I have to agree with Tank and Pelican's response to the fact that Clark would check on Lois as soon as possible, though for a different reason other than just wanting to be near her. Knowing that Luthor was responsible for his "misfortune" there's no way his protective instincts wouldn't have kicked in immediately. There was just no way for Luthor to do that to Clark without also having sinister intentions towards Lois. If there's one thing Clark's known for, it's overprotectiveness of his loved ones.
Even if he wasn't able to get away, he'd ask his host what had happened to Lois, especially since Travis clearly knew what had happened in the last nine years to his partner.
The lack of curiosity or concern for Lois' safety, always forefront in Clark's mind before his captivity, is a bit puzzling. I hope this will be addressed in the next part or two.
Can't wait for the next part! Monday, huh?