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The first person to identify the fic (and link it so people can read it!) gets to put up the next quote. Please stick with stories that have pg versions since we can't link to nfics from this board, and try not to use each fic more than once. Here's a fairly easy one to start us off: "One hundred and seventeen buttons," the Wedding Coordinator had pronounced with no small satisfaction, as she closed the last one. Between the bride's mom and herself, the "buttoning in" of Lois had taken a mere half an hour. During which the bride had stood quietly, mind racing, as each button further sealed her fate- locking her away from her former life, her former self, and her former...ummm...partner. Have fun! Lisa
lisa in the sky with diamonds
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Lois Unbuttoned , by the fabulous and talented CC Aiken. And all I needed were the first five words. New quote: Superman set the glasses on the counter and started rinsing them one at a time. "If it's your night to clean up, it's mine, too."
Clark threw Superman a glance of surprise, then took the glasses he held out and stacked them in the dishwasher. The two men worked quickly in strained silence, the running water and clinking of dishes the only sounds in the kitchen.
As Clark finished loading the silverware, Superman wiped the water off the counters and threw the sponge into the sink, a humorless smile crossing his face. "This isn't what I thought it'd be."
He wasn't talking about doing the dishes. Clark pushed the dishwasher closed. "Yeah, I know." ~Anna
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I know it! It's Myxsplit by Sheila Harper ! Hmm... try this one. Something smelled really good. Clark fanned the envelope in front of his nose and realized it was the piece of mail. It smelled like perfume.
Oh, no. Some woman had sprayed the letter with her perfume.
But the smell was intoxicating. In fact, it smelled really familiar. He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths of it. It surprised him a little bit when a liquid pool of heat flared inside him.
He knew this smell.
Clark opened his eyes and glanced down at the handwriting on the outside of the envelope. No... no it couldn't be, could it? There was no return address to tell him, so he opened the envelope and pulled out the letter.
As he carefully unfolded it, confirmation of his answer stared him in the face.
It was from Lois. --Laura EDIT: Anyone need a hint? It was fairly recently uploaded to lcfanfic.com
Thanks to CapeFetish for the awesome icon.
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no I don;t know the answer, but this is a serious case of de ja vu...
I so had an idea to start something like this a couple of days ago, but have not had a chance to go on to the boards......
wow, freaky huh!
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Need a hint!  I know I read this story recently but I cannot remember it... simona 
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That's from Fan Mail by MetroRhodes. Wonderful story! I'll be back with another quote soon... Okay, found one! Lois was standing in the middle of the bullpen, sipping a cup of coffee and sniping at Jimmy, when the elevator doors slid open and Clark Kent stepped out.
Just like that.
Just stepped out of the elevator as if he did it every day.
Her hand clenched her coffee mug so tightly that it was a wonder it wasn't crushed to a fine powder. For a moment her brain skittered around in a blind panic before grasping at the reporter's questions out of habit:
*Who?* Clark Kent.
*What?* Walking straight toward her.
*When?* Now! Right this minute!
*Where?* Wasn't that already covered in number two? Really, this wasn't helping much, and he was getting closer...
*Why?* Oh, God...why?
Silence is golden. Duct tape is silver.
~Saw it on a T-Shirt.
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I love these quote threads! The quote is from Caroline's wonderful Stardust And here's a new quote from another wonderful story... Clark felt the lump in his throat grow even larger. "Honey, please," he begged. "I don't want to lose you. Whatever it is, give me a chance to fix it."
From the way Lois held her shoulders, Clark knew that she was fighting the tears. "It's not-- You can't -- I'm sorry," she finally choked out.
Tears sprung to his eyes as he watched her. So this was it ... everything he'd dreamed of, everything he'd ever wanted ... gone. Somehow in the last week, she had stopped loving him, stopped wanting to be with him. Now it was over and there was nothing he could do to stop it.
"So you're breaking up with me." His voice cracked as he said the words.
"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5
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Yay! I know that one, it's Into Each Life... by one of my favorite authors - Kathy Brown. OK, here's another quote from a great story: "You deserve an explanation," he began, having made his decision. He would tell her. She deserved the truth from him. Besides, given the liberties he'd taken, he didn't stand a chance with her if she didn't know why. That didn't stop the butterflies that were suddenly flying around in his stomach.
