Shayne asks. (hi Shayne!)
I guess the question is, are past relationships ok as long as they are over by the time of the story?
And the answer, for me, is... it depends.
On whether the relationship is portrayed as one that is as serious and important for either Lois or Clark as is the relationship that they will have together. If it's portrayed as 'that one great love' and then the L& C relationship is protrayed as 'that one great love' II, then the story is not for me. The romance has been sucked right out of it, to steal a line.
That said, I find it more difficult to read even that lesser type of relationship for Clark because his character strikes me as one who was hesitant about realtionships given his need to keep 'the Secret'. and also because he seems to be someone who would take a committed realtionship seriously and so would not have entered into it unless he deeply cared. Anyway, at that point, I'm not interested in the story.

That may be a gender thing - but still I'm not all that interested in Lois's earlier relationships either.
But as for relationships after they've met, nope. Clark's interest in Mayson, a character I really liked, was bad news. One , becasue, it was Mayson, not Clark doing the pursuing, and so I felt the character was a tad humilaited. (told you I likd her) But more significantly because Clark was a bit of a cad when it came to Mayson. He never actually said 'no' to her but all along it was Lois he wanted. Cad territory.
Way back in this thread , Shaila and Pam commented - totally agree with what they said.
Oh, the sex before marriage issue - fine with it.