Okay... So here goes. A ficathon! There's some basic info in
this thread, but I'll do a basic recap.
This is basically a story trade. You list things you'd like to see in a story, things you don't want, ect. and then someone is assigned to write one for you. In return, you would also be assigned a story where you write for someone else. Wendy explained it a little better in the earlier thread, so I hope she doesn't mind if I copy it.
So, for example, for an L&C ficathon a request might look like this:
Three things I want in my fic: 1: Lois and Clark romance
2: revelation
3: Someone else finding out before Lois
Preferred season: S1 or S2
Three things I don't want: 1: Lex Luthor
2: Dan Scardino
3: Babyfic
I am able/willing to write: S1 and S2, all characters, drama, humour, romance, revelation.
Three things I won't write:
1: Crossovers
2: Nfic
3: Romance between Lois or Clark and any other character.
So now that you know a little about it, I'd like to set up some groundrules (borrowed again, from the ficathon Wendy organized
here .)
Rules for Writers: 1. Stories should be at least 750 words in length.
2. Sign ups end August 31. In order to sign up, email your completed form (located at the bottom of this post) to lyshaheen@aol.com with the subject "ficathon."
3. Once the assignments are given out, you will have roughly five weeks to complete them. An exact date will be given with the assignments.
4. If your story is delayed for some reason, you must let us know as soon as possible and arrange for a short extension. If you can’t finish, again let us know as soon as possible so we can arrange for a pinch-hitter.
4. If possible, have your fic beta-read. We believe that all authors owe it to their requestors to produce the best work they can, and good editing is part of that.
5. No character-bashing is allowed in any of the stories in this ficathon.
Sign up!Okay, if you'd like to join (please do!) here's what to do. Even if you're not a big writer or you haven't posted here, give this a shot. I think it'll be fun.

Copy and paste this form in an email and answer it. Then send it to
lyshaheen@aol.com with the subject "ficathon." That's it! In two weeks, when sign ups end, you'll recieve an assignment and have about five weeks to write it.
Three things I want in my fic: 1.
Preferred season(s): Three things I do not want in my fic: 1.
I am willing to write: Three things I will not write 1.
Will I pinch hit: (meaning if someone does not complete their story or circumstances prevent them from finishing, will I volunteer to take on another story?)
That's it! I think emailing the sign ups would would better than posting so the stories and the one you get are a bit of a fun surprise.

I'd be willing to run this by myself, but if anyone would like to help please either email me or private message me. I'd love to have someone help me out. That way we can make sure everything goes smoothly. Well... Okay. Have fun.

Sign ups are officially open. Email me with your form!