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Hmm, sounds like I need to check out that monkey story. :p Anyway, here's another clue. Hopefully, I'm not living in Obtuseville this round. "Lois..." He looked down at their hands, then back at her. "This isn't a real marriage."
The tender expression left Lois' face and she snatched her hand from his. "No. I guess not." Why did Clark have to bring that up and look so pathetic, reminding her that he secretly wanted more? With her ambivalent feelings rising again to the surface, she got up and started to the kitchen, eager to put some space between them.
Clark followed, not quite understanding why he was being so perverse, yet unable to stop his hurtful words. "Come on, Lois. I think you should be honest here. The only reason you're doing this is to save my life."
She spun around to look at him. "I could do that without marrying you," she hissed. "Babies are born everyday without the security of marriage." And here's another one thrown in just for some measure. When Dr Klein was alone, he stared down at the file in his hand in disbelief. He'd just told The Man of Steel that he was seriously ill and the magnitude of the situation was threatening to overwhelm him. Clinical work was certainly not his specialty; he'd long ago realized that dealing with people was something he wasn't good at. But he'd do anything at all for Superman.
"Cancer," Bernie mumbled absently as he rose from his stool. "Wow." Cheers, Jen
"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy
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Hopefully, I'm not living in Obtuseville this round. There is a middle ground, Shadow. That is A Gift for Life by StopQuitDont and Jenni Debbage. A really sweet story. I didn’t read it originally because I thought cancer wasn’t something that fit the Superman character. My mistake. The monkey story was hilarious, I think it just about the first slash I’ve encountered in the fandom. Anyway.. One of my absolute favourites. A few minutes later, Clark was a short way down the beach, busy collecting and laying out the wood for a campfire to cook their supper that evening when a brunette tornado bore down on him, her brown eyes flashing with the intensity of her anger. "What are these?"
His gaze dropped to the items in her hands. "Well, I'm not sure, but this one looks like a dress and the others might be shorts and a tank top. You think?"
She followed his hand movements then returned her glare to his face, growling sarcastically. "In my size?"
"I certainly don't need them in my size." He chuckled, shook his head at the image and turned to start working again.
Lois, however, wasn't finished. "Clark Kent, you'd better have a good explanation for why there are woman's clothes here in MY size."
Eyebrows raised and head tilted, he asked quietly. "Tell me something, Lois Lane, would you feel better if they were ANOTHER size?" Clue2: Hands on hips, she glared at him. "I can't believe you did this. You've practically kidnapped me." "I did not." Her voice dropped in tone as she hissed, sarcastically. "Oh, really? Then take me back. This instant." His arms crossed against his chest stubbornly. "Nope." Her eyes widened. "Why not?" "I'm not ready to go back yet." "You can't do this! You can't just bring me here then keep me against my will." Clark's head tilted as he considered her words. Rubbing his chin, he murmured. "Look around you. It seems I already have and, therefore, I CAN. I would give that some thought, if I were you." clue3: She was the first to break the silence. "Where exactly are we?" His head tilted as he considered her question. "We're walking along a beach on a tiny uncharted island in the middle of an ocean somewhere in the world." "You wouldn't want to be a little more . . . um, vague, would you?" "Nope, I honestly don't think that would be necessary."
I do know you, and I know you wouldn't lie... at least to me...most of the time...
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Hi, I just dropped in from lurksville to check out this game. I haven't been following it at all, but I do know this gem. It was one of the first L&C nfics I ever read back in the mid 90's. It's: "Sanctuary" by BB Medos I was a beta for her "Never Ending Battle(?) for Sanctuary" some years ago. Sadly she never finished that... So now I need to put in the next challenge?? Okay, I'll be right back... Okay I'm back. I hope this hasn't been done yet. Like I said before, I haven't been following this thread. Here goes: Lois surveyed the parking lot trying to second guess the type of vehicle she might find. "Clark, come on, which one is it?"
"Why is it so important?" Clark chuckled.
