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I dabble in other fanfic -- mostly Stargate, and I used to follow Farscape. Every once in a while I'll check to see if there's new fic for Scarecrow & Mrs. King. I've also read a few Xena fics, and once a ST:V fic. I've read some of Wendy's Whofics, but haven't branched out to the fandom in general. In book fandom, I've read a few things set in Lois McMaster Bujold's Barrayar universe. Probably a few others I can't remember at the moment, too. But most of those, as you may have guessed, I just look at for a little while and then lose interest in for weeks, months, years at a time. The only exception was about 15 years ago, when I was addicted to Blake's 7 fanzines.  But I haven't looked at those in ages. L&C is the only fandom I'll check on a regular basis -- even if I don't usually have time to read anything, I want to know what's there. As for re-reading -- well, of course! For one thing, I tend to read a little too quickly, first time through, and there are some details I only notice on the second or third time through. I don't even count a LMB novel as read until I've gone through it at *least* three times. Plus, if I enjoyed it the first time, I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy it again. Sometimes I want to revisit a particular story, and sometimes I just have a craving for a certain emotion. I *might* be able to find something new that suits my fancy, but going back to favorites is a sure bet. Though I'll admit that most of the time, I skip the first third or so of the story and then re-read the good parts  I know the problem set-up, after all; what I want to read about (experience) is the resolution. Some of the fanfic on my hard drive, I've converted to Word files and put book-marks into. If I want to re-read the elevator scene in Home II, for instance, I open up the file, and then go to that book mark, and there I am  Saves scrolling PJ
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Well, I came to the Writing thread late, so I'll poke my head in here late too <g>.
I read fanfic for everything. If the show/movie/etc interests me and I have some remote idea who the characters are, assuming the fanfic is well-written I'll probably give it a shot. I've read fanfic for shows I've never seen <g>. I'm sure most of the references go right over my head, but if it's well written I generally enjoy it (although a well-versed fan might enjoy it more).
Usually I'm drawn to these fandoms because I've fallen in love with the show/movie/etc. I can't not read about them. Some character or concept or relationship just fascinates me. If I feel like I know the source material well enough I might try to write my own, but for shows where I haven't seen all the episodes I'm generally content just to read.
And on occasion I'll follow a good writer from fandom to fandom if I particularly like his/her work, even if I'm not at all familiar with the new fandom. Years ago I followed a FoLC writer into Star Trek TNG and became a fan of that too <g>.
Anyway, most commonly I read L&C, but I read Star Wars, Gargoyles, and Beauty and the Beast (the TV show) fairly often. Star Wars has a lot of fanfic but the average quality is relatively low. Gargoyles has relatively little fanfic and the average quality is still relatively low; there are a few amazing authors there, but you have to sort through a lot of dross to find them. Beauty and the Beast has a lot of fanfic, but because the fandom predates the Internet a large portion of it is only available in printzines. And very few fandoms have central archives the way that we do (and none of those I've come across have GEs!), so it's harder to find fanfic there than it is in FoLCdom.
In the past I've dabbled in Star Trek TNG, X-Files, Smallville, the Matrix... I'm sure there must be some I'm forgetting.
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You know this has been a fascinating thread and it's made me realise something I hadn't before. Although I often search out fanfic for favourite TV shows as a matter of course, I very rarely search out fanfic for movies I've adored (I recall once taking a look for The Mummy fanfic, but not finding anything of quality to suit me, but that's about it, FAIR) and it has never, ever occurred to me to go looking for fanfic on novels I've read. I've no idea why this should be. I've been mulling it over for a spell, but not getting any answers. LabRat 
Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly. Aramis: Yes, sorry. Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.
