This is a LnC take of Back to the future.

Zack To The Future

5th September 2023

Zack Samuel Kent is the youngest son of Lois Lane and Clark Kent he is in his senior year of high school and is about to turn 18 in two weeks time. He is just like his father in looks and personality he even has a pair of glasses. He lives in the new houses that were built before Zack was born (Lois and Clark bought it when Lois was pregnant with Zack) with his older brother J.C. (Short for Jonathan Clark) who’s 22 and older sister Laney who’s 19.

Lois and Clark were killed in a car crash on Zack’s 10th birthday. Clark had been exposed to Kryptonite the day before and was unable to prevent it from happening he was killed on impact, Lois died when the paramedics cut her out of the car Jimmy who was also in the car was paralysed from the waist down he killed his self on New Years day that year.
Martha and Jonathan sold the farm to move in with the children Jonathan died four months later and Martha died six months after that. Ellen went back to drinking which Sam could deal with and he left for L.A. to be nearer Lucy. They were both killed in a plane crash travelling back to metropolis for Thanksgiving two years after Lois and Clark’s deaths. Losing two daughters pushed Ellen over the edge and she began to drink even more two years later she died of kidney and liver failure.
Perry White also didn’t take the news of losing his top reporters well and when Jimmy killed himself he retired and moved to Florida. A month ago they got a phone call from Alice to say that he had, had a massive heart attack and died.


Zack came down the stairs pulling on a sweater and forcing his feet into a pair well worn trainers he grabbed his bag from the settee and went into the kitchen where his sister Laney was preparing breakfast and J.C. was getting ready for his first job as a gas attendant he started his second job at ten as barman at club down by hobs bay Laney also worked there during the day she worked as a waitress in a diner.

Zack didn’t acknowledge his brother or sister he grabbed his Metropolis Tigers cap and went to leave.

‘Zack what about breakfast?’ Laney asked Zack didn’t answer he looked at the charcoal remands in the pan Laney had inherited Lois’ cooking skills. ‘You have to eat something.’

‘I’ll get something at school.’ He mumbled.

‘Oi!’ J.C. Said. ‘I want a word with you.’ Zack opened the door. ‘Oi don’t ignore me.’


‘I got a letter from the school today saying that you haven’t been on time for school since you went back.’


‘So I want to know why?’ Zack doesn’t answer but doesn’t need to because J.C. knows the answer. ‘You’ve been hanging out with that Doc Klein haven’t you?’

‘So he’s my friend the only one I have.’

‘He’s a nutter Zack.’ Laney said.

‘Mom and dad didn’t think so.’ Zack whispered.

‘You need to make friends your own age.’

‘Yeah well it isn’t that easy Laney when everyone thinks there goes that poor orphan boy he’s cursed most of his family died within four years well I don’t need them feeling sorry for me.’

‘You need to start buckling down the school says your grades are slipping. I don’t understand you were top of your class in grade school they talked about moving you up a year what happened?’ J.C. asked.

‘Oh I don’t know Jay maybe the fact our parents died.’

‘You can’t use that excuse forever Zack.’

‘It’s not an excuse it’s the truth. I’m off I’ll see you later.’ He leaves grabbing his hover board from the back door. He jumps the back fence and begins to skate off down the road a group of four girls one is short, slim with long blond hair and blue eyes her name is Kelly she started at Zack’s school just before Lois and Clark died but they were both too shy to speak to each other it was until his birthday that Kelly got up the courage to speak to him and he invited her to his party but didn’t speak to her after that.

‘Hi Zack.” Kelly said as he went past but he didn’t answer her just carried on.

‘I don’t know why you bother with him he so mood with his bad boy attitude.’ One of the other girls said.

‘His parents died Cassie.’

‘Eight years ago Kel you think he’d have got over it by now.’ Another girl chimed in.

‘It’s not something you just get over Dani they died on his birthday it’s his 18th next week it’s not something to celebrate is it.’ They all look at him he stops as with his super hearing he heard them talking. “Oh do you think he heard us?’

‘Don’t be stupid he’s too far away to hear us.’

‘Yeah but he always seems to know things that he couldn’t and oh I don’t know he just seems different.’

‘You know I reckon he’s cursed.’

‘Now who’s being stupid.’ Zack turns round on the hover board and goes back to them.

‘Talking about me girls?’ He said circling them.

‘No!’ They all said in unison a little worried.

‘Yeah well you better watch I’m cursed might just turn it on you.’ He hovers off leaving the girls a little shook up.

‘You don’t think he’ll really curse us? Do you?’

‘Don’t be stupid Lisa.’ Cassie said. ‘He’s just all big talk.’

‘Yeah he’s a moron.’ Dani said. ‘Let’s go we’ll be late.’ They start walking again.


Zack doesn’t go straight to school he goes to Doc Klein’s house but no one’s there he takes the key from under the mat and lets himself in.

‘Doc, Doc you here. Harvey here boy.’ He whistles but then shrugs and goes in he looks at all the clocks on the wall and shakes his head Doc had been obsessed with time since Zack could remember. The phone rings Zack answers it. ‘Hello’

‘Zack, Zack is that you?’

‘Yeah Doc where are you?’


‘Where’s Harvey?’

‘With me. I need you to meet me at Costmart Mall at one o’clock.’

‘Wait one in the morning?”

‘Yeah.’ The clocks all strike 8 o’clock. ‘Is that all my clocks?’

‘Yeah it’s err 8 o’clock.’

‘Perfect there exactly thirty minutes slow.’

‘Doc are you telling me it’s eight thirty?’


‘Shit I’m late for school.’ He grabs his skateboard and heads for school


He stops at the front entrance where Kelly comes running down the steps towards him.

‘Zack not that way Slater’s looking for you if he catches you it’ll be five tardy’s in a row.’ She takes her his hand and leads him round to the back entrance they go inside Kelly checks to make sure that the Principal isn’t about. ‘Okay all clear. So why were you late.’

‘None of your business.’ He looks at her. ‘I was at Doc’s he said his clocks were thirty minutes slow.’

‘Doc?’ Principal Slater a tall man with along hooked nose and very little hair comes round the corner. ‘Am I to understand you still hanging around with Doctor Klein Kent? That man is a nutcase you hang around with him you’ll end up in big trouble.’

‘Ooh yes sir.’

‘Watch it Kent if you carry on the way you’re going you’ll end up just like your brother and sister a nothing.’

‘My brother and sister are not nothings.’

‘Oh really that wasn’t Jon filling my gas tank yesterday.’ Zack didn’t speak he just chewed on cheek and fought the urge to hit him. ‘I thought so. A tardy slip for you Miss. Cross.” He tears off a yellow slip and hands it too her with a twisted smile. ‘And one for you Kent that makes five in a row dear, dear and only the first day of school tut, tut. Now both of you get to class.’ He walks away Zack glares at him.

