I was last night. I was surprised at the first win but completely stunned at the second. I could hardly think, much less type out any kind of organized thank you speech. I'd like to thank those who voted for my stories, in any case. It's a wonderful feeling to know that so many like what I write.
It was a great ceremony. I've been at the Kerths every year since I think 1999 and I've enjoyed each one of them more than the last. The presentations were very good and many of them were hysterically funny, and the comments in Kerthchat had my husband asking me every few minutes why I was laughing so hard.
I could go on and on, but I think you get the idea and mostly everyone else has said what I could say, anyhow.
A big thanks goes to the K-Com and to everyone who came to the ceremony as well, for making it so much fun. I can hardly wait for next year.
Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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Ditto to what everyone else said! Congratulations to the nominees and the winners and thanks to the K-Comm, who worked and slaved to make the event run so smoothly.
And yes, I'm also a not so patient, "very patient", Kerth attendee. My first Kerth ceremony was a blast, as was the party afterward.
Can't wait till next year!
-- Roger
"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin
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Hi, ![[Linked Image]](http://smile.smilies.nl/638.gif) Congratulations to all! MAF ![[Linked Image]](http://smile.smilies.nl/245.gif)
Maria D. Ferdez. --- Don't like Luthor, unfinished, untitled and crossover story, and people that promises and don't deliver. I'm getting choosy with age. MAF
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First of all, thanks so much to everyone who voted for "Tea Totaled" and "Momentum 2". I was thrilled to see them honored last night and I really appreciate the encouragement I've received when it comes to my writing over the many years I've been involved with this fandom. Secondly, thank you to *everyone* who participated in the Kerth Awards this year. The ceremony was a ton of fun, and even our occasional moments of panic backstage had me ROTFL rather than freaking out when things didn't go exactly as planned. <g> I was delighted to see so many new "faces" in the crowd when it came to IRC -- I hope we'll see you again to chat in the future. And finally, congrats to all the winners! There were so many marvelous stories on the ballot this year, it was incredibly difficult to choose among them. We are very lucky in our fandom to have such quality writers among us. I was especially delighted by how many first time winners we had this year. Our talent pool just keeps getting better and better. Great job, everyone! Kathy
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Freelance Reporter
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Congratulations and thanks for such wonderful stories to all the winners and nominees! I also want to thank the Kerth committee, you guys are the best. Sil
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Just adding my congratulations to both alll the winners and the Kerth committee. Last night was a blast, despite a few, um, hiccups  (or maybe because of them!). Everything that was going on had me laughing, several times hard enough to make my stomach hurt *eyes El and Kae*. I can't wait until next year!
"You need me. You wouldn't be much of a hero without a villain. And you do love being the hero, don't you. The cheering children, the swooning women, you love it so much, it's made you my most reliable accomplice." -- Lex Luthor to Superman, Question Authority, Justice League Unlimited
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Surprised, flabbergasted, incredulous, grateful -- those are only a few of the words that describe how I felt when I learned that FOLCs had chosen to honor The Portrait. To be named, along side some of the writers whom I so respect, is just incredible. I know people say this, but I truly mean it . Being nominated is so special, I never really expect more. My thanks to all of you for your support of the story. And a big CONGRATULATIONS to all of the winners. Your stories have brought hours of reading pleasure for me, and I look forward to reading what you have in store for all of the FOLCs this year. Thank you to K-Com for all your hard work in putting this whole thing together. Without your dedication to Lois and Clark, none of this would happen. Sounds like the ceremony was most enjoyable, and I'm really sorry I couldn't have been there, but I simply don't read fast enough to keep up with anything on IRC. I'll look forward to reading the log. I apologize for being late in getting this out. I'm recovering from knee surgery, and this has been a kind of a set-back day, so I couldn't get to my computer very early. Everything looks a lot brighter now! Thank you all so much!  Jude 
"Simplify. Simplify." Henry David Thoreau
"To see what is in front of one's nose is a constant struggle." George Orwell