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it has never, ever occurred to me to go looking for fanfic on novels I've read I usually don't either, but did look to see whether there was fanfic based on Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West, my latest obsession. Thing is, though, that I know nobody will be able to even get close to Gregory Maguire's style and ability to evoke atmosphere, or at least I'd have to wade through a whole lot of garbage in order to find something of good quality, so I gave up on that idea pretty quickly. To me, when it comes to novels, it's not just about what the writer's saying, but how he or she is saying it. Prose, dialogue, descriptions, attention to detail and plot: it all comes together to form a whole. And that's a lot tougher to emulate than a TV show or movie, I think.
Fanfic | MVs Clark: "Lois? She's bossy. She's stuck up, she's rude... I can't stand her."Lana: "The best ones always start that way.""And you already know. Yeah, you already know how this will end." - DeVotchKa
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I'm arriving late to this thread, I hope its no problem, but I couldn't help it  . I too have been an avid reader in other fandoms. I think X Files has been the largest pool I've jumped in terms of sheer size and variety. It was an great experience (I got into it at its height just after the movie came out) and I still have one fic there that just blows me away every time I re-read it (even though it has been a highly contentious fic in the fandom, but that's another topic), but otherwise I'm pretty much done with it and have been for a while. I think my experience with X-Files was so positive because of my personal taste in really dark themes. The series lends itself to that. Soon after my foray into X Files I tried Star Wars , having been a long time fan. Still, I'd have to agree with someone who mentioned that the overall quality of the fanfic just isn't as high as here. This is my newest fandom (athough I was addicted to the series, it just never ocurred to me to look for fics)--I've been pouring through everything under the sun in terms of fanfic and have found the quality of most of what I've encountered pretty high in terms of creativity and just darn good writing. There might not be the sheer volume there is of material as there is in other fandoms, but what there is more often than not is top notch in my experience. That's way better than wading through tons of junk to get to one gem. 
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For some reason I never even though of looking for fanfic outside of lois & clark. Now that I know they are out there I might be reading more.
Can anyone clue me in on a good writer for Gilmore Girls or Smallville fanfic.
Lois: You think we'll be together when we get old and gray. Clark: I sure hope so because I don't think I could go on living if living is without you.
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I'm brand new on this site, so I guess this will function as something of an introduction, too. I've been writing for fun since elementary school -- I'll be 31 in a few days -- and writing fanfic since Thundercats and He-man! *LOL* My tastes have somewhat improved, or at least grown more adult, since then. "Recent" fandoms that I've written in include Disney's Gargoyles, X-files, one rather in-jokey Star Trek fic that keeps cropping up in various places, Buffyverse, Misty Lackey's Valdemar (for an authorized fanzine -- which promptly folded before printing my stories), CBS' Beauty and the Beast -- the 80's series -- and probably some that I'm forgetting and some that I'm deliberately not owning up to! (Also quite a bit of original fic.) And I read pretty much everything ... Lois and Clark was a "new find" because I missed the series when it was originally airing, and I've been amazed by the quality of the fic in the archives. There are some very good writers in this fandom ... I've been spending waaay to much time with my nose to the monitor over the last few weeks. (editing this now that my day's done at work, since nobody's posted after me!) Fanfiction I read currently include Buffy, Hercules, Harry Potter, and a few others. It would not be possible to list all the fandoms I've gotten briefly wrapped up in, in the past. I've been known to get interested in a TV show because a favorite fanwriter of mine started writing in that universe. *shrug* I figure there's too much good stuff out there to restrict myself to one universe. FINDING the "good stuff" can be somewhat hard ... I am consistently impressed by the quality and quantity of fanfic available for Lois and Clark. Finding "good stuff" for this fandom's a whole heck of a lot easier than it is for, say, the Buffyverse!
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I do read other fanfic, mainly Harry Potter, Gilmore Girls, and Austen P&P. (Thank you for those links, Caroline!) FoLC is my favorite fandom, generally because I like the romance theme, and here you get a lot of it. Also I like this fandom just for the community and the quality, which I talked about here . Lately I have also been reading Superman Returns fics at fanfiction.net but the really good stories are few and far between there. In fact, whenever I read a good one there I have an overwhelming urge to email the author to ask if the like LnC as well and if so send them over here!
lisa in the sky with diamonds
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Perhaps I should start a new thread but to me L&C fanfic world seems uncommonly organized with the awards and everything I wonder why exactly is that? or is that a faulty impression?