‘Bastard.’ Zack said and walked towards the exit.

‘Zack err where you going we’ve got English.’ Kelly said.

‘Getting out of this dump.’ He stopped then turned back to look at her. ‘You want to join me?’

‘Play hooky?’

‘Yeah.’ Kelly looks at him then back in the direction Principal Slater went. ‘If you’re coming let’s go.’ Kelly smiled and ran towards him.


They end up walking around the street talking about school and how much they dislike Slater they end up outside the Daily Planet Zack looks up at the globe.

‘You alright?’ Kelly asked him.

‘I haven’t set foot in there for eight years.’

‘Were you there?’

‘No I was at home we got the call and were taken down there Jay told me and Laney to stay in the car but we didn’t never listened to him. We went to the car my dad was already dead there was so much blood and my mom was next to him calling his name it was barely a whisper then she looked at me and said be the best I could be and never forget them. Then the paramedics had got Jimmy out then cut my mom out she died as soon as they did just like they said would happen and that was that I lost both my parents and my whole family collapsed after that’

‘I sorry Zack.’

‘I don’t need you to feel sorry for me I’m not that ten year old kid anymore.’


‘Look just forget it come on I want to show you something.’ They go to metropolis cemetery and Zack buys two yellow roses from the flower cart and takes it over to a gravestone Kelly reads it, it says


Zack puts the roses by the grave and kneels down next to it. He looks at Kelly. ‘This is where I come before school and sometimes during you’d disapprove wouldn’t mom.’ He smiled the first smile Kelly had seen in eight years she forgot how good it was. ‘This is Kelly you remember me telling you about her.’ He looked at Kelly. ‘So say hi.’

‘Hi’ She kneels next to him.

‘The three of us come down here on their birthdays, my birthday.’ He was silent for a minute. ‘I just come here when ever I need to speak to them tell how I’m doing I think they kind of know.’ He looks at the grave then back to where Kelly was standing but she has gone Zack finds her standing in front of the Superman statue.

‘I wonder what happened to him?’ She said when Zack had joined her.

‘He died.’ Zack answered. Kelly looks at him.

‘How do you know?’

‘Err I just do he was a good friend of my parents he wouldn’t off left us unless he couldn’t stop it.’

‘Huh it’s funny you look a little like him.’

‘I look like my father.’ He agreed with her. ‘Hey you hungry?’

‘A bit.’

‘My brother and sister are both out.’


They both go back to Zack’s house.

‘I’ve got left over chicken wings.’

‘Great.’ Kelly smiled.

Zack takes the plate of chicken out the fridge then goes to get some napkins and takes them into the living room the house is very dark and untidy he puts the plates and napkins on the table and sits crossed legged on the floor. Kelly looks at the photographs on the wall she looks at one of Lois and Clark holding a baby.

‘Is that you?’

‘Yeah they were big on photographing and filming everything my mom used to say that my dad had the camera surgical sewn to his hand the day Jay was born.’ Kelly picked up a photo of Lois, Clark, J.C., Laney and Zack. Zack’s aged 9 and is sat next to Lois with his head on her shoulder smiling. ‘That was the last picture taking of us all it was a month before they died.’

‘You really miss them don’t you?’

‘Yeah see I had an argument with my dad the day before I said I hated him that was the last thing he heard from me he died thinking I hated him.’

‘I’m sure he knew you didn’t mean it. What did you fight about?’

‘Err stupid stuff I found out that they had been keeping something from me.’

‘Would that be that your dad was Superman?’

‘How did you…I mean don’t be ridicules.’

‘I worked out when I said you look like Superman you didn’t disagree you just said you look like your dad.’

‘Well I do.’

‘Yeah but he looks like Superman.’

‘So do a lot of people.’

‘I won’t tell anyone I promise.’

‘Thanks my dad gave me the lecture how important of keeping it a secret. Lets eat.’


Later Kelly and Zack finish watching an old movie back to the future.

‘That was a great movie.’ Kelly said ‘Wouldn’t it be cool to go back in time or into the future?’

‘Yeah I’d love too go back see my parents one more time.’

‘I’d better go my dad will be expecting me home.’

‘O.K. well this has been great.’

‘Yeah.’ She gets up and picks up her bag Zack opens the door for her she’s about to leave then turns around and looks at him. ‘Err Zack.’

‘Yeah?’ Zack looks at her.

‘Well the senior welcome back ball is next week and I was wondering…’

‘You want to go with me?’

‘Well yeah.’

‘O.K. err if your not doing anything you want to go see a movie tomorrow maybe get a burger.’

‘Sounds good.’

‘Great I’ll pick you up at ten.’

‘O.K. bye.’ Zack kisses her. ‘Err wow I better go.’ Kelly leaves. Zack goes back in and sits down on the couch he takes a newspaper clipping from the Daily Planet out of his wallet on it is a picture of Lois, Clark and Jimmy the head line says:- DAILY PLANET REPORTERS IN TRAGIC CRASH. He looks at the picture.

‘Well mom just had my first kiss.’ He smiles. ‘Wish you were here tell me what I’m supposed to do now.’

‘We’re always with you Zack.’ Zack looks up to see Lois smiling at him. ‘So is that the Kelly you were telling us about. Nine years old and found your soul mate.’

‘I don’t think she’s my soul mate mom.’

‘I don’t know the way you talked bout her sounded the same way I felt about your dad only I didn’t realise it.’

‘When did you fall in love with him?’

‘I think it was when your papa Perry read the article your dad wrote about the theatre it got him the job I knew then he would be a great writer but I’d never tell him.’

‘I miss you.’

‘I miss you too but we’re always watching over you.’

‘I wanted to tell dad that, that I didn’t mean it that I…’

‘He knows Zack. He’s always known. It’s time for me to go now. Look after each other.’

‘No please mom don’t leave me not again.’

‘Zack you’ve got to wake up.’

‘Wake up Zack, wake up.’ Zack could here his mom’s voice fade into Laney’s he sat up.


‘Hey you were dreaming.’ Laney picks up the newspaper clipping. ‘You still got this?’

‘I miss them Laney I really miss them.’ He starts to cry and hugs her she begins to cry to.

‘I know me too, me too. Hey I got paid lets get a pizza.’ Zack smiles they get up and go into the kitchen.


Later Zack is sat in the living room watching the TV. the phone rings J.C. gets it Laney comes down the stairs in her uniform.

‘Who’s on the phone?’ She asked.

‘Don’t know.’ Zack answered. J.C. comes out of the kitchen not looking happy.