"Just leave it, Clark. I don't need an explanation. You're a typical male, and you don't always think with your brain. Been there, done that, bought all the t-shirts. What do you want in your tea?"
"Just sugar, and trust me, I'm not your typical male. Actually, Lois, I'm..." His voice failed him at the critical moment. Lois glanced over at him before turning her attention back to making the tea.
"Yeah, right. What makes you different?" she asked while she placed mugs, sugar and milk on the counter.
"Well for starters, I'm Kryptonian." He let out a breath of relief. He'd done it. He'd told Lois the truth. BJ
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I know this one... just can't think of it. Maybe another clue? Sara 
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Try this quote from the same story. There are a couple of clues in it: Her voice trailed off when his hand slipped into her hair and his mouth sought out hers. She moaned softly, shifting on his leg to press her body more firmly against his. It was only a moment before he had his arm under her legs and was standing up to carry her to the back of the RV. He laid her on the bed, before standing up again to look at her, lying there waiting for him. He kicked off his shoes and was about to crawl on the bed to join her when he felt something grabbing at the bottom of his pant leg.
He glanced down in confusion.
"Cookie!" Lois exclaimed when she saw the dog had seized onto the edge of Clark's jeans and was currently trying to drag Clark away from the bed. Clark shook his foot, but the dog maintained its grip, swinging slightly with the movement.
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Oh! Oh! It's Roadtrekking by Gerry Anklewicz and ML Thompson! That was such a great story. This thread is reminding me of all my old favorites. Okay, this one is easy. <You're going to be sooorrrry!> That nagging voice inside her head was back. <What do you think you're doing, getting into his car like this? You're in a city where you don't know anyone, you don't know your way around and you're letting this guy, whom you've just met, take you some place you don't know anything about!> Quiet!! "Is this the first time you've been to Kansas City?" She withdrew her gaze from the view outside the car and turned towards him. "Yes, it is. It looked ... interesting from the air this afternoon." "It's a nice city." He hesitated and seemed to be looking for something else to say. "Maybe ... if you've got some free time ... maybe I could ... show you some of the sights." "That would be nice." <What did you say *that* for? You shouldn't be making plans with him! You don't know anything about this guy!> Lois turned to look out of the window again. A thousand thoughts, memories and impressions were freewaying through her head -- on- and off-ramping, merging, cutting in, braking: Clark's soft voice saying "Hi," the loudness of the voices around her when she'd returned to a sense of her surroundings, the wink from Alice as she'd led a stunned and (mercifully) silent Perry away, the tingle Lois had felt when she'd touched Clark's hand for the first time, the admiration in his eyes when he'd looked at her ...
Thanks to CapeFetish for the awesome icon.
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That has absolutely got to be Meet Me In Kansas City! *checks* Yes, it is, by Chris Mulder. Wonderful fic. Story here . Next up: 'Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist, Lois Lane, To Wed Billionaire Businessman, Lex Luthor.'
He checked the date. June 16, 1998. It was yesterday's newspaper but it made no sense. Lex Luthor had been killed over two years ago when the underground tunnel had collapsed during Luthor's attempt to kill him with a quantum disruptor. Besides, Lois was married to him - Clark Kent. And he was absolutely positive he would have heard if Lois had won the Pulitzer. That wasn't the type of news his wife would likely keep to herself. She would be yelling it at the top of her lungs from the roof of the Daily Planet.
lisa in the sky with diamonds
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Another great story: Without A Superman (Clark Kent\'s Quest) by ML Thompson! Now for a new one try this: "Well, here's the thing. Since you're my best friend, I thought it only right that you be the first to now." She paused for dramatic effect, watching with delight as Clark unconsciously leaned forward even further, obviously eager to hear what she was about to say. But as much as she was expecting a reaction from him with her next words, she was completely unprepared for the extent of his reaction when she said, "I've finally met just such a man."
