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I was a freshman in high school on the night of October 10, 1993. I was really bored and there was nothing else on TV, so I turned to the episode titled, "I'm Looking Through You." [It must've been a sign because a couple of years later I became a HUGE Beatles fan. wink ] I was IMMDEDIATELY drawn to the Lois and Clark banter and sexual tension. Dean and Teri had AWESOME on screen chemistry and the rest was history. I counted down the days until LnC aired and I even watched reruns. I would make it a point to let all of my friends to NEVER call me when it was on or I just wouldn't answer the phone. cool

The really kewl thing was that the show followed me throughout high school. It literally ended on the night of my graduation. Granted, I wanted to be sitting in front of my TV instead of getting a dipolma, but I didn't have a choice. lol That's what VCRs were for I guess. :p

I still laugh when I think about the fact that it was my parents who started watching the show before me and once I fell for it, they got bored and walked away. goofy

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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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It took two moments for me to fall head over heels for the show. The first one was in the pilot where he stops a bus from hitting those nuns...it was so cliche, how could I not love it? I mean all that was missing was them being in a stationwagon. But the thing that just sealed my love for it was in Honeymoon in Metropolis right after he sat on the bomb he got up and his pants were smoldering, and Lois didn't even notice...It was great!

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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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I used to watch the show with my family when I was around 9 but got hooked 3 years later when I catched the last half of Tempus Fugitive and realized that Lois knew the secret..we all know how it ended but from that day on I didn't miss an ep.

Carolyn smile

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Like someone else up-thread, I realized that I loved this show when Clark said, "You like to be on top." It was such a revelation to me that Superman could be as snarky and human as the rest of us. Out of all the incarnations of Superman out there, I still like the way they were portrayed on Lois & Clark best, especially in the first season of the show.

You never know when it will strike, but there comes a moment at work when you've made up your mind that you just aren't doing anything productive for the rest of the day.

"It's Dean Cain, Grandpa. He lives in our chair." G.R.I.P.E.S
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wow not been on here in ages lol

when i wwas very little on a saturday evening after coming hoem from shopping, thats all i remember , i rememebr a few episodes vaguely but dont remmerb actually watching it lol
i live ine ngland by the way in case you're thinking it idnt come on on saturday eveing

"Oh no Lois don't. I may throw up!"
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As long as I remember, I got hooked with L&C when watched GGGOH. It was even dubbed in our language then. I never really noticed this show because it was a rerun by a new station on our TV, but since it aired on weekends when I really have nothing to do, I have no choice and settled on watching it. After that episode, I started becoming hooked! I was so curious about this show that I started researching about it and would spend long hours in front of the computer.

Well, lucky for me, after the station finished broadcasting the fourth season[[or maybe it was I Got You Under My Skin, I think] they stopped dubbing and I got to hear their real voices. Then, they repeated showing L&C again, starting from Season 2 in English.

L&C also increased my love for Superman that I get giddy whenever seeing something related to Superman or Teri and Dean[most especially]!

Right now, I'm waiting for Season 8 of Smallville 'cause I heard that its upcoming season will be in some kind of L&C format. I'm so excited! jump

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When it first aired. I had been 14 or something at the time. The pilot did me in. Before that I thought Superman was this cheese comic and stuff. But I was like, 'hey, check it out so you know what Superman is about'. Can you imagine my surprise when I noticed it was more of a Lois and Clark deal than the Big Blue Boy Scout. And I really am a sucker for strong B-plots. And the rest is history laugh


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Hell, I even watched Superboy!
Me, too! blush

Well, that last post was demoralizing. You were in sixth grade? Time flies...

Well, I was in my late twenties
Well, I don’t think I’ll tell you how old I was, but I saw Superman The Movie on the day it came out and I drove to the theatre. wink

I’ve been a long time Superman lover (since I was about 4), so I was hooked as soon as I heard that the show was coming out. That was before any of the actors had even been cast. I was especially glad that the show was going to be based on the ‘re-done’ Superman comics where Clark was not going to be a wimp. Then when I found out that Clark / Superman was going to be played by Dean Cain, I was aghast that the powers that be would dare to have a brown-eyed actor playing Superman without at least having him wear contacts. I knew I would still watch the show, but I was still wary of a brown-eyed Superman. But as soon as Clark stepped off the bus with the suitcase in his hand, I knew ‘they’ had chosen well and that this brown-eyed actor named Dean Cain would do Clark Kent / Superman proud!