‘I want a word with you.’ He said to Zack. ‘Do you know who that was on the phone?’

‘Your imaginary girlfriend?’

‘No that was Principal Slater.’

‘It’s nine thirty doesn’t that man have a life?’ Laney commented.

‘He said that you weren’t at school today.’ J.C. ignored his sister.

‘He’s lying he gave me detention today.’

‘Yeah he said you were late again but after that you were seen leaving with a girl.’


‘So you’re grounded.’

‘You can’t ground me.’

‘Watch me and I don’t want you to see that Doc Klein anymore.’ Zack gets up and storms upstairs.

‘Why can’t you leave him alone J.C.’

‘He could do so much with his life and he’s just throwing it away.’

‘He’s confused Jay next week is his 18th birthday he should be planning a party or trying to get a fake I.D. so he can buy beer but instead he’ll be spending it at our parents grave.’ J.C. sighs. ‘You’re his brother Jay not his dad don’t push him away we’re all he’s got, we’re all we’ve got.’ J.C. looked at her and nods he goes upstairs and knocks on Zack’s door.

‘Go away.’ Zack shouted

‘Look mate I’m sorry I just don’t want you too throw your life away.’

‘Like you did.’

‘You got me there. Look your not grounded but I want you to stay in and think about it I know Slater can rub you up the wrong way he was never my favourite person but you’ve got to think of your future.’ There’s no answer. ‘I’ve got to go to work now I’ll see you tomorrow.’ There’s still no answer. ‘Bye then.’



‘Take care.’

‘Night Zee.’ J.C. leaves with Laney.

Zack goes down stairs goes down stairs he goes over to a stack of holomovies (Little disc that plays movies in 3D) this stack are the home movies that Clark made from the day J.C. was born to Zack’s last game of soccer game when he was 9. He takes the one-labelled Zachary’s 1st birthday. He puts it in the player and Hologram of his entire family plays. Zack is the centre sitting in a highchair Lois is crouched next to him a young Jon and Laney are sat on his other side Ellen and Lucy are stood be hide them Perry, Jonathan, Sam and Jimmy are stood to the other side just in shoot they are all singing ‘Happy Birthday’ as Martha comes into shot carrying a large birthday cake in the shape of a number one with white icing and blue frosting trim Martha places it in front of her on top of it is a Superman candle. They finish singing and Lois blows out the candle.

“Clever boy!” Lois smiled Zack then grabbed at the cake. “Hey you’re supposed to use a spoon not your hands.” She licked his hand.

“Now it’s got cooties on it.” Jon complained

“Clark are you going to come out from behind that thing?’ Lois said the image shook from side to side.

‘No.’ Clarks voice was heard off camera.

‘Here give us it here C.K.’ Jimmy said taking the camera which shook as it was exchanged and Clark could be seen walking into shot and over to Lois. He wrapped his arms around his waist.

‘Have I told you lately that I love you?’ Clark said to her she smiled.

‘Not in the last half hour.’ She smiled again and kissed him the image zoomed in on them. Zack smiled he’d always been embarrassed at his parents public displays of affection but now he realised how much they were in love.

Part 2

Zack found himself walking towards a crushed car he could see his fathers’ lifeless body in the passenger’s seat he looked at Lois.

‘Zachary.’ She whispered Zack could hear a ringing. ‘Zachary.’

‘Mom please don’t leave me please. MOM!’ Zack woke up he looked at the holo-movie the image was flashing end of movie. The phone was ringing he picks it up. ‘Hullo.’

‘Zack you weren’t asleep were you?’

‘Huh?’ Zack looked at his watch that said 1:15. ‘No, no don’t, don’t be silly.’

‘Could you bring your camera?’

‘Err yeah, what’s this all about?’

‘You’ll see when you get here.’

‘Okay I’m on my way.’ Zack hung up and grabbed his jacket then left on his hover board down the street.


He stopped at the ramp to the parking lot of the Costmart store it was deserted apart from a large truck and a dog sitting outside Zack picks up his board and walks over to the dog.

‘Hey Harvey where’s the Doc boy huh? Where’s the Doc?’ He pets the dog and as if in answer to his question the back door of the truck opens and an old Ford Capri rolls out the back the door opens and Dr. Bernard Klein Gets out looking a little disorientated. ‘Doc?’ Doc looks at him.

‘Zack you made it.’ Doc says and smiles.


‘Did you bring your camera?’

‘Oh yeah.’

‘Well what do you think? This is the big one the one I’ve be waiting for all my life?’ Zack looked at the car and laughed.

‘What a hunk of junk.’

‘It may not look much but you wait till you see what this baby can do.’ Doc told Zack not amused at his young friends response. The car looked strange with wires, lights and other electrical equipment taking up the back seat and some room in the front. ‘Come on Harvey in you get boy good boy that’s it.’ He put the dog in the car.

‘Hey doc what’s that suit?’

‘Not now, not now roll camera.’

‘Oh right.’ Zack turned on the camera and pointed it at Doc and Harvey who is now wearing a stopwatch.

‘Note that Harvey’s stop watch is the exact same time as my control watch.’ He holds up the identical watches both say 1:32 and turn to 1:33.

‘Check Doc.’

‘Okay have a good trip boy.’ He shuts the door and unclips the remote control from his belt.

‘Have you got that hooked to….’

‘When this baby hits 90 you’re going to see some serious shit.’ The car reverses to the other end of the of the parking lot and Doc flips a switch and the wheels spin the numbers on the side go up 70 75 80 85 90 Doc releases the switch a switch and the car come towards them at top speed Zack tried to get out the way as he wasn’t sure how invulnerable he is and didn’t fancy testing it. But Doc dragged him back. ‘Watch this, watch this.’ Zack watched then closed his eyes waiting for the impact of the car to his body, but it never came instead there was a blind of light and two fire tracks between there legs both Zack and Doc turned to look behind them. ‘What did I tell you 90 miles and hour?’ Doc jumped up and down in excitement.

‘Jesus Christ Doc you disintegrated Harvey.’

‘Relax Harvey and the car are both intact.’

‘Well where are they?’

‘The right question should be when are they? See Harvey has just become the world’s first time traveller. I’ve sent him into the future one minute into the future and we will catch up with him and the time machine.’

‘Huh Doc are you telling me you built a time machine…out of a Ford Capri?’

‘Yes see the shape…’ Doc looks at his watch and pushes Zack out the way. There’s a flash of light and the car appears skidding to a halt. Zack looked at Doc who took a step closer to it when it made a hissing sound and steam came out the back Doc stood still and looked at Zack puzzled then went closer to it he opened the door and took the watch from around his Harvey’s neck. ‘Harvey’s watch is one minute behind mine it’s still ticking.’ He lets Harvey out of the car he runs into the truck past Zack.