"Well- I mean, a car says a lot about a person I think." Lois tipped her head in concentration.
"Well," Clark began. "You know a lot about me ... guess." He smiled and Lois slapped his arm playfully.
"All right." She furrowed her brow, suddenly looking up. "It better not be a mini-van"
Clark laughed. "Why not? What's wrong with Mini-vans?"
Lois shrugged. "Well nothing, really, it's just ... I don't see you as the mini-van type. Besides, they're boring."
Clark had to stop himself from laughing. God, it had been so long since he'd laughed this way with anyone! "It's not a mini-van, Lois."
"Good." She smiled.
"In fact ..." They rounded the corner of the parking lot and Lois gasped.
"You're kidding, right?"
"Nope. That's it." He watched Lois as she disengaged from his arm and moved to examine the small red Lotus. She placed her hands on its edge and ran her fingers along the roof in a way that made Clark wish she had done the same thing to him.
"What -- did they pay you in gold bars over there in France?" She looked up at him and Clark stoically shook his head.
"No, I mortgaged my underwear for that thing," Clark admitted.
Lois giggled, moving back towards him. "So," she tapped his chest, "there *is* an earthling male in there somewhere, huh?" Write on! Anne
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Ooh, I know! This is Heaven\'s Prisoners by Demi. A really lovely, sad story with a happy ending. Hmm... Something else to quote... How about this? "Last night ... I thought it sounded like Perry was giving you the third degree and I was right! I couldn't understand it at the time because why would he be grilling the very guy he'd wanted me to meet in the first place?" "You know, I did kind of wonder about some of the questions he asked me, but -- "
She interrupted him. "Boy, am I going to give Mr. Perry White a piece of my mind the next time I see him. He has no business interrogating my ..."
She became aware that Clark was silently laughing. "What's so funny?"
"Elvis almost married the wrong person, too, Lois."
She stared at him for a moment while memories of Perry trying to tell his story and Alice trying even harder to prevent him, skipped through her mind, and then she was laughing, too.
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Oh, I'm so excited! I know this one! I'm so bad at this game. I don't even usually recognize my own stories. But I just read this one again recently. It's Meet Me In Kansas City by Chris Mulder. Oh, boy! This is so exciting! This is the first quote I've ever been able to quess without someone else guessing it first! Oh, no. I don't have another quote! Uhh... I'll be back. Sorry it took me so long. But since I'll probably never get one right again, I had to find just the right one. Okay, this story is one I pull up whenever I need a smile and a laugh. "So how's your arm doing?"
Lois pulled up the sleeve of her t-shirt to expose the series of dark bruises that had formed on her upper arm where one of the men had grabbed her. "It looks worse than it is."
Clark shook his head in amazement. "You can actually see the finger marks." He took her arm and rotated it carefully. "And your leg?"
She waved off his concern. "Sore but not too badly bruised. How about your ribs?"
"Like you said, looks worse than it feels. But I didn't know skin could be so many different colors at once!"
"Ooo, let me see."
He sat back and lifted the hem of his t-shirt, exposing his chest, then laughed at the look on Lois's face.
"Geez, Clark! That looks horrible!"
"Doesn't it, though?"