I recorded the pilot, and I think I must have watched it a zillion times before the second episode came on!

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~
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Top Banana
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I was 14. There was a cute boy in the previews so of course I was going to watch it. I fell in love with the series in the pilot episode. (I love secret identities on top of that as well).

What can I say? Hormones was a deciding factor here.


Wait... is it sad that not much has changed?

Seriously though, I would have been able to stick with it had it not been for the great dialogue between Lois and Clark. For me that sealed the deal.

Angry Clark: CLARK SMASH!
Lois: Ork!
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The Pilot episode was really impressive it's damn smart and perfectly paced, just full of small things that are truly adorable.

Liked some other episodes, but I missed most and didn't really get any sense of "must never miss this"

Much of the dialogue stuck however and I checked some pages with quotes like years later (I like quotes).

Then I got access to teh internet, at home, and got the opportunity see all seasons episode after episode, and was completely taken by the continuity and the fantastic interaction between Dean and Teri, I cant recall a couple that managed to ooze that much sex appeal and romanticism.

That coupled with a lot of nice secondary character some really cool plots (and always have had a great respect for someone that can create challenging plots for superman, not involving Kryptonite).

And while I was watching I actually became genuinely interested in Superman, Someone I always found flat, silly and boring with his semi-omnipotence. Here I actually symphatized with him.

From that however there is some really large unsatisfactory twists in the story that really irritates me, like the aftermath of the revelation ,the wedding that is simply a travesty. Some truly missed opportunities like procreation.

And when you start to think in "what if's" the next step is fanfic.

I do know you, and I know you wouldn't lie... at least to me...most of the time...
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I watched it from the first episode, so I guess I was kind of hooked after that... it was the only thing that was EVER on in my household on a Sunday night, and it was a family affair.

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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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I never watched Lois and Clark - not even one episode - before this May. I don't know how that is even possible, but it's true. I was just BUSY on Sunday nights in the 90s and I don't subscribe to cable.

But, in Nov of 2006 I discovered Smallville. I bought and watched all available seasons on DVD. In order. WOW. It's now on a very SHORT list of can't miss shows for me.

It was some of the Smallville fans I knew who kept referring to "Lois and Clark" and I eventually decided to check it out. The DVDs on Amazon were pricey and the promo photos on the DVD covers put me off. Dean Cain with his slicked back hair was just not my idea of how Superman should look... or so I thought. (Heh. Little did I know... wink )

When faced with a long summer of Smallville reruns, I needed a Superman fix and took a chance. I broke down and ordered season one of Lois and Clark.

It took me about 30 seconds (metaphorically speaking) to discover that Dean Cain made a GREAT Clark and he was totally delicious in tights! I was also delightfully surprised to find that Terry was the best Lois I've ever watched and the two of them together were... amazing.

I think at the end of "Strange Visitor" I ordered seasons 2-4 and was gutted that there weren't MORE. (Someone explain THAT to me, please.)

My boyfriend laughed at me... said I was going through this series faster than a dime store novel and he was right. What a great bit of fantasy fluff that never fails to put a smile on my face! I've been watching hardly anything else all summer.

In looking for more information about the series I stumbled across this website and was surprised to find volumes of high quality fan fiction. I guess I've graduated from watching to reading...

From all indications I'm well on my way to becoming a Lois and Clark junkie... My family is considering an intervention. (Kidding.) I got my 11 year-old niece hooked too, which is a lot of fun, but I'm still working on the boyfriend... wink


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Welcome to the party, Captivated! We're always glad to see new faces. wave

Like many other people up-thread, I was hooked before the Pilot had even finished airing. I loved the snappy banter and the fact that Clark was something of a smarta**. It was a revelation to me to see a more adult and snarky version of the characters I had first fallen in love with as a child after the Superman movies.

Sadly, that started to change after the second season when the writing wasn't as tight as it had been. By the fourth season I felt like the characters I adored so much were just shadowy versions of their original selves. I can find moments to enjoy in the later seasons, but not whole eps.

Like Arawn said, it's the "what ifs" for all those missed opportunities that drives my love for fanfic.

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Originally posted by Sue S.:
Welcome to the party, Captivated! We're always glad to see new faces. wave

Like many other people up-thread, I was hooked before the Pilot had even finished airing. I loved the snappy banter and the fact that Clark was something of a smarta**. It was a revelation to me to see a more adult and snarky version of the characters I had first fallen in love with as a child after the Superman movies.