‘He’s alright!’ Zack said amazed.

‘He’s fine and he’s completely unaware that anything has happened see he’s skipped over that minute to instantly arrive at this moment in time. I’ll show you how it works.’ They go over to the car doc sits in the drivers seat. ‘Time clocks on.’ He turned a handle in-between the two seats and three clocks glowed. ‘This one tells you where you’re going.’ He pointed to the top clock that glowed green and read “05 SEPT 2023 1:34” ‘this one tells you where you were.’ He pointed to the middle clock that glowed red and read “05 SEPT 2023 1:33” ‘And this one tells you where you are.’ He pointed to the last clock that read the same as the first. “Now say you want to see the signing of the declaration of independence…’ He punched in “04 July 1776” ‘Or see if there was a second gun man on the grassy knoll.’ He punched in “22 NOV 1963.” ‘Here’s a date in science September 13th 1993. Of course September 13th 1993. Huh’ he laughs Zack smiles as he continues to film.

‘Why what happened?’

‘I was in my lab when a gust of wind blew the door shut the vibration caused a jar to fall hit me on the head and when I came too a had a revelation, a picture in my head a picture of this…’ he turned around and pointed to a swirling tube of flashing light. ‘…is what makes time travel possible the Tempus unit.’

‘The Tempus Unit.’ Zack repeated with a smile. Doc got out of the car and looked around.

‘It’s taken me 30 years to realise the vision of that day. My god has been that long. I remember when this was all farmland Metropolis was a big city then but only half the size it is now. My how things have changed.’ Doc was speaking more to himself than at Zack, which was good, as Zack wasn’t really listening.

‘Huh this is great Doc does it run on regular unleaded gas?’

‘No it requires something with a little more kick plutonium.’

‘Plu… are you telling me that this sucker is nuclear?’

‘Keep rolling no this sucker is electrical but I need the one point twenty-one jiggerwalts of electric it needs.’

‘Doc you don’t just go to a store and but plutonium…did you rip that off?’

‘Shh of course from a group of terrorists tell wanted me to build them a bomb so I took there plutonium and gave them a shoddy bomb case filled with old parts. Come on we must prepare to reload.’ He went into the truck.

‘Jesus.’ Zack muttered.


Zack and Doc were both were dressed in protective suits Doc took a glass jar the size of a coke can with clear liquid and a pellet the size and shape of a test inside it the liquid in the pellet was an reddish brown he open a panel in the car and inserted the jar about an inch and turn in=t clockwise twice the pellet was sucked out so quick it caused both Zack and Doc to jump. Doc removed the jar and put the panel back on the took off his helmet.

‘It’s safe now everything is lead line.’

‘Doc wasn’t there anything you could use other than plutonium?’

‘Yeah I could’ve used Kryptonite but I destroyed the last when…’ He trailed off. ‘Zack I’m the reason your father was vulnerable the night they died he came to me the day before for Kryptonite testing to find a cure…’

‘I know.’ Doc looked at Zack. ‘I heard my mom yelling at him for it that’s how I found out he was Superman.’

‘You must hate me.’

‘No you had good intentions and my dad didn’t have to go through with it. But now we can change that we can go back put things right.’

‘Zack no that’s not possible changing the past could have major repercussions. Oh I’m sorry it was cruel of me to show you I’m sorry.’

‘No it’s O.K. my mom always said that things happen for a reason I just wish I knew what it was.’

‘I’m Sure someday you’ll know.’ He put his hand on Zack’s shoulder and patted his back before standing up. ‘Right well here I go into the future.’

‘The future that’s where you’re going?’

‘Yep twenty-five years into the future I’ve always dreamed about seeing it going beyond my years.’

‘Doc look me up when you get there.’

‘I will roll ‘erm.’ Zack stands and points the camera at Doc. ‘I Doctor Bernard G. Klein am about to go on a great journey… huh what am I thinking I almost forgot to bring extra plutonium one pellet per trip however do I expect to get back I must be out of my mind.’ Harvey barks and Doc looked at him. ‘What is it boy?’ The dog looked out the front of the cab and Doc looked in the same direction and saw two headlights getting brighter. ‘Oh my god they found I don’t know how but they’ve found me.’

‘Who? Who?’ Zack said.

‘Who do you think the terrorist.’ Zack was still filming he looked towards the headlight and could now make out a beat up mini van and a man sticking out from the sun roof with a automatic rifle ‘ Run for it Zack.’

‘Holy shit.’ Zack ran around the other side of the truck.

‘I’ll draw their fire.’ Doc yelled he took out a hand gun from the cab and pointed as the terrorist stopped in front of him the man with the gun aimed it at Doc who dropped his gun and raised his hands the man opened fire.’

‘NOOOO’ Zack yelled and the man turned the gun on him Zack looked at the open car door and ran to it jumping in and staring the car the minivan took off after him Zack watched from the wing mirror. ‘O.K. Let’s see if you bastards can do ninety.’ He pulled back the gear knocking on the time circuits. He raced along the parking lot and found himself heading towards a photo booth he braced himself for crashing into it but then there was a flash and he found himself in a field heading towards a scarecrow. ‘Aarrgghh.’ He yelled as he crashed into it and the head for a fence and crashed through that and continued to drive down the road as dawn swept over him. ‘Okay Kent just calm down it’s a dream, it’s just a really bad dre…’ He skidded to halt when he saw a large billboard which had an old fashion 50’s style picture of a couple with two children smiling at their new home that looked just liked the one Zack lived in. He got out and looked at the sign that had “Metro Estate Family Of The Future.” He then looked at the land instead of rows of houses there was bulldozers and diggers. ‘This can’t be.’ He got back into the car and turned the ignition but the car refused to start. ‘Shit.’ He got out and pushed it behind the billboard and covered it with leaves and branches then followed the road into Metropolis.


He got into Metropolis and looked around the city looked cleaner and buildings new. One building stood out from the rest Lex Towers towered above the rest although it was still there in 2023 it was small compared to the other buildings and was a children’s home.
He then looks up at the globe of The Daily Planet he hadn’t been this close to the building since his parents death he bumped into the news stand read the headline of the Daily Planet “MILLION DOLLAR CAR THEFT RING EXPOSED” He looks down at the By Line ‘Lois Lane’

‘She’s alive. Huh this can’t be.’ He looks around at the buildings a gain then down at the date ‘September 13th 1993, holy shit, he did it the crazy son-of-a-bitch did it.’ He looked around and spotted a café to go in he bust in threw the doors the man behind the counter stared at him.