Lois shook her head. "Matches your face, though," she added with a half smile. "Your right eye is a *very* becoming shade of purple. ML (who still can't believe she guessed one  )
She was in such a good mood she let all the pedestrians in the crosswalk get to safety before taking off again. - CC Aiken, The Late Great Lois Lane
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Lol, ML, I know how you feel. I can recognize other people's work, but I'm always mortified when I don't catch my own writing! I was quoted once this time around and I managed to catch it, but only because it was a very memorable scene <g>. (I did mean to ask, if Arawn is still around, why s/he thought In Dreams was "too advanced" for him/her? I'm not complaining, and certainly if you don't like alt-world stories ID's not going to be for you, but I wondered what "too advanced" meant  ) I think I do recognize this one, but I just guessed the last one and I don't have another quote ready, so I'll let someone else guess Kaylle
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I know this one! It's Wine, Wine, Wine by Kathy Brown. It's really funny! Lois shook her head. "I could never hurt Clark that way. I have no intention of ruining his happiness, but you'd better tell him soon, Mayson. If you really love Clark, you can't expect to have an honest relationship with him if you're keeping a big secret from him," she said, and stared intently into Mayson's eyes. "The longer you keep the secret, the more it's going to hurt when the truth finally comes out." Mayson was about to respond when a waiter handed her a note. She sighed. "It seems Clark was called away." Lois felt relief wash over her. She would not have to face Clark and Mayson together. "Then I'd better be going." She said, and rose from her chair. "Tell him soon, Mayson. Clark doesn't deserve that kind of pain." Mayson's eyes narrowed, "I'm getting a slightly clearer picture now. I think you're carrying a little torch for your best friend." Lois folded her arms. "I'd hardly call it little, but don't worry, Drake," she said, no longer putting up a pretense of civility. "I was too slow acknowledging my deeper feelings for Clark, so I won't be making any last minute bid to take him away from you." "As if you could." Mayson laughed sourly. "I just realized that there's no reason for me to ever reveal my true feelings about Superman to Clark. Working in the D.A.'s office gives one a flair for the melodramatic. I'll simply pretend to be courteous to the alien when my path crosses his." "That's even worse!" "I think given enough time, I can turn Clark around to my way of thinking, and when that happens, the truth won't matter." Mayson rose from her chair and faced Lois. "Unless you intend to go behind my back and tell him yourself." "That won't be necessary." Mayson and Lois turned to see Clark approaching the table. Ever since childhood Lois had desired the power of invisibility, but this was the first time as an adult that she would have paid any price if she could secure that power. Mayson walked up to Clark and began fiddling with his lapels nervously. "The note said you were called away." "Is it true, Mayson?" He asked, ignoring her question. "Do you hate Superman?" "My God, Clark! What possible difference could my feelings for Superman make? What does he have to do with us?" "Is it true?" Mayson sighed. "If I'd told you that I had an aversion to snakes or spiders, would that have mattered to you?" "No," Clark said softly. "But the fact that you'd lump Superman in with other 'creatures' that make your flesh crawl does matter." "You were eavesdropping!" "Not intentionally, Mayson. I had something personal to discuss with you, but when I saw Lois, I ducked into the shadows."
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart
Helen Keller
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Kaylle, IIRC, In Dreams jumped between alt worlds, continents, dreamsequences and years. To me that's advanced, or perhaps that's a nicer way of saying that I found it confusing.  It doesn't help that I can hardly work up any interest in alt-Clark and his world on my best day. But I can understand the alt-world's appeal with ambitious writers, with greater freedom to develop the characters and story.
I do know you, and I know you wouldn't lie... at least to me...most of the time...
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Ah! 'Confusing' I understand  Thanks for explaining, I was just curious <g> I have no idea what that last story was, but I'm intrigued, so I hope someone answers it soon...
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Boards Chief Administrator Pulitzer
Boards Chief Administrator Pulitzer
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Woohoo!! I knew I knew this one. It just took a few hours to remember what it was.  This is one I've read countless times. Zoomway's You Made Me Love You (and don't forget to follow it up with Wheels of Justice and Great Shades of Elvis to complete the set!) Here's from one of my all time favorites! I'm not sure how vague it is, but I was trying not to make it *too* easy, considering it's a SuperFutures. "So you're from Metropolis?"
"Yep. What about you? I mean, before you came here."
"My dad's family is from Chicago and my mom is from near San Francisco. When we're in the States, the Bay Area is our home base, but we travel around a lot. I've never been to Metropolis, though."
"It's just another big city."
"I wouldn't say that. No other city has Superman."
She rolled her eyes. She could never quite get used to all the hero worship Dad got.
He flushed slightly. "I guess it's a little childish to still be into Superman."