Sadly, that started to change after the second season when the writing wasn't as tight as it had been. By the fourth season I felt like the characters I adored so much were just shadowy versions of their original selves. I can find moments to enjoy in the later seasons, but not whole eps.

Like Arawn said, it's the "what ifs" for all those missed opportunities that drives my love for fanfic.
Thanks for the welcome. smile

Speaking of stories... I think I have read all of yours. I am a HUGE fan! notworthy

Yeah... I love how competent Clark is in this show verses other incarnations. He's the REAL deal and Superman's the disguise. Very cool.

But, I was also let down by the direction the show went in, starting with the wedding fake out. It was such a change in tone... Up to that point I would have described the show as a campy, action, adventure, romantic comedy... but you wouldn't use the word "disturbing." But that whole clone/amnesia saga was just painful to watch at times.

And was it my imagination, or by season 4 did Lois/Terry started acting like someone had let the air out of her tires... I mean, except for the love scenes, which were consistently the best part of the show. wink

I've watched each episode several times now and I'm still noticing things. Mostly, I'm diverted by the fact that I don't seem to get tired of this silly show... smile

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Gosh when I fell in Love with the show??
Well I didn't know it existed untill they repeated the show here in The Netherlands... So.. I started watching it one day when I was ill and I lay in bed all the time and I was watching TV and there it was!! I saw the episode "The Inviseble Man" and I thought OMG!! I love it.. so I watched the rest of the episodes and I loved it more and more!!

Xx Lizz

Lois: Oh leave that truth and justice stuff to Superman would you?!
Lois&Clark *sight*
Lois: See, I knew I shouldn't have told you! But you're my partner right??
When did I fall in love with the show.... I don't quite remember. I use to watch it with my family Sunday nights before bed (granted I was only about 6 when it first aired) The only episode I remember watching back then was Never on Sunday I think cause the snakes scared me (haha). Anyway back 4 or 5 years ago (my sophomore year in high school) my friend told me about it and I was like i haven't seen that in ages and I knew I liked it.

I guess I knew I fell in love when I spent my summers getting up at 8AM because thats when it aired on TBS. Honestly what 15 year old gets up at 8AM during the summer... Apparently me and only Lois and Clark could have done that.

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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Hello to another newbie. thumbsup

Not really a newbie. I can't believe how much this message board has grown. I was an avid poster back in 2004 in my days in high school (i was actually member number 421). Didnt really have the time once i moved into college and now im back nad had to re register since i forgot my password but the email i had register is no longer in existence so I had no way to retrieve it. Actually if anyone has any way to help me be able to somehow be part of my old login that be great.

But wow how many fans there really are. Since in 2004 i was member number only 421 and now my new login is member number something of 5000!!!

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You have all the information you need to get back into your old membership, Jessica. I've sent you the login details in PM.

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers
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Actually, I had never known about "LnC" till the movie "Superman Returns" came out and Warner Bros was heavily promoting the previous versions of Superman. The DVDs for LnC appeared in the stores (heavily discounted), and I bought the first season DVDs on a whim.

I was hooked at the Pilot episode. I laughed out loud when Clark tries on all the different costumes - an affectionate mockery to superhero outfits. I loved the leopardskin and the hat with the little wings!

And then (re: Clark's reluctance to wear a cape) Martha explaining, in her matter-of-fact voice, "Oh, honey! It'll look great when you're flying!"

After that I rushed out and bought the other three seasons. I have to agree with Sue S. that by season four, the characters had changed and the magic wasn't there.

One of the DVD's had an interview with Deborah Joy Levine, who was gone after season one. She said that if she'd continued as producer, she would have had Lois and Clark stay apart for at least five years. In retrospect, I think she had a good idea - unresolved sexual tension for another few years would have been great!

After that, it was some months later that I was messing around on the internet and discovered the Archive. What a great site! I spent an entire summer reading some of the excellent fics posted.

The Kerth Awards are marvelous - they are a good resource for the newbie. When you click on a Kerth winner or Kerth nominee, you know you'll get an excellent story. And, after slowly working through the Kerth list, I made my way to the many other excellent fics that just didn't make the Kerth cut that year. There's some very high-quality fiction here, some great authors.

The Archive led me to this site. It's so exciting to read works in progress and to see the feedback. I'm trying to be more than a lurker, and actually contribute some FDK. Also, I'm eagerly anticipating the Kerth voting this year!

I'm so thankful to all those who contribute their time to keeping this site going, doing the Kerth awards, etc.

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