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Heyya Labby smile

Yeppers, Mag 7 and for the most part I use Marns Rowe, Marnie Rowe or Bumpkin for all of the many fandoms that I dabble in. I think the only published Mag 7 one I have up is on the Ezra archive...

I can't recall where I submitted it to seeing as there are three very good archives that I tend to frequent for Mag 7 stuff...



Lady Angel's

... and of course I plopped it up on FF.net for giggles.

Of course when I talk about all the fandoms I have written in, I am not counting all the fandoms that I have wip's in... that could just get scary...

keep penning all,

~pobody's nerfect
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I came to this particular archive/writing fandom fairly late. Well, that's not entirely true. I had written L&C stories prior to posting in October, but they were not very good wink

Other fandoms however I have been writing and posting in for YEARS now. In fact, I'm far more active in other fandoms than I am in this one (though I love L&C to death).

On my fanfiction.net account I currently have 10 stories up.

One is my L&C fic "Revelations in Captivity"... two are Buffy/Highlander crossovers (one is a sequel), five are just straight Buffy fics and one is a Harry Potter/Angel crossover (I think that's ten right?) Oh and I have a Doctor Who fic up.

That's just what I have UP. I have been writing Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Remington Steele, 21 Jump St. and various other fandoms for just...well, forever.

What's the appeal? Well Buffy is far more open in terms of what is acceptable story-wise and character wise. You can kill more characters off, play with different pairings, it's easier to write crossovers, etc. etc. etc.

There are so many taboo things with L&C that I always found it easier to write in other fandoms where I could let me imagination really go anywhere.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Lois and Clark and I have a LONG story that I will be posting here fairly soon, but there is only so much you can do.

I guess I've always been a multi fandom nerd. I am in so many sci-fi/fantasy communities now it's hard to keep track of them all. And I always crave more.

You guys have been so welcoming and so nice and just so wonderful that I've wanted to post more here just so that I'd be a part of this already amazing archive of stories that exists here. I'm excited for this next fic I have coming and maybe one of these days I'll get around to that L&C/Remington Steele crossover wink

So yeah...that's my opinion. smile

Spike: "There's a hole in the world...feels like we ought to have known."
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Like a lot of others, when I was writing LnC fic, I couldn't imagine writing anything else. (Or reading, for that matter.) I never thought I'd write fanfic for any other show. Then, with time, I sort of grew tired of LnC. I felt like I'd run out of ideas for the characters, or at least, I ran out of energy for writing the ideas I had. My interest in other fandoms grew and eventually I wrote stories for CSI (the original Las Vegas cast), Law and Order: SVU, and Xena: WP.

I think, in general, my writing style remains the same, but I tackled very different issues in other fandoms. I was able to branch out and write characters who were very different than Lois and Clark.

I have to say though that I really missed this fandom, even when I wasn't really interested in the stories (writing or reading). I think this group is uniquely unified and supportive as well as talented. For a long time, the quality of the writing here was really unparalleled to anything I saw in other fandoms. I would grow so tired of sifting through hundreds of stories just to find something that didn't make me cringe. When I discovered the Xena fandom, I was thrilled because the writing there is superb. Many, many of the writers in that fandom have gone on to become published romance authors, which is nice not only because it indicates the quality of their fanfic, but also because it's inspiring to someone like me who hopes to make that jump someday. But what I didn't find there is the centralized community that we have here. That fandom is SO large and so spread out among various listservs, that it isn't welcoming the way this one is. Although I very much enjoy the entertainment and inspiration that fandom provides, it's never been a place where I have socialized.

It's been a year or so now since I have written any fanfic (aside from a vignette here or there) and I'm really trying to focus on writing original fiction. I enjoy it, but I definitely miss the community and resources that this fandom had to offer. Which is why I can't help but pop back in every once in awhile, even if I'm not writing anymore. smile

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Caroline wrote:

Certainly there have been great stories written that explore relationships among the minor characters, but overwhelmingly, the people who are here are here because they ship Lois and Clark.
Now, I know I'm showing a terminal case of ignorance here, but what the heck is "ship" in this context? Is it anything like "grok?"