"Oh, not at all--that's not it. All the kids at school are into Superman, and so are most of the adults in Metropolis. It's just that-- well, he's a friend of our family, from way back when he first appeared in the city and Mom and Dad covered the story, so he seems ordinary to me. I mean, imagine if everyone acted about your Aunt Diane the way people act about Superman."
He laughed. "If Aunt Diane could fly and went around saving lives, I'm sure they would." Sara 
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Boards Chief Administrator Pulitzer
Boards Chief Administrator Pulitzer
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All right, I guess that was too vague. Here's another hint that should be a dead give away if you've read it: *Laney, wake up!*
Laney Kent sat up in bed in response to the voice sounding in her mind. *I'm awake*, she thought. *I'll be there in a few minutes.* She checked the clock. Two a.m. Moving slowly and stealthily, she slid out of bed and dressed in old jeans, a dark t-shirt, and hiking boots. She pulled her heavy brown-black hair into a ponytail, and, after a moment's thought, took insect repellent from her dresser and slathered it on her exposed skin. Smelly stuff--she'd have to be sure to shower before Marty or her parents saw her tomorrow so they wouldn't suspect--but if she were to come down with malaria in a week or so, there would be no way to keep this a secret, so there would really be hell to pay. Sara 
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Aliens and Strangers by Susan Stone How 'bout an easy one from my favorite vignette: A soft chuckle emanated from the shadows in the rear of the building. "You won't be able to get them loose, you know," her captor stated, amused by her efforts. "And we're too far from other buildings for anyone to hear you screaming. In case you were wondering."
"I appreciate the advice," she replied haughtily, "but I've had far more experience at this than you have, and I'm here to tell you, it's important not to give up."
Dimly, she could see him tilting his head in acknowledgement of her point. "Ah, but Superman won't save you this time." He began moving restlessly, and emerged from the shadows, revealing the mild-mannered exterior of Clark Kent. Lois had learned, however, not to judge this particular book by its cover. "And no saving yourself, either," he added as an afterthought. Julie
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Top Banana
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Finally I got it! I remembered this story but I could say the title or the author, but finally, because this is a vignette about lessons for a wannabe superhero... Lessons by Pam! I'll come back with a good one later... Ok, I love this story: Clark gasped as he sat upright and looked around.
The room was empty.
But... there it was again. An invisible touch so gentle and so intimate that it grazed his soul.
He reached out blindly and found himself touching something solid. He explored with his fingertips, then felt himself being gathered into a hug.
He hadn't been hugged like that since... He couldn't remember when. Perhaps he hadn't been hugged like that, held to a warm and comforting busom, since he was ten years old and his parents had died.
Should he be frightened? There was nobody there. He was being embraced by air.
It felt so good.
He gave into temptation, and he began to sob. Simona 
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I thought at first it was Wendy's A Twist of Fates , but I was wrong. Darn.
lisa in the sky with diamonds
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Hack from Nowheresville
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I thought for sure that it was "Tryst" by Pam Jerigan but I can't find that particular passage. Is it possible that I am correct??
Aaaahh, I hate when I think I have the answer but can't prove it.....
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No, this is not "A twist of fate" of "Tryst" (I quoted this great story few days ago) but they have something in common with this one... A little more: This was...
It felt like...
It couldn't be...
She'd only just met him, and he couldn't really be said to have met her at all. Yet she'd witnessed his triumphs, his failures, his generosity and his pain. She understood him better than she'd understood anyone in her life, except perhaps for her sister.
But love was out of the question. There was no way they could be together. They were from two different worlds, worlds that brushed against each other from time to time, but which were never meant to meet.
He was alive. She was dead. Simona 
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Ooh! I know it, and I'll post since I have a story picked.. just need to find the quote. This particular story is Chris Carr's Some Kind of Angel . Okay, be right back, need to find a quote. Got it. It's tought to pick out just the right quote.. but let's try this one. Something on tv this morning gave me the urge to re-skim this story. Clark moved a lock of hair that had fallen over one of Lois' soft brown eyes, and gently placed it behind one ear. He gazed longingly at the beautiful woman standing in front of him. She was so brilliant, so gifted, and so utterly incredible. He looked deep into those eyes, searching for the love reflected there.