Now I'm not that familiar with other fanfic. I think I read some Star trek or Archive X things by misstake. But I always thought fanfic was junk until I started reading this stuff. I mean many people here should have been published.
I do know you, and I know you wouldn't lie... at least to me...most of the time...
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Yes, I am reading other fanfiction as well. My main interest for a long time has been JAG, whose fandom I've been following rather closely in the past. I liked the show for their two very complex people, also interacting with an interesting group of supporting characters. More or less the same can be said for my interest in Stargate (classic SG-1) but that may also have been colored by my attraction to the former lead character  Both of those fandoms got some good writers and archives/writing groups which are generally a pleasure to visit. Smallville is a show I've been watching in the past, so naturally fanfiction was a thought as well. I did (and seldomly still do) read some stories but like Yvonne already explained, the results do not satisfy me. SV is a show with teen characters for a teen audience and that weighs heavily on the quality - not in a good way. Altough the target audience is similar for The OC, its fandom (or what I've seen so far) is mature enough for enjoyable results. Though OC fanfiction is heavily colored in erotica, so I only get to read when the mood strikes me because that genre's not my motivation behind reading. House MD is my current obsession, as I just noticed this show on national TV a few months ago. The main character is a real pain in the *** and on every other show he'd be hated by me but he fascinates me through his circumstances and history. In the past I've visited plenty of different fandoms but I only stick with LnC while taking a look every now and then into those mentioned alternatives. Thanks by the way to Chris for this Gilmore Girls archive link, I've always wanted to read some of those stories but I only ever knew ff.net (and to find one good story there, you have to eliminate 15 mediocre and 20 awful ones first)
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Absolutely, I do. Though nowadays I prefer discussion to fic, usually, because I've become very picky.
I love Firefly fic. Ususally non-romance, though I do read Zoe/Wash and the occasional Kaylee/Simon fic. I like Mal/Inara, too, but don't read much fic on them. Excepting the Zoe/Was shorties, I think I like my romance mixed with a general fic for that fandom. I like gen stories and stories about Simon and River (that's my absolute favorite relationship on the show) - I just wish some people'd mark their incest stories more clearly so I could avoid them. I also tend to like one-characer-based fics, dealing with their perceptions of the world around them.
I read Star Wars fics. I read prequel AUs where Anakin doesn't fall (Thwarted Fate - fanstastic) and time-travel fics where the OT and PT meet and Anakin doesn't fall. And RUs for the original trilogy (that don't reference New Jedi Order because I despised it haven't bought a new SW book since the first one came out - I strongly dislike the new books). I like ones set where right after ROTJ where Han's trying to figure out the details of them being siblings and finds out Vader is their father, or Leia wants to know how Luke found out, etc.
I don't read a lot of fic, though.
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The Mummy was the first fandom I was heavily into. I discovered fanfiction for it about seven years ago and read a lot of it before beginning to write my own. The main reason I like The Mummy is very similar to the main reason I like Lois and Clark, the characters are wonderful. Rick and Evelyn have such amazing chemistry, as do Lois and Clark. I have to admit it is mostly the fluffy romances I usually go for in both fandoms. As for what The Mummy has that Lois and Clark doesn't? The only thing that comes to mind is Brendan Fraser... but Dean makes a very, very good substitute.
I've attempted to get into other fandoms but never quite caught on.
Moulin Rouge is my favorite movie other than The Mummy, and I've read a few fics, but I just couldn't get into it. Maybe the movie just seemed to finalize everything too much?
I've also attempted Silent Hill, because the psychological aspect to it is absolutely amazing, but fanfictions just don't do the hauntingly beautiful art (and yes, these video games are ART) justice the way that playing the games or watching the movie does.