‘Where are you off to? Space?’ The man chuckled Zack looked down at his clothes his pants were shimmering green and blue material, his shirt was black with NIKE flashing across it, the jacket was red rubber with flashing buttons on the back and the left pocket the Ralph Lauren logo rolled passed followed by the galloping polo player, his sneakers were black with flashing heels that said Reebok His black and orange cap also flashed first with a roaring tiger then to METROPOLIS TIGER ARE #1.


‘What’s with the gear you being sponsored to look that idiotic or is it just a joke? And that caps wrong the Tigers have played terrible this year.’

‘I just need to use the phone.’ Zack said removing his cap.

‘Yeah it’s in the back.’ The man gestured and Zack went to use the phone he heard the mutter ‘Kids today what will they wear next go around like a walking Billboard.’

Zack opened the phone book and looked up KLEIN then dialled the café owner walked past and looked at Zack when he heard a roar Zack shoved the cap into his inside pocket.

‘Come on Doc answer.’ He muttered before hanging up he ripped out the page and walked back round. ‘Excuse me do you know where…’

‘Are you going to order something kid?’

‘Yeah err give me a Pepsi.’

‘One Pepsi.’ He poured him a Pepsi Zack ran his fingers threw his hair then pushed his glasses on to his nose using his middle finger he doesn’t notice the dark haired man sitting next to him doing the same thing. ‘Here you go buddy.’ The owner puts a check in front of the man and a Pepsi in front of Zack. ‘That’s 75c kid.’ Zack throw a green, a blue and a red plastic tokens on to the counter. ‘Is this a joke?’

‘They’re valid tokens.’

‘I don’t take token’s only cash.’

‘Here I’ll get it.’ The man next to him said Zack was about to thank him when he realized who he was.

“Holy shit!!”

“Hey this is a family place.’ Clark told him.

‘I’m sorry.’ Zack said. ‘Err I… err don’t suppose you need someone to show you round the city.’

‘No I’m here for a job interview.’

‘At the planet?’

‘Yeah how did you…’

‘Err you look like a writer I can show you where it is.’

‘I know where it is thanks.’

‘Well I’ll show you anyway?’

‘Look kid I don’t have any money I just spent my last dollar on your Pepsi so finish it and then get to school where you belong.’ Clark left Zack went after him he followed him to the Planet building but lost him in the crowd he stepped back and bumped into something solid.

‘Hey watch where you’re going!’ The woman he bumped into said he looked at her shocked.

‘Mom!’ He hugged her.

‘Excuse me.’ Lois pushed Zack off.

‘I’m sorry.’ He said sadly remembering that she wouldn’t know him.

‘I should think so you just grab strangers didn’t parents teach you that?’

‘Yeah, yeah they did.’ Lois rolled her eyes and was about to walk away. ‘Wait err could you help me I’m looking for 1111 Ocean’s drive?’

‘Just get a cab.’

‘Well I don’t money could you give me directions?’

‘Tut here!’ Lois took a twenty from her purse she didn’t know why she was doing this she gave money to charity but not beggars on the street but she felt like she had an obligation to the boy.

‘Oh I didn’t mean.’

‘Just take it that should be enough.’ Zack took the money and watched her leave.

‘I love you.’ He muttered under his breath then headed for the door and hailed a cab.


Zack To The Future -> Part Three

Zack paid the driver and walked up to the house he knocked the door and got no reply he tried again this time the door opened and a slightly younger Dr. Klein opened the door he had a band-aid on his forehead.


“I’m Dr. Klein.”

“I need your help my name is Zack Kent I’m from the future. I came here in a time machine that you invented now I need your help to get back to the year 2023”

“Time machine I haven’t built any time machine.”

“Doc you got to help me.”

“OK future boy who is President of the United States in 2023?”

“Dean Cain”

“The actor.”

“You got to believe me Doc. Ah I can prove it here a picture my brother, sister and me. Look at her sweatshirt Doc CLASS OF 2021. Look at my drivers licence look at the date of birth I haven’t even been born.” Doc looked at the photo.

“Pretty lousy photographic fakery they cut of your brother’s hair.”

“Doc you have to believe me.”

“It’s an interesting story future boy now if you mind I have work to be getting on with.” He shut the door.

“The bruise the one on your head I know how it happened. You were in your lab and a door slammed causing a jar to fall on your head and that’s when you came up with the Tempus Unit… Which is what makes time travel possible.” He shouted through the door and ended with a deep sigh. Doc opened the door and stared at him.


Zack took Doc to where he had hidden the car at Metro Estate.

There’s something wrong with the Start so I hid it.” Zack said as he uncovered the car.

“After the jar hit me I drew this.” He held up a drawing.

“The Tempus Unit.” Zack turns the flash light on the Tempus Unit that looks the same as the drawing Doc looks at it.

“It works, I finally invent something that works.”

“You bet your *** it works.”

“We got to sneak this back to my place, we got to get you home.”


Zack and Doc have towed the car back to Doc garage Zack has hooked up the holo camera to the TV.

“OK Doc this is it.” Zack played the holo film they listened as the future Doc explained how it worked.

‘Keep rolling no this sucker is electrical but I need the one point twenty-one jiggerwalts of electric it needs.’ The future Doc said.

“One point twenty-one jiggerwalts, on…” Doc ran into the other room Zack followed.

“Doc all we need is a little Plutonium.”

“Zack I’m sure that in 2023 Plutonium is easy to get but in 1993 it’s a little harder to come by. I’m sorry but I’m afraid you’re stuck here.”

“Stuck here I can’t be stuck here I have a life in 2023 I have date Doc.”

“With a girl?” Doc seemed interested.


“Is she pretty?”

“Doc she’s beautiful and she doesn’t think I’m a freak.”

“Why would she think you a freak?”

“My dad was Superman.”

“What’s Superman?”

“That’s right he’s not here yet.” Zack muttered. “My dad was sent here from the Planet Krypton as a baby by his parents because the plant was going to explode. The Kents my grand parents found him and raised him as their own. But because Krypton had a red sun and the Earth has a yellow one it effects him differently he had powers flying, invulnerability, super speed, hearing, vision, x-ray, heat vision.”

“You mean he can’t be killed?” Zack became sombre.

“Yes he can see there was fragments of the planet called Kryptonite that can kill him if he was exposed long enough.” Zack paused. “He was exposed when… when you were testing a antidote to it and was left invulnerable. He and my mom were in a car crash the next day they were both killed. It was my 10th birthday some present huh?”

“Oh Zack I’m sorry.”



“Kryptonite, that’s it you told me that Kryptonite could be used.”

“Well where will we find this Kryptonite?”

“The Ship landed in Smallville I Guess we could try there.”

“OK But I’ll need time to find the best way to use and I can’t leave ‘til the week end.”

“I can spend a week in 1993, I can hang out, you can show me around.”

