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#155166 04/26/07 09:36 AM
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rkn Offline OP
Hack from Nowheresville
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Hack from Nowheresville
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What are your favorite fanfics, whether gfic or nfic? I tried to narrow mine down to ten, couldn't do it, and I'm sure I am still forgetting some!

Mine are (in alphabetical order):
The Big Couldn’t, by ML Thompson
Chip Off the Old Clark, by Stopquitdont
Divinity's Ends, by Gerry Anklewicz
Faustian Bargain, by Sue S.
Gift for Life, by StopQuitDont and Jenni Debbage
In a Better Place, by CC Aiken
It Happened One Super Night, by Wendy Richards
Long Strange Trip, by L
Lost In Time, by ML Thompson
Rest and Reproduction, by Meredith Knight
The Way it Should Have Been, by Stopquitdont
What a Husband Should Be By Sheila
What are Friends For, by StopQuitDont
What Makes a Man, by Stopquitdont
Yellow Fever, by ML Thompson


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To make the task easier I put here just my favorite gfic (though some of them have awesome nfic version). I did try to narrow the list to ten, but I couldn't, I couldn't, I couldn't. thud Hey, it isn't my fault that there're so many incredible fics on the archive and here. laugh

In alphabetical order:
- 24 Hours by Wendy Richards
- A Gift for Life by StopQuitDont and Jenni Debbage
- Are You Lonesome Tonight...? by LabRat *
- Cause and Effect by ML Thompson
- City by the Sea by StopQuitDont *
- Faux Pas by Wendy Richards
- Poison by Wendy Richards *
- Purity by Yvonne Connell *
- Sugar & Spice by LabRat *
- The Long Road Home by Erin Klingler
- What It Means to Love You by Erin Klingler
- When You Needed Me Most by Erin Klingler
- Yellow Fever by ML Thompson *

* fic with nfic version on Annesplace. wink

There're a lot more that I wanted to put here, but I'm sure others will point them, because they're classic and unforgettable fics. wink

Andreia smile

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In no particular order. I swear I'd have a top 100 list if I felt like writing it out LOL. There are way too many great stories out there!

Firestorm by Irene Dutch
The Next Step by Sue S.
Accidental Husband by Erin Klingler
In a Better Place by CC Aiken
And Back Again by CC Aiken
First Comes Marriage by ML Thompson
Playing to Win AnnieM
The Late, Great Lois Lane, CC Aiken
Yesterday, Upon the Stair, Carol Malo
Faustian Bargain, Sue S.

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Just TEN???!!! You've got to be kidding! grumble Well, OK, I'll make the attempt to narrow it down that much. No guarentees.

You Made Me Love You by Zoomway (it's a series)
24 Hours by Wendy Richards (seriously, you'll need a box of Kleenex for this one. I'm trying REALLY hard to only pick one by each author, and it's darn near impossible with Wendy!)
Proof series by Sue S. (absolutely beautiful, and just barely edges out Platonic or Faustian Bargain )
An Affair to Remember by David (OMG, this is so wonderful)
Are You Lonesome Tonight? by Dr. Klein's Labrat (hah, Labby, I know the full name!)
Un-series by CC Aiken (love it)
A Consumamate Revelation by the Gorn (nfic only!)
Dark Revelation by Tank Wilson (any of Tank's fics are good)
Escape from New Krypton by ML Thompson (one of her newer ones, and I've read it 5 times in the past month. I love how she changes Kal to Clark. But it's really hard to pick just one of ML's fics!)
A Gift for Life by SQD and Jenni Debbage (tops on my list. Another one where you need Kleenex)
Home series by Nan Smith (or maybe the Night at the Office series. Again, hard to pick just one!)
In Dreams by Kaylle (haunting, this one. Altworld story, one of the best)
Learning Curves by Chris Carr
Lost and Found by Jeff Brogden
PML Oh Boy! by Tank and Wendy
Rest and Reproduction by Meredith Knight (I had a hard time just picking one of Meredith's fics)
Strangers series by Missy Gallant
To Wake from Dreams by Nicole Sullivan (second on my list of all time favorites. This is the most haunting TOGOM re-write I've ever read)
When Friends become Lovers by Demi and Kathy Brown (and the sequel When Lovers become More by Kathy Brown)
When You Needed Me Most by Erin Klingler
Cloud Nine by TicandToc (Janet Owens is really the name. Very funny take on the beginning season!)

Argh!! Too many, and I haven't picked one from everyone yet! I forgot Pam, and Yvonne, and the Sara(h)s, Kaethel, and AnnieM, and Annette, and Carol, and Gerry, and...

EDIT and DJ (total brain fart there, DJ!) and Carol and Shayne and Terry and Paul (how could I forget Paul? Sorry!) and Dandello and Lara and Judith and Rhen and...I'm still not cutting much out, am I? fiddlesticks.

*whoosh* Deep breath here. Nope, couldn't do ten. Heck, couldn't do twenty. I count twenty-one. Could we go for a top 50?


EDITED to add links to stories and add a few more really fabulous authors everyone should read.