All in all I really think that the biggest factor for me is the magnetism of the characters, and Lois and Clark is LOADED with it.
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Well, I am completely new to LC fanfic (I've been reading for a few months but just ventured over here to the message boards yesterday), but I've been reading/writing fanfic for 7 or 8 years. For about five years I stuck solely to Harry Potter. But for the last few years I've been branching out. I've read and dabble a little in writing Star Trek (Voyager and Next Gen), Smallville, Buffy, X-Men, Lord of the Rings (mostly book based, not movie based), NCIS, and Tamora Pierce. There are probably a few more, but I can't think of them off the top of my head.
The biggest fandom I follow now is Star Wars (I have a four part epic in the works), and I've been reading and writing for a little over two years on theforce.net.
I seem to have this trend though, I find an archive (fanfic.theforce.net and lcfanfic.com) and read for a few months and then I realize (yes I somehow missed it before) that there are message boards attached where there is even *more* cool stuff to read!
So here I am. I'm not a newbie to fanfic in general, but I'm new to Lois and Clark fanfic and to these message boards. So, hi all!
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Hi Katey, Glad to have you  Hope you'll have a great time here -- any questions, just ask! We don't usually bite. PJ
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yeah I have always been into other fandoms. Among them are my favorites, of course Lois & Clark, Stargate crossovers( http://www.tthfanfic.com/), Star Wars, Star Trek, Farscape, Babylon 5. Highlander( http://www.seventh-dimension.org/), Spacebattles.com(crossovers usually with B5 theme)http://forum.spacebattles.com/forumdisplay.php?f=18, www.fanfiction.net for Smallville, Superman Returns, and any that strikes my interest. Lastly, Journeyverse( http://www.grandt.com/Journey/stories/) website is defintely interesting because an author was displeased how the writers treated Xander in Buffy the Vampire Slayer tv show so he wrote a big adventure basing on Xander. As a result of that, other authors followed in his steps and established XanderZone which contains many crossovers,etc.( http://www.grandt.com/XanderZone/stories/). It's very easy to get drawed in their worlds and see things from the authors perspective which is fun and why I love fandom! 
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Titanic fanfic was the first I ever read. I'd never even heard of fan fiction until then. That was 7 years ago. A few months later I discovered L&C fanfic. I've been addicted ever since. I've also read fanfics on X-files, Buffy, Roswell, and Smallville, although it's been extrememly hard and frustrating to find good quality writing. I guess I've gotten spoiled with the excellence in L&C fanfics. It's hard to top that, unfortunately.
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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I've read (and written) fanfic for Buffy, Harry Potter, and now L&C. I also dabbled a bit in Lord of the Rings, but only read a little bit of the "LotR fanfic academy" by someone whose name I have completely forgotten.
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Titanic fanfic was the first I ever read. I'd never even heard of fan fiction until then. Me too! 
lisa in the sky with diamonds
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Originally posted by DSDragon: I've read (and written) fanfic for Buffy, Harry Potter, and now L&C. I also dabbled a bit in Lord of the Rings, but only read a little bit of the "LotR fanfic academy" by someone whose name I have completely forgotten. Unfortunately Fanfiction.Net pulled all of the "fanfic academy" stuff (there were at least fifteen or twenty of them) because ONE person complained that they contravened ff.net rules. No appeal, no discussion, they just deleted them.
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Re DSDragon and Marcus's posts, if you mean The Official Fanfiction University of Middle-earth, by Camilla Sandman, it's still found on ff.net here . However, some of the versions based on it did get yanked after someone went on a reporting spree. A lot are still up, though: Cam estimates something like twenty were taken down, but at least 40 stayed up, and there's now at least 60 of them. I know this, not because I read LOTR fic, but because Cam is one of my friends in another fandom - small world! I know that OFUM is one of her most-loved fics in any fandom, and as she's one of the most talented writers I've come across in any fandom I'd recommend OFUM if you're a LOTR fan. Wendy 
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