“Zack you can not leave this house you must not see or speak to anyone anything you may do could have major effects on future events. Do you understand?”

“Err sure, yeah.”

“Zack have you interacted with anyone besides me.”

“Well I may have bumped into… my parents.”

“Let me see the picture of your brother again.” Zack hands him the photograph. “Just as I thought look at your brother.”

“His heads gone. It like it’s been erased.”

“Erased from existence. Zack you must of some how changed your parents meeting.”

“But they work together at the planet my mom burst in on my dads interview that’s how he heard about the theatre piece which made my mom fall for him course she tried to push him away. Oh shit she was in the lobby she wasn’t at the interview. He won’t know about the theatre.”

“That’s it your dad want write that story you mom want fall in love with him and they won’t get married and have kids you have to get him to write that story.”


“He’s your dad you must know him.”

“I guess.”

“Go to it.” Zack leaves.


The next day Zack goes to the hotel Clark is staying at he remembered his mom mentioning the visiting the motel and something about wanting to pull a towel off he’d stopped listening when the conversation got all soppy. He knocked the door and Clark answered it.

“Hi.” Zack said with a smile. “Err I just wanted to thank you for the soda.”

“It’s not a problem.” Clark went to close the door.

“Wait err how did the interview go?” Zack asked already knowing the answer.

“I didn’t get it.”

“Oh I know pap… I mean Perr… Mr. White pretty well and his impressed by initiative. There’s this theatre that’s being torn down I bet if you write the piece and take it to him he’d be impressed and give you the job. Come on what are you waiting for?” Zack grabbed Clarks arm and dragged him out.

“Why are you so concerned?”

“Let’s just say my future depends on it. You did me a good turn and I’m paying you back.”

“OK do you have a name?”

“Zack Ken…” he trailed off.

“Zack Ken. OK.” They leave.


Zack and Clark go down to the old theatre Clark stops the wrecking ball and they go into the theatre and Clark spoke to a woman who was acted in the theatre, then they go back to the motel and Clark types up the story and lets Zack read it.

“Well?” Clark asked.

“It’s great mo… Mr. White will love it.”

“Well I guess I should take it to him.”

“OK good luck.” Zack said and left. He took out the photo of him, Jon and Laney. Jon had his head back.


Zack went back to Doc’s and found him watching the holomovie where he is a bout to be shot by the terrorists.

“Doc there’s something I have to tell you about that night?”

“Zack no. What ever it is I will find out through the natural cause of time anything you might tell me may jeopardize my own existence just as you have jeopardized yours.”

“Your right.”

“Did you get your dad to write that story?”

“Yeah he’s taking it to papa Perry.”


For the next two days Zack did as Doc instructed and stayed in the house so not to change the future again. Doc had said that they could leave for Smallville on Friday. Doc was t work and rented some movies for Zack he was sat watching Lethal Weapon but soon fell asleep.


Zack was walking towards a wreaked car he takes slow steps. As he gets closer he can see his fathers lifeless body twisted and covered in blood in the front passengers seat. His mother in the drivers seat also covered in blood and struggling to breath.

“Mom.” Zack whispered and tears rolled down his cheek.

“Happy birthday Zachary.” Lois said but it was barely audible.

“Mom, please don’t leave me.”

“It’s my time Zachary.”

“No, no I need you.”

Zack then finds him self walking past a large group of people. He looks at the people on the front row. Jimmy, Martha, Jonathan, Perry, Sam, Ellen, Lucy, Dr. Klein. He then moves to the coffins and sees Lois and Clark laying in them. Suddenly he finds himself out side in a graveyard there are eleven graves nine of them are filled in the last two are empty the headstones say J.C. and Laney he turns around and sees J.C. and Laney walking towards him They are staring blankly.

“J.C., Laney.” Zack shouted as he watched as they lay down in the graves. “J.C., LANEY!!”

“It’s our time Zack.” The both said in emotionless voices.

“J.C., LANEY!! Don’t leave me.” He sobbed.

“Zachary.” A cold, rattling voice said he turned when he felt a cold decaying and on his shoulder and saw a faceless, hooded figure in black robes “It’s your time.” A grave appeared behind Zack and the figure pushed him and Zack fell in he kept falling and screaming. “NOOOOOO!” Zack woke up sweating and out of breath.

“Zack are you alright?” Doc asked him it was late and the room was dimly lit.

“Huh?” Zack said staring at him.

“You were having a nightmare.”

“I have to warn them.” Zack said getting up.


“My parents I can save them.”

“Zack that’s not a good idea. You could jeopardize your own existence again. You said yourself your mother isn’t ready to admit that she loves your father you tell her that one day they will be married and have children could make her push your father away.”

“I don’t care at least they’ll be alive.”

“They probably won’t believe you and if they do think what it will do to them knowing that twenty-two years they will die.”

“I have to Doc I just have to.” Zack runs out of the house.


Zack To The Future -> Part Four

Zack found himself outside the Daily Planet building he looked up at the big globe then took out the news clipping of his parents.

“I can change this.” He said then ran in side up to the newsroom he watched Lois and Clark going through Platt’s research and froze he just wanted to watch them together. He wonders why it took them so long to get together they were a perfect match so relaxed with each other. Then Clark looked up at Zack.

“Zack?” He said. “What are you doing here?”

“Oh I err? You got the job then?” Zack made his way down the ramp towards them.

“Yeah. Thanks. Oh Lois this is Zack, Zack, Lois.”

“We met.” Lois said. “He hugged me.”

“Yeah sorry about that. So what are you doing? You need help with research?”

“Should you be at home or out causing trouble.”

“No I have nowhere to go. I’m god at research my mom used to let me help her all the time.” He stares at Lois. “My parents were both reporters?”

“Well if you want?” Lois said she didn’t know why but she wanted him to stay.

“Great.” He sat down with them and helped them read the notes.

“Urgh. We’re getting know where.” Lois groaned. “I’m starving I wish I knew a good Chinese.”

“I know a place.” Clark said getting up.

“Wait don’t you want to know what we want.”

“I’ll get an assortment.” And he left.

“So Zack isn’t there some one that will be worried about you?”

“No there’s no one?”

“What about your parents or don’t you get on?”

“I had the best parents a kid could want.” He told her.

“What do you mean had.”

“They died eight years a go.”

“Oh Zack I’m so sorry. How old were you?”

“Ten it was my birthday I…”

“Who took care of you?”

“My grandparents did for a bit but they all died everyone dies there’s just my brother, sister and me.” Zack takes out the picture of the three of them.

“Is this them?”

“Yeah J.C. and Laney.” Just then Clark comes back in with the food and they eat.

Lois picks up a fortune cook and reads it.