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OK, so not my complete list of must reads, but a list none the least of must reads I have remembered to store on my HD...

BTW no particular order,
but (*) means exceptionally anxty

*In a Child's Name Delaney
Picture perfect wedding... What?! Laura S
Andrew's life Samantha Junieth
Flight risk Nancy Merckle
*Chip off the old Clark Stopquitdont
*Anybody's baby Annie M
Next Step Sue S.
*Small steps Christy
*Little Girl Lost and the sequel Innocence lost by Laura Davies
There's Always something Xanabee
*Purity and Fear of Flying (unconnected) by Yvonne Connell

And 1 more that is obviously not on my HD because I cannot remember the name or author, but is in essence a 1 episode attempt at continuing after the multi-authoured S7


Favourite series' (more than 2 eps)
- The series starting with New Birth and ending with The Kent Family Christmas Fairy tail Jenny Debbage
- Of course both (TUFF and S5 for Series 5 and the series 6 from the mult-iauthored beyond the 4th series...
Spider-man crossovers by Robert Culpepper... these are fun

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These are some of my absolute favorites, in no particular order:

When the World Finds Out by CC Aiken
Rest and Reproduction by Meredith Knight
A Closet Encounter of the Nth Kind by Meredith Knight
A Consummate Revelation by The Gorn
A Gift for Life by StopQuitDont and Jenni Debbage
What Are Friends For? by StopQuitDont
The Next Step by Sue S.
Revisionist History by Sue S.
Stardust by Caroline
Recognition: Truth by Carol Malo
Recognition: Justice by Carol Malo
Recognition: The Only Way by Carol Malo
Yesterday, Upon the Stair by Carol Malo

Let me say that no story has made me happier than the alternative ending to The Friends We'd Do For a Friend by C.C. Aiken. The sheer situation in this story, the incredibly sweet sexy absurdity of it, the adorable personalities of Lois and Clark shining through so wonderfully, the humour and the WAFF... I guess that may be my favorite story of them all. Too bad it's hard to find, because it hasn't been uploaded anywhere.


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There is no way to limit it to 10 favorites, so I'm not even going to try, I'll just try to avoid re-listing those already mentioned. You're forewarned.

Something the Cat Dragged In by CC Aiken drool )
Forget Me Not, Redux by Pam Jernigan
Whisper from the Dying by Kaethel and Wendy Richards
The Accidental Husband by Erin Klingler (Honorable mention for The Marriage Pact )
Meet Me in Kansas City by Chris Mulder
FOLCs in the Mist by Mary Potts rotflol
Mister December by Supermom
Fugue & Fugue 2 by Shayne Terry (honorable mention Gossip rotflol
Day Follows Nightfall by Tank Wilson (honorable mention to Love Disabled )
Counter Clark-Wise by Zoomway

A few other favorite authors : C_A , CC - it may have been her "Un" series that hooked me on this fandom; DocKlein\'s Labrat , Terry Leatherwood , Irene Dutch , Carol Malo , Sue S. ... so many good stories, so little time.

Edited to fix a couple of the links

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This IS Hard!

When the World Finds out by CC Aiken http://www.lcfanfic.com/stories/2004/findsout.txt

TOGOM Variant 487 by Tank Wilson http://www.lcfanfic.com/stories/2001/togom487.txt

Paradise Lost..Almost by Tank Wilson http://www.lcfanfic.com/stories/2006/paralost.txt

This Magic Moment by Stopdontquit http://www.lcfanfic.com/stories/2002/magicmo.txt

Only Superman by Wendy Richards http://www.lcfanfic.com/stories/2001/onlysupe.txt

A Ring on his Finger by Wendy Richards http://www.lcfanfic.com/stories2/ringonfi.txt

Revelations in Captivity by tvnerdgirl

What Do You Mean, "New Krypton"?? A Plot Un-Twist
by Paul-Gabriel Wiener http://www.lcfanfic.com/stories/2003/whatdoyo.txt

I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas by Jennifer Baker

Clark Stays Over by Melissa Dore http://www.lcfanfic.com/stories/ckstays.txt

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A gift for life by Stopquitdon't and Jenni Debbage
Anybody's Baby by Annie M
The long road home by Erin Klingler
What it means to love you by Erin Klingler
The healing time by Wendy Richards
If I were you by Caroline
Just another undercover assignment by Wendy Richards
Faustian Bargain by Sue S
Evasive Action by Sue S
Heaven's prisoners by Demi

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COUCH POTATOES Or Ourselves As Others See Us..., by Phil Atcliffe
Dagger's Edge by Nan Smith (Actually the whole Dagger Series)
A Darker Shade of Red... by Andorian Ice Princess
Endurance Testing by Ultracape (nfic)
Faux Pas by Wendy Richards
A Gift for Life By StopQuitDont
A Gift From Shetland By Chris Carr
Green Card Wendy Richards
Have A Little Faith In Me By Nicole Sullivan
If I were You Caroline FKAK

This is just the first ten on my harddrive.