Besides all that, this is a fascinating discussion.

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Now, I know I'm showing a terminal case of ignorance here, but what the heck is "ship" in this context? Is it anything like "grok?"
I'm not sure what "grok" is, but I know "ship."

'Ship is short for relationship, and has since become a verb in many fandoms. To "ship" Lois and Clark means that you're a fan (diehard, even?) of their being together. Shipper is the noun. I'm an L&C shipper. As in the Smallville fandom there are, for example, "Clana shippers," which essentially translates to people who want Clark and Lana to be together.

Sara smile

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Thanks for the explanation, Sara. Couldn't figure that one out on my own.

As for "grok," it's a made-up word from the pen of the late Robert A. Heinlien. In his novel "Stranger in a Strange Land," he introduces a character who was born on Mars, loses his human parents and caretakers, and is raised by Martians, who have a view of the universe which is quite different from that of any human. To a Martian, to "grok" means to comprehend the totality of something. When one "groks" another person, one knows not only the physical form of that person but the mind, the psyche, the inner motivations, and the secret aspirations, along with anything that might reside in other dimensions or realities.

Weird, huh?

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing
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I write for most of the fandoms I like, more often than not as Buffy crossovers.

A full list would be pretty long - several TV series, comics, books, etc. I had five fandoms in one story, plus little appearances from another four or five. The stories I'm currently working on include my Lois and Clark / Highlander / Batman thing, a Buffy / Stargate crossover, a Buffy / Wallage and Gromit crossover, and a Buffy / St Trinians (a VERY old British film comedy series) crossover. I just don't have much time to write fanfic at the moment, since I'm working on a lot of role playing games too, but at the end of the month I get four weeks off work, and hope to get a few things finished then.

Marcus L. Rowland
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This is TOTALLY off-topic but I couldn't resist...

As for "grok," it's a made-up word
Heh. There is actually a word "groak" which is a person who stands around and watches other people eat in the hopes that they'll be invited to join them.

Years ago I was given a book of obscure words as a gift. Ah, the hours of merriment we had with those words. laugh We started calling my sister's boyfriend her "groak" (later her husband, but the name stuck).

My favorite from that deck of cards? Mirkin - a wig for, um, private parts. As the definition said - "can such things really be?"

I wonder where that book is...

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis
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Marcus wrote:
a Buffy / Wallage and Gromit crossover
Do you mean "Wallace and Gromit" with the claymation inventor and his brilliant canine companion? If so, how in the WORLD can you possibly cross that with anything Buffy? I mean, you must be totally brilliant! There's no way I could pull that off!

As for a "mirkin," I can't imagine ever needing one of those. As my teenage daughter likes to say, "That's just so wrong on so many levels. Ewww!"

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing
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Well, it would be easy enough, I guess. Clearly strange and mysterious things happen in Wallace and Gromit's town, just as they do in Sunnydale. If there are WereRabbits running around attacking defenceless veggies...what else could be lurking out there in the night? goofy

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers
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Originally posted by Terry Leatherwood:
Marcus wrote:
a Buffy / Wallage and Gromit crossover
Do you mean "Wallace and Gromit" with the claymation inventor and his brilliant canine companion? If so, how in the WORLD can you possibly cross that with anything Buffy? I mean, you must be totally brilliant! There's no way I could pull that off!
Well, it's WIP and a long time since the last update, but if you really want to see the full horror it's The Right Technology .

Marcus L. Rowland
Forgotten Futures, The Scientific Romance Role Playing Game
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I'm new here, and I'm actually just working on my first L&C fic. The first chapter of 9 will be ready for posting in the near future.