"...I...I can't wait that long. Where could we be married in a hurry--say tonight?" he said, as he reached out and lightly cupped his hand next to her cheek. He moved his thumb ever so slowly over her delicate cheekbone and leaned in to kiss her, as he had done so many, many times before. But this time it was completely different, this time they were....
"Stop!" Martha Kent's voice rang out from the third row of seats in the darkened auditorium of Smallville High School.
Clark pulled back and turned toward the sound of the shrill voice. Lois took a couple of steps back and folded her arms across her chest, a gesture closing him out- -a gesture Clark had become all too used to this past week.
"You need me. You wouldn't be much of a hero without a villain. And you do love being the hero, don't you. The cheering children, the swooning women, you love it so much, it's made you my most reliable accomplice." -- Lex Luthor to Superman, Question Authority, Justice League Unlimited
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Aha! Finally one I recognize and I am on time to say so. This is Barb Pillsbury's Smallville Players III: The Final Curtain . He closed his eyes, briefly, praying for her image to leave him and stop playing tricks on him; but when he opened them again, the mirage was still there, dark pools in its eyes, colour-drained cheeks, and Clark's super senses picked up the sound of a racing heartbeat.
Mirages weren't supposed to have a heartbeat!
A sudden shiver ran through him as he stood still, unable to move, frozen into place, and watched the origin of his sudden unease look frantically for an escape. But it couldn't be... *she* couldn't be...
He was experiencing a weird feeling, something new... no, not new, he corrected. Something experienced long ago and now buried deep inside him, something that had waited until this moment to bubble up back to the surface of his subconscious and grasp at his senses, something he hadn't been able to feel for months. A rush of adrenaline coursed through his whole body, making his head spin and leaving him slightly dizzy; an abrupt acceleration of his heartbeat, knots tying themselves in the centre of his chest.
No mirage. Saskia 
I tawt I taw a puddy cat!
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Oh, that's a great moment from a great story - Kaethel's Near Wild Heaven - Half a World Away Here's the revelation from another wonderful story... "Lois," he said into her neck. He waited until she drew back before he continued. "I will wait a few days. let them lock me up, then I'll get out."
"Get out? How?"
"Lois," he said and glanced away from her for a moment. He met her eyes with a serious expression. "Look at me. I *will* get out. There's only one thing that could keep me from it."
"One thing? Clark, what are talking about?"
"Take my glasses off."
She lifted her hand and did as she was told. He looked so much like someone else. How could she have been fooled by a pair of glasses? She knew exactly what he meant. "Oh god!" Lois drew away in shock. Her partner, the man she thought she knew, was someone totally different.
"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5
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I really, really have to guess this! It's wonderful Purgatory by Stopquitdont! I wanted to lay back for few turns, but I like, love so much this story! Every time I read it I have to send an email to SQD to say her how much this is great!  I think I read it five, six times, but I cry all my tears every time! I'm hopelessly in love with L&C' world! I'm going to search for another... Well, this is another from the revelation scene's path... I'm not a NASA experiment, Lois. I'm Kryptonian."
One sentence, two words, a million implications.
Kryptonian? How could he be Kryptonian? Superman was the only Kryptonian on earth. Unless… Perhaps what Clark was telling her was that Superman wasn't the only Kryptonian on Earth. That would explain how Clark always knew how to get a hold of Superman at a moment's notice. He knew more about Superman than anyone. It was possible, wasn't it, that they were even brothers?
Lois studied Clark's face as he began to speak again, forcing herself to accept the truth. Clark wasn't another Kryptonian. He wasn't Superman's brother. Clark was the only Kryptonian on Earth. Clark was Superman. Simona 