“It’s in Chinese.” She complained. Clark took it from her. “Oh don’t tell me…”

“A good horse is like a member of the family.” Clark said with a grin Lois looked at him trying to hide how impressed she is.

“I hate that, that is not a fortune.” She smiled at Clark who looked at her both seemed to have forgot that Zack was there which was fine with him because it meant he could watch them without them noticing. “You are a strange one Kent. But I think I have you figured?”

“Really. Didn’t take you long.”

“Well it’s my job looking past the exterior.” Clark smiled at her and Zack held his breath this was it this was what his dad had told him about. It was this moment he knew he was in love with Lois and he remembered his mom telling she felt it too so why didn’t they get together then or now Zack was confuse <Why are parents so complicated?> He thought. “Don’t fall for me farm boy, I don’t have time for it.” Zack let out an audible sigh that made them both remember he was there. “Err why don’t we go find Platt see if he can help with this. We can drop you home Zack.”

“I’ll go with you.” He didn’t want to leave them.


Lois pulled her jeep up in front of Platt’s building they all got out and went inside. Clark was carrying the left over Chinese.

“Dr. Platt!” Lois called

“Lois wait, don’t.” Clark warned.

“Relax I’ve seen it all before war, famine, disease.” Lois went in a little futher.

“Lois, look the water.” Clark pointed. And saw Dr. Platt sat in the chair his bear feet in a bowl of water with electric wires in it Lois turn and hides her face Zack look at Platt’s body then runs outside where he is sick. “Zack!” Clark called.

“I’ll go. You call the cops.” Lois went outside to see Zack he’s sat down his knees brought up to his chest, his wrapped round them and sobbing. “Zack, Zack are you all right?”

“Why did they have to die? Why does everyone have to die?” Lois crouched next to him.

“Come on it’s OK?”

“I was with her when she died before they cut her out then she left me.” Zack wasn’t really speaking to anyone. “She said she loved me then she died.”

“Who?” Lois asked and Zack looked at her wanting to scream ‘you’ but he couldn’t do it. “Your mom?” Zack nodded. “Oh Zack that must’ve been terrible for you.” She hugged him and him hugged her back tighter. Clark came out and looked at them.

“Police are on they’re way.” He told them.


Clark and Lois have spoken to the police. Zack waited in the jeep in the front. Lois and Clark get in and Lois drives them home. Zack goes in he finds Doc still up waiting for them.

“Zack where have you been?” Doc asked.

“With my parents.”

“Did you tell them?”

“I couldn’t do it I saw how happy they were and I just wanted to be with them that’s selfish isn’t it I could’ve saved them but I chose to see they happy one last time.”

“That’s not selfish Zack telling them may have made them miserable and they would’ve missed out the good things like you I’m sure they loved you very much Zack and you should honour them by becoming the best person you can be.”

“Yeah your right.”

“We’ll leave for Smallville tomorrow try to find some Kryptonite.”



The next day Zack and Doc are in Shusters field they head to wards rocky cove when Zack collapses.

“Zack are you alright?” Doc asked.

“Yeah we must be close I can feel it.”

“You stay here I’ll go.” Doc carries on carrying a lead lined box. He’s gone for ten minutes. “I got it lets go.” They head back to the car and drive the ten hours back to metropolis.


“It will take me some time to find out the best way to analyse this.” Doc said as they entered the house late that night.

“OK.” Zack said still feeling a little weak from the Kryptonite and went to bed but had his usual restless night.


Two days later Zack comes running in with the mornings edition of The Daily Planet Superman is Plastered over it.

“Look Doc. That’s my dad he saved the space program. Look by line Lois Lane and Clark Kent.” Zack said proudly.

“Your very proud of him aren’t you.” Zack looked at Doc.

“He did a lot of good, not just as Superman. He and my mom made the world a better place and it would’ve been if they’d lived.”

“You could make it a better place you’re their son.” Zack looked at him then nodded. “How’s the testing coming?”

“We’re ready to go but I want to do it the early morning when there’s not so many people we’ll take it up to the farm land where you arrived.”


Later that night there was a knock on the door Zack looked out.

“It’s my parents.” He said.

“Quick cover the time machine.” Doc said and they pulled a tarp over it then Zack opened the door.

“M… Lois, Clark err come in. This is my Doc err uncle Doc Klein.”

“Hi.” Lois said.

“Great story,”

“Thanks. We came to see if you wanted to go see a movie get something to eat?” Zack looked at them.

“You have to come Zack, Lois has blown off Lex Luthour for us.” Clark smiled. Zack looked at Doc.

“Go. We’re not leaving for hours.” Doc said.

“OK.” Zack said and they left.

“Are you going some where?” Lois asked.

“Yeah I’m going home.”

“Oh.” They walk to the movie theatre.

“Oh there’s not much on.” Lois said looking at the board.

“What do you mean Casablanca is showing?” Zack said.

“You like Casablanca?”

“Yeah it was me and my mom’s favourite film she used to watch them waiting for my dad to come home when he was working late, I’d creep down saying I couldn’t sleep and watch them with her.”

“It’s my favourite film too. OK.”

“Don’t I get a say?” Clark said. “Would you rather see Lethal Weapon 3.”

“Nah.” Lois said. “I only liked the first one.”


“Mel Gibson’s butt.” Clark sighed and bought three tickets for Casablanca.”


Later Lois and Clark were walking Zack back to Dr. Klein’s.

“Well thanks it’s been… educational.” He said fighting back tears.

“Take care Zack.” Lois said then hugged him.

“Will we see you again?” Clark asked Zack smiled.

“I Guarantee it.” He said then hugged Clark and turns to go into the house but turns back to them. “One thing if you ever have fids and one when he’s about six years old accidentally sets fire to the sun lounger go easy on him.” He told them and saw them both blush.

“OK.” Clark said and went inside.


Zack and Doc are ready to leave for the fields where Costmart will be built in ten years. Zack is sat at the desk writing a letter.

It reads:

Dear Doc

On the night I go back you will be shot by terrorist.
Please take what ever precautions are nesscesry
to prevent this tradgdy.

Your Friend

He puts it in a envelop then writes ‘DO NOT OPEN UNTIL 2023’

“Ready?” Doc asked Zack nodded and followed Doc out slipping the letter into Doc’s coat pocket.


“OK Zack from what you told me you should be safe to travel back here. I’ve set your destination time for the exact same time you left. It will be like you never left.”


“It’s been good knowing you Zack and look forward to meeting you in the future.” Zack Looks at Doc and hugs him. “In about thirty years.” He pats him on the back.

“I hope so.”

“Don’t worry once you hit 90 miles per hour… everything will be fine.” He puts his hands in the pocket of his coat and pulls out the letter looking at it. “What’s the meaning of this?”

