Wow! You guys have me completely stunned here!
I'm glad so many of you mentioned that single tear of Clark's. Glad you liked it!
As for how Lois could have pushed Clark out of the way, Jeff explained my thinking exactly. He wasn't expecting to be pushed, so he was caught off guard. Just as I can manage to shove - and budge - my pretty strong husband (okay, he's not super-powered and nor does he have a super musculature, but still, he's stronger than I am

) if I take him by surprise, so could Lois with Clark.
Angst my middle name, hmm?

Hey, this is actually a romantic fic! Can't you guys see that? All these declarations of love and so on? Okay, half of the couple is dead, but that doesn't
have to be a barrier to true love, does it?
Oh, and is Lois gunning for Clark now? The only problem with her going after him with a Kryptonite bat is that she doesn't actually seem to be able to hold onto anything...