Big Apricot Superman Movieverse
The World of Lois & Clark
Richard White to Lois Lane: Lois, Superman is afraid of you. What chance has Clark Kent got? - After the Storm
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How could I have forgotten, "If Only I?" Maybe we should make this a top...20+? Lol smile

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There have been so many wonderful stories that I've read, I'm sure that I can't remember half of them off hand by name, but I'll give it a shot. Only ten though...that's tough.

In no particular order:

Meet Me in Kansas City by Chris Mulder
In a Better Place by CC Aiken
Purgatory by Stopquitdont
The Butterfly Legacy by Lynn M.
Faustian Bargain by Sue S.
When Galaxies Divide by Stopquitdont
The Playing series by Annie M.
Without Consent by Wendy Richards
Darkest Dreams by SmirkyRaven (Not yet finished)
Recognition series by CcMalo (The one that started it all--my obsession with Folcdom)

Well, there's ten, but I've read so many fics over the years that I've absolutely loved, it would take me all day to name them.

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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Okay, trying not to peek at the others' choice:

Momentum I + II (ha, that was tricky) by Kathy Brown
It happened one (super) night + It's a super life (wow, once again) by Wendy Richards
In a dark time by Becky Bain
Anybody\'s Baby by Annie M
When friends become lovers + When lovers become more (okay, that was the last couple, I swear) by Demi & Kathy Brown
The Playing series by Annie M
Without Consent by Wendy Richards
Rest and Reproduction by Meredith Knight
What it means to love you by Erin Klingler

But I will most certainly have a look at everything mentioned here smile

"Maybe I know what it's like, trying to find fulfillment in the wrong person. Trying to fit into the mold others expect of you."

"Looking for love" by DC Lady
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Hack from Nowheresville
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Mister December by Supermom
Oh wow. I'm glad someone liked that story. The fan list is very short. laugh

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Actually, I liked Mr. December. I just can't pick the names of my top ten favorites -- or even top fifty, so I didn't try.


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You know there are so many good fics out there... maybe we should start just a general recommendation thread.

Maybe everyone gets to suggest one fic a week for everyone to read. The catch is it can't be a fic already listed. =P That way we really could compile a nice little reading list for everyone each week.

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Mine are (in alphabetical order):
The Big Couldn’t, by ML Thompson
Chip Off the Old Clark, by Stopquitdont
Divinity's Ends, by Gerry Anklewicz
Faustian Bargain, by Sue S.
Gift for Life, by StopQuitDont and Jenni Debbage
In a Better Place, by CC Aiken
It Happened One Super Night, by Wendy Richards
Long Strange Trip, by L
Lost In Time, by ML Thompson
Rest and Reproduction, by Meredith Knight
The Way it Should Have Been, by Stopquitdont
What a Husband Should Be By Sheila
What are Friends For, by StopQuitDont
What Makes a Man, by Stopquitdont
Yellow Fever, by ML Thompson
Oh my goodness! I never thought any of my fics would have made anyone's top ten most liked. Thanks rkn!


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What a wonderful reading list! (Or rather, for the most part a rereading list. Is this a sign of too much fanfic if I've read the vast majority of the fics listed? goofy ) Anyway, I wanted to chime in with my two cents on one of my all-time favorite "read and reread so many times I long since lost count and I've had to put a moritorium on reading it so I won't have it completely memorized the next time I read it" series since I don't think it's been mentioned yet.

I would unhesitatingly include C. Leuch's Dawn of Discovery Series on my Top Ten list, (along with about twenty or thirty other fics and series wink ). While I'm hesitant to say this is my absolute favorite (that status tends to be reserved for whatever story I'm reading at the moment), I will say that I have had to reprint at least one of the stories in the series because I mangled my first copy through overreading.

I think a few of the stories from Nan's Home Series have reached similar exalted reprinting status. Along with a couple more fics. These two series just came to mind first. Unfortunately I'm way too lazy to subject myself to filling out the rest of my top ten list. Especially since I'm sure I couldn't keep the list to just ten.

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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Originally posted by C Noetal:
.... Especially since I'm sure I couldn't keep the list to just ten.
I don't think that this wuld be a problem wink so don't hesitate to add each story you'd like to recommend. I'm always looking for great stories thumbsup

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There are fanfics that stay stuck in my mind even years after I read them. I'm sure that I'll look back on this post in a few minutes and think of a couple more I should have included, but for now, here's my list:

  • Without Consent, by Wendy Richards
  • For the Greater Good, by Wendy Richards
  • Burnout, by LabRat
  • A Consumate Revelation, by the Gorn
  • Playing to Win, by AnnieM
  • Caped Fear, by LabRat
  • Purity, by Yvonne Connell
  • Learning Curves, by Chris Carr
  • Heaven's Prisoners, by Demi
  • When Friends Become Lovers, by Kathy Brown and Demi
  • Anybody's Baby, by AnnieM
  • In Dreams, by Kaylle

Kaethel smile

- I'm your partner. I'm your friend.
- Is that what we are?
- Oh, you know what? I don't know what we are. We kiss and then we never talk about it. We nearly die frozen in each other's arms, but we never talk about it, so no, I got no clue what we are.

~ Rick Castle and Kate Beckett ~ Knockout ~
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