“Find out in 30 years.”

“It’s information about the future I warned you about this kid the consequence could be disastrous.”

“Then that’s a risk your going to have to take.”

“No I refuse to take the responsibility.” He tears up the letter.

“Fine then I’ll just tell you.”

“No Zack go. You must.” He pushes him into the car and walks over to his.

“Damn it Doc why’d you have to rip up that letter now I don’t have any more time.” He muttered to himself “Wait I have all the time I need I’ll just go beck early and warn him. Ten minutes should do it.” He reprogrammed the destination time. “Hold on to your *** Zachary here we go.” He stepped on the gas accelerating to 90MPH then there was a flash of blue light and Zack find himself heading straight towards the Costmart store he slams his foot on the break and turns the wheel causing it to spin in a circle and stop missing the glass door by a millimetre. Zack gets out of the car.

“Whoo what a rush.” He looked up at the clock on the roof of the store. “1:34 I’m coming Doc.” He gets back into the car but it refuses to start. “Come on you hunk of junk start.” Just then the Mini van come speeding past him. “The terrorists.” Zack ran to wards the truck but stumbled and fell down the bank he watched as the terrorists shot Doc then heard himself shout jump into the Car and disappear in a blue flash and the Mini van crash into the photo booth. Zack pick him self up and runs over to Doc he rolls him over “Doc? Oh Doc no.” He sobbed and didn’t see Doc sit up Zack slowly turns and looks at him. “How? I never got a chance to tell you?” Doc pulled out the letter that’s been taped together Zack takes it. “What about all that stuff about screwing up future events?”

“I Figured what the hell.”


Doc drives Zack home.

“You alright it must’ve been hard seeing them again.”

“It was but I couldn’t tell them. You were right they wouldn’t have believed me and it would’ve made them unhappy.”

“You had a difficult choice to make.”

“I got to see them on last time. So you going to the future.”

“Thirty years I figured it’s a nice round number.”

“Look me up I’ll be 48 hopeful rich and adored by woman.” Doc smiles his forwardness reminding him of Lois.

“I will.” Doc backs out of the drive and drives off then there’s a flash and Zack goes round the back climbed his window he falls into bed and straight to sleep.


The next morning Zack comes down stairs and he yawns and walks past J.C. and Laney who are eating breakfast. J.C. is dressed in a good suit and the house looks cleaner and brighter. Zack came back into the room looking at it as if he were in the wrong house.

“Someone called Shane or Shay called for you.” J.C. told Laney.

“Well which one was it Shane or Shay?”

“I don’t know. I can’t keep up with all your boyfriends.”

“Hey!” Zack said and J.C. and Laney looked at him. “What the hell is this?”

“Breakfast.” Laney answered confused. J.C. got up and walked into the Kitchen Zack turned and watched him.

“Did you sleep in your clothes again?”

“Err yeah. What are you wearing Jay.”

“Zack I always wear a suit to the office.” Then the door opens and Zack turns to see Lois and Clark walk in laughing.

“I think we need a rematch.” Lois laughed.

“A rematch why were you cheating.” Clark said.

“No! Morning.” Zack tried to walk forward but tripped over his own feet.


“Zachary are you alright?” Lois said concerned.

“Did you hit your head?” Clark asked removing his shades.

“Mom, Dad.” Zack said getting to his feet. “You look so, so alive.”

“Well a romantic week away will do that for you.” Clark said and grabbed Lois bum.

“Cla-rk!” She smiled then hugged Zack and kissed him on the cheek “Morning sleepy head.” Zack held her tight.

“I missed you.”

“Zachary we were only gone five days you went to summer camp and never missed us once.”

“I just love you.”

“I love you too sweetheart but Zachary I can’t breathe.” Zack let her go. “Ow. Did you just nip me?”

“Sorry I just wanted to make sure you were real.”

“Are you feeling alright?” She put her hand to his forehead. “What have you been doing to him?” She accused J.C.

“Nothing he’s just a weird kid I should’ve been an only child.” Lois swatted him playfully around the head then poured her self a coffee. Clark sat on the sofa and read the paper. Zack pulled out the news clipping the headline now read ‘TRIPLE PULITZER FOR PLANET EMPLOYEES’

“Are you still carrying that thing around with you?” Lois said. “I think that award means more to you than us.” She smiled.

“Zack, Kelly Slater called.” Laney told him.

“I like her Zachary.” Lois smiled then the door opens and Jimmy and Lucy walked. Lucy was holding the hand of five year old girl and Jimmy was carrying a car seat with a baby fast asleep in it. “Aw hello Jake.” Lois said and unstrapping the baby and taking him out.

“Hey Zack here’s your keys.” Jimmy said tossing him a set of keys.

“Keys?” Zack caught them and went outside and saw a brand new Kawasaki motorbike. “Oh wow!” He looked at Lois and Clark who had followed him. “What’s this for?”

“For getting into M U, Yale, Princeton well every school you applied for.” Lois said.

Wow I don’t know what to say.” He looked at them then hugged them. “Thank Dad, thanks mom.”

“Don’t thank me I wanted to get you a watch. These things are dangerous.” Lois said

“He’ll be fine. Come on.” Clark said and dragged Lois inside. Then there was a blue flash and Doc pulled up.

“Doc? Doc they’re alive my parents are alive.” Zack said as Doc got out the car.

“Yeah your dad came to me for the Kryptonite test I said that it wasn’t a good day.”

“Huh thanks Doc.” Zack turned and caught his parents kissing he smiled then turned back to Doc.

“Well the world needs…”

“Superman.” Zack finished.

“No Lois Lane and Clark Kent like you said Zack they did and will continue to make this world a better place.”

“What’s the future like?”

“Oh it’s becoming quite a Utopia.”

“And what about me am I rich, married to a beautiful woman.”

“Zack no one should know to much about there own future.”

“Yeah I know but my wife is beautiful right?” Doc and Zack turn their heads to see Kelly walking up the driveway.

“Yeah I would say so.” Doc said and smiled.

“Hey Zack!” Kelly said and kissed him. “Hey Dr. Klein.”

“Hello Kelly. What are you up to today?”

“Were heading to the lake for the weekend?”

“We’re are?” Zack said confused

“Well yeah we’ve had it planned for months lunkhead. I’m going to say hi to your folks.” Kelly kissed Zack and went inside. Zack looked at Doc confused.

“You and Kelly have been dating for four years don’t worry in a few hours you’ll remember everything.” Zack looked at him. “The future is what you make Zack. So make it a good one.”

“Oh I will Doc.”

Thanks for the love
Thanks for the guidance
Thanks for the TARTAN PRIDE HA!

Can't Stop Me Now - Rod Stewart - Time 2013