I've been described as being "omnivorous" in my reading habits, and unpredictable in my writing habits! *grin* I started writing fanfic when I was about ten +/- (wish I could remember exactly) and kept it secret for a very long time because I thought writing stories in someone else's universe was illegal and they might arrest me if anyone knew about it. So I had a secret journal of He-man and Thundercats fanfic that I hid under my bed. I still have it, somewhere. Complete with illustrations. Bad ones.

I've written stories about Disney's Gargoyles, X-files, Misty Lackey's Valdemar (and the authorized print zine they were for promptly folded so they're not available), CBS' Beauty and the Beast, Buffy, Star Trek, Quantum Leap, Highlander, and a few crossovers and probably some stuff I'm missing. I've also written quite a bit of original fiction.

L&C is actually a bit intimidating because the quality of the work in the archives is so very high. I've read a LOT of fanfic and I don't think I've ever seen a fandom with such a consistently high level of work available. It's inspirational and a bit scary.


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My fanfic origins are incredibly shameful. Actually, I always say that but I really shouldn't. I started out at the age of 13, writing *NSync fanfiction because I was so desperately 'in love' with Justin Timberlake. lol! I started a hundred stories and never finished any of them. Looking back, they are all 'Mary Sue' stories. However, I learnt a lot from writing them, and they helped me shape my never-ending imagination!

A few years later I wrote some O-Town fiction. As my tastes changed, (not necessarily for the better!) but I got bored of writing the same type of story.

Then I discovered dear Tobey Maguire, and my writing style changed completely. I now write fiction for TMO (Tobey Maguire Online) message-boards, and have really grown thanks to the useful feedback and advice that the members always give.

That's pretty much why I am here. I want to continue writing about subjects, and characters that mean a lot to me and excite me. I've been a L&C fan for ages, much to my parents and older sisters annoyance, and feel I want to write something that will keep me from watching my season 1-2 DVD's all the time, (it really is a bad habit!)

The only problem is all the stories I can find are so clever, imaginative, well thought out, and, not to mention, well written, that I am kind of intimidated.

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this place is awesome
I agree, Metro!

I don't currently write for other fandoms*, but I do read a lot of other fandoms, mainly Harry Potter and Pride & Prejudice, so I just wanted to throw in my .02 about one thing even though it is technically off topic.

*(although I did put up one in the Superman Returns forum at fanfiction.net, but that is so closely related that I don't think it counts)

I love this fandom, for lots of reasons: because it is so tightly knit, with veterans like Labby and Pam and Wendy who care and show us newbies the way, not to mention going above and beyond with things like editing; because the quality of the writing here blows me away; because the collaboration between this message board, Annesplace, and lcfanfic.com is like having three great places to hang out all in one home; because the nfic section is lovely nfic, not porn nfic; and finally because the people here are intelligent, providing interesting conversations and no flaming. So, thank you to everyone who makes it that way!

EDIT - Whoops, just found the Reading other Fanfics thread; this should have gone there. Sorry! peep

lisa in the sky with diamonds
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Er I write for other fandoms, but I haven't written for L&C.

I write for Angel but my fanfic is mostly Cordelia/Angel centric.

I've also written a couple of fanfics for Bones and I'm in the midst of writing a crossover story between Bones and Angel (it's for a competition and being co-written by myself and two friends..otherwise I would never have attempted it by myself).

Whilst I thought that it was difficult to write a character who can never die and in some cases if you follow "cannon" religously also never achieve "perfect happiness" lest he turn evil again ... I've found that L&C has it's own set of problems or "cannon" to follow or not as the case may be.

There isn't a fanfic yet that I haven't read at the boards, that I haven't enjoyed.

On the whole, I've found Lois&Clark fanfic writers to be an extremely talented bunch.

Just my two cents worth.

take care, sarahk_4005

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I haven't actually posted L&C fanfic, but I will soon. wink I do write Harry Potter, and I use a different style from L&C, because I feel as if the syle for one just won't fit the other-you know? I also have written for the Superman movies.

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