All the blood drained out of Clark's face, and his mouth fell open. He looked both stunned and distraught, and was completely able to speak. When he finally closed his mouth and made a weak attempt at clearing his throat, he parted his lips and asked in a hoarse whisper, "You what?" Lois smiled giddily, hardly able to keep herself from bursting out laughing. " And better yet...I've fallen in love with him."
Clark fell back against the couch, desperately trying to keep the room from spinning. This wasn't happening. This couldn't be real. But one look at her flushed cheeks, sparkling eyes and wide smile told him everything he needed to know. In one achingly miserable moment, he knew the awful truth.
"You've fallen in love with someone," he echoed forlornly, hoping with all his being that this was all some sick, sordid joke. Simona 
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Hmm... I've been thinking of this one all day and I still have no idea. Any chance for a quick, small, miniscule scrap of a hint? 
Thanks to CapeFetish for the awesome icon.
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absolutely, so here it's the beginning of this great story: "Excuse me, I'm WHAT?!" Lois stared at the city clerk on the other side of the window in utter disbelief.
"According to my records, you're already married," the clerk repeated, more slowly this time.
"I am *not*," Lois insisted adamantly. "I would *know* if I was married! You think a woman forgets something like that? Maybe *you* would," she spat out, causing the clerk to stiffen defensively, "but I certainly wouldn't! I am not married!"
"Yes, you are. It says right here that you are, as of December 12th, 1993."
"Who does it say I'm married *to*?"
"Umm..." the clerk mumbled as she studied the records one more time. "A Mr. Clark Kent." Simona 
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I know I know!! The accidental husband by Erin Klingler Okay I'm reading this story at the moment: "Oh, no. No, that's not it. It was just... the strangest thing, really. That woman. It was like I've known her all my life. I've never seen her before, I don't even know who she is. I would have remembered her, believe me. But, I just can't explain, it's the oddest thing, really. She left as fast a she'd come and for some reason it's like she ran off with a part of me. And now... I'm having trouble adjusting to life without that piece of... I don't know... soul? That she took from me somehow."
Lana looked at Clark with an increasingly puzzled expression as he spoke. What on Earth was he talking about; she'd stolen part of his soul? That made absolutely no sense. - Camy
"I have no regrets. If you regret things, then you're sort of stepping backwards. I'm a believer in going forwards." ~Kate Winslet
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I do know I have read this! Another hint? Simona 
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And I knew that one of Erin's!!!!
How'd I miss seeing that it was posted?!??! Carol
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A hint huh? Let's see what I can do The man took a look around the spot where he had landed. He stood in a dark little alley. He was relieved to see that no one had noticed his arrival. It was always best that no one saw him and no one knew he was here. They would not understand how or why he was here anyway.
He walked over to a newsstand that stood at the corner of the street. It was early in the morning and they had just put out all the newspapers. He picked up a copy of the Daily Planet. The front page title made him wince. The headline, in big bold text, read: "Caped Wonder Stuns City". The man walked back to the alley he had come from and let out his frustration on a trash container.
He had failed. Again!
He knew he should have kept a closer eye on them this time! They always managed to find a way to make his plans crumble! He had tried countless times to keep this from happening; to keep them apart. But no matter what he did, no matter what he threw their way, they always got out of it. They always won!
Would he never be able to destroy Utopia? Okay this is the end of this wonderful story!! I hope it helps!! -Camy
"I have no regrets. If you regret things, then you're sort of stepping backwards. I'm a believer in going forwards." ~Kate Winslet
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Boards Chief Administrator Pulitzer
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Ah, ha! Can't mistake it this time! That's LaraMoon's Reversal of Fortune ! Try this one out: He knew all about her late night drives this past summer. Her sleepless nights. The miles she had traveled under the cover of darkness with no apparent destination; just a need to keep going.
He knew because Superman had been doing the same. In the wake of the Lane-Luthor wedding debacle, Superman's evening patrols had stretched late into the night, eventually extending until sunrise. For much of that time, he had followed Lois. Keeping an eye on her, staying out of sight, knowing exactly what was driving her.
And wishing with all his heart he knew how to be the one to help her stop. To make it ok for her to be still. But if he couldn't find those answers for himself, he didn't know how he could do that for her. Sara 