BACK!!! </Auntie Jack>

Sorry about that, gang. We went off for a short holiday in and around the Welsh Marches and were incommunicado for longer than planned. Still, it could have been worse: one of the places we visited was Portmeirion, alias The Village, but they let us out again...
Anyway, since I was last seen or heard of, we've had D, T, L, P, G and U... which gives (or leaves):
Uh, -s Lip-an, -e'-e stee-ing a-a- --o- an-thing too -o-pli-ated.
Oh? --s Lane told -e i- she -ould hold a -eauti-u-l -edding -o- he- -a-ou-ite daughte-, she -ould die happ-.
And -hat do -ou -ean -- '-o-pli-ated?' -ou do -ant the a--ai- to sa- so-ething.
I -ust -ant it to sa- that I lo-e Lois.
That -ould -e do-es. Th-ee hund-ed. -hite.
Right, I think that probably should give the quote away, but that's up to you.
Be seeing you...