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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Ok, kids, here's a newbie with some questions. Before I go too far, I will tell you I don't know if this story fits in too well here, ‘cuz even though the first half is through Lois' eyes and the second half through Clark's eyes, I'm bringing some Black Leather into the Realm of Red and Gold. Here's my questions. Of course, Unkle Lexie is involved, and he's brought some thugz with him—relatively smart ones, I think. They are sprinkled throughout an abandoned building, about 15 stories, and they need to communicate. What should they use? Because of certain elements in the narrative, it needs to allow others in the room to hear both sides of the exchanges (so not cell phones), but not something the cops less than 1,000 feet away outside the building can eavesdrop in on (so not walkie talkies). It needs to be secure communication. Not a party line type thing where 15 people can chat. What would this be? Gimme a rough physical description too, like "oh, a lil black thingie about 6 by 3 by 1.5 inches, and a lil antenna".
Next question. There apparently was an episode where a rather unattractive individual dressed up and called himself "Regular Man" or some such. Could anyone tell me a short, 1 or 2 sentence description of what this guy did, and hopefully what happened to him when he was caught? Right now the line in my story is "He was arraigned on charges of disturbing the peace and sentenced to a thousand hours of community service." And were there examples of any other parodies like this? I haven't seen all the episodes of the series, but I saw one with red kryptonite, that made him not care. Where there any other parodies? It's an element in a fairly important conversation in my story.
Next question! How close can Clark get to kryptonite before he realizes it is there, and before it affects him? I know it wipes him out, but in my story, he's been, like, in effect, chained to it for about 24 hours. In my story, he darn near bites it. Does that sound right in terms of the effects it has on him? Actually, now that I think about it.....if this doesn't work, it might end up being a "non-canon warning" at the start of the story....yikes....
A short question! Smallville. ‘Zat in Kansas? What state?
Another question related to the kryptonite one above. Let's say, hypothetically, that Clark has just about kicked off because of this kryptonite. And let's say that someone, human of course, is trying to revive him, gets the kryptonite out of there, and is trying to get his heart going. And let's say, hypothetically, that this person goes into an All-Out Knock-Down-Drag-Out Adrenal-Overload Panic, straddles Clark, and starts pounding on his chest. As I recall from the series, we would hear something like C# or something. Is it.....er, allowed to fudge this a bit and make him sound just like an ordinary chest? Without this person totally pulverizing their fist? I sure hope so.....if not, that's another "canon screw up!" note at the head of this....
Let not my Lord grow angry if I ask one more question. Ok, we have the Kerth award, but do Pulitzer prizes exist in the L&C world? There's actually two spots in my story where the Pulitzer is mentioned.
Thank you vewwy vewwy much for any help you can give.
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I can scrape up a few answers...
-Smallville's in the state of Kansas -Pulitzers exist...or at least I've seen reference to them in other fics, so you're fine there. -As for Kryptonite...I'm under the impression that as soon as Clark enters a room where it's present, he can feel it.
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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The Pulitzer was mentioned on the show, too, if that helps any. Sadly I'm blanking on the episode right now, but I think it's early season 2 and Perry's the one who says it.
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The Pulitzer Prize is mention in Green, Green, Glow of Home. When Perry is trying to convince Lois to go to Smallville he mentions that the first report at Love Canal probably thought it was a nothing story but didn't he win the Pulitzer. That is what convinces Lois to go.
As for giving Clark CPR. If he has been exposed to kryptonite that long he is vunerable like every one else. He can be cut or killed like any one else. As to how long he can take exposure it partly has to do with how big the piece of kryptonite is and how close he is to it. The bigger the piece the short he can last exposed to it. The same goes to the lenght of time. So if you want him exposed for 24 hours it would have to be a realively smaller piece and it would have to be a little ways away from him. Anything right by or on him with have a devestating effect. In the episode where Superman is locked in the cage he is there for at least 12 hours but less than 24 hours.
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Boards Chief Administrator Pulitzer
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Everyone's forgetting one of my favorite quotes from I Now Pronounce You (hope that's the correct ep  ): "Do you want a Pulitzer or do you want your wedding?" Next question. There apparently was an episode where a rather unattractive individual dressed up and called himself "Regular Man" or some such. Resplendant Man is the name you're looking for from the episode "A Bolt From the Blue." He got his powers from Superman by electrical transfer. He started to perform rescues and charge for them, trying to capitalize on his newfound powers. Superman tried to reason with him, telling him he had a responsibility to help people and *not* charge them for it. I can't recall how he lost his powers, but he did and was never charged for any crime in relation to his brief time as a superhero. I know that was more than 2 sentences, but I tend to be rather long-winded at times. Sara
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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thanks doods. appreciate the help. from the looks of it, yer all about as technologically challenged as I am, in regard to the first communication question. shame about the resplendant/regular man thing. in the story, when clark talks about that, it wipes bruce out. i'll have to see what i can do.
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Have you tried doing a yahoo search for secure communications? I ran across a few interesting sites. This one -- http://www.global-security-solutions.com/ -- may have something like what you're looking for. They have all sorts of cool spy stuff.
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Resplendid Man lost his powers when Gretchen Kelly kidnapped his sister Wanda Mae and threatened to kill her. She planned to give herself and Lex Superman powers from him. In the end he punched Gretchen on the chin when Superman couldn't hit her because she was a woman. He willingly gave up his powers. He held Gretchen up on the machine and all the powers were transferred back to Superman. That is except for the SuperRat that got away. (Gretchen tested it on a rat first).
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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For secure communications that can be heard in the room but not snooped on, they just need a scrambling system on their walkie-talkies. The walkie-talkie units wouldn't need to be visibly different from usual.
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I would go with Mere on the walkie-talking question. The great thing about the "show science" on L&C was that half the time there was more "show" than "science".  So you could just have LexCorp develop some scrambling technology for Lex to put into use for his nefarious purposes. As was said, "Replended Man" was big news while he was in town then disappeared when he gave up his powers. (WWWW is probably still out there somewhere ...) I can't think of any crime he could be charged with, even if his name was made public afterwards -- he had these powers and he charged people for rescuing them. The only lawsuit I can think of might be if he ran his business without a license or something like that, but considering all the trouble he went through to make up business cards and create tv commercials, he probably filled out the proper paperwork, too. <g> But given when happened in the episode (his sister being kidnapped) I doubt he'd come out publicly anyway, so it would be hard to know who to sue. Kathy
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Just for the record, his name was Resplendent Man. (Doesn't exactly trip off the tongue the way Superman does, hmm?  ) Wendy 
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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thanks y'all. thanks for that website, emily. (funny, i have a sister who is emily h!). that's awfully useful.
so if i think i've fixed what i can in this story, where do i post it for a rough run through for the geeks to spot goofs? and i can post it in pieces, right? don't have to do the whole thing at once. this one is about 75 pages long....
thankee kindly!
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Boards Chief Administrator Pulitzer
Boards Chief Administrator Pulitzer
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so if i think i've fixed what i can in this story, where do i post it for a rough run through for the geeks to spot goofs? and i can post it in pieces, right? don't have to do the whole thing at once. this one is about 75 pages long.... Geeks?  Anyway, it appears you're looking for what we call a Beta Reader (BR). And lucky you! There just happens to be a handful of folcs waiting to do just that. You can find them here . Once you have it beta read, we'd love to see it posted here on the message boards. Most authors do post in parts and you can decide the length. I'm sure others will jump in too with a little more information on posting. Sara