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I thought that'd be Enterprise. I like Voyager, too. Yes, you're right - I'd completely forgotten about Enterprise coming along. (Mercifully, I think). Up till Enterprise, Voyager was the least popular Trek franchise, but I'm dang sure Enterprise overtook it. An iconic, classic US show from the '60's and endlessly rerun ever since (also new episodes were made much later in 2000 or so) in which a outwardly shambolic, rambling, untidy detective outwits the villains with his shrewdness. Invariably, the villains start out thinking he's dumb as a post and are enormously patronising to him and then gradually start to realise they're in big trouble as he's smarter than he looks and the only one on to their murdering schemes. Famous for walking out of the door after questioning his suspects and turning back at the last minute with, "Oh, sir, just one more question...?" That one more question usually being the one that lets the villain know he's not as dumb as he appears and gets to the heart of his plot. It was a huge hit in the US and worldwide. Columbo LabRat 
Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly. Aramis: Yes, sorry. Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.
The Musketeers
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Oooh, this is so much fun! All your posts bring back such fun memories! And the funny thing is, I never would have classified myself as someone who watched a ton of TV. I guess I'm just very easily obsessed... Okay, my current DVD buying addictions: Stargate SG-1. Yes, I've heard all sorts of rumors of how it's nowhere near as good in Season 9 and 10. But shh!! I'm still on season 7! I used to catch bits and pieces of it on the sci-fi channel, both new and reruns, but never got hooked. Then I got hooked (through fanfic, how else?  ) and decided I had to have them. Found some great sales, told my parents: This is what I want for my birthday/Christmas. I have bought them because the price was great. Wanna buy them off me to give to me? And since then, my dad has gotten as hooked as I am -- or maybe even more! So we're working our way through the whole series as a family. <happy sigh> Remington Steele What can I say? I love secret identities and 'forbidden' romance. MacGyver Need I elaborate? Yes, looking back, it has its cheese. But, oh, what wonderful cheese! Pretender Had more potential than was actually executed, first season was clearly the best, but it was a good show. Quantum Leap Used to watch it with my family. Now I want the dvds. The Sentinel Actually, I have yet to see an ep (except half of one dubbed in French when I was over there), but I've gotten hooked on the characters through fanfic and so got the first season on DVD for Christmas. I'm almost afraid to watch it -- will it live up to the fanfic? Star Trek The Next Generation is best, the Original Series has its worth as the start, don't even get me started on DS9, and Voyager had its moments. (Enterprise? What Enterprise? That wasn't Star Trek. That was an imposter semi-cool sci-fi show masquerading under the title of Star Trek.) I don't have the seasons on DVD (as someone metioned: EXPENSIVE!), but I do have all 10 movies on DVD. Boxed set. The A-Team In December, when my mom was really sick, that was the only thing she could watch besides cooking and sports -- yes, it had a plot, but not really. <g> Gotta love how they blow things up, every time, and yet nobody ever dies. Murdock is my absolute favorite. Dharma and Greg Silly, I know, but I adore their banter, their parents, their complete oppositeness and how they fit so well together. However, if I had to live with Dharma in real life...I'd go insane. So I just enjoy her craziness on TV. Monk When it started, I hated it. Now I adore it. Psych Just like Dharma, if I had to live with Shawn in real life, I'd probably go nuts. Or kill him. Or go nuts and then kill him. But on the show, he's fun and funny. And it's right after Monk and they show just enough fun tidbits in the commercials that I have to watch to find out what they're all about! :p Really wanting to go watch some TV now, Bethy
I don't suffer from insanity...I enjoy every minute of it.
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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It's fascinating to read all of your answers. Tracey, I couldn't shut up: Well, something has snuck up on me... a TV obsession that I didn’t even know I had until recently. I’ve seen the show mentioned in this thread, and my heart jumped a little each time – that’s how bad it’s getting. I think it’s official, people: I’m a total Law & Order: SVU addict. ME TOO ME TOO ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Olivia and Elliot are my new Lois and Clark. OMG! I thought I was the only one who thought that! There might be some fanfic in the future there, though I've never written fic for any other show, so I'm a little scared. Jump right it, twin! You got yourself an eager reader! Grey’s Anatomy: I’m so proud of myself because I “discovered” this show; i.e. I was the one watching it when the first episodes aired, and all my friends were like, ‘another medical drama... whatever. It’s ER: the next generation.’ I loved it, and I kept telling them to watch... now they are hooked, too! I’ve been a Mere/Der diehard since the start. I think Ellen Pompeo and Patrick Dempsey are perfect together! Ditto!! Man, now I know why you're my twin. Kae 
- I'm your partner. I'm your friend. - Is that what we are? - Oh, you know what? I don't know what we are. We kiss and then we never talk about it. We nearly die frozen in each other's arms, but we never talk about it, so no, I got no clue what we are.
~ Rick Castle and Kate Beckett ~ Knockout ~
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Lady Mirth: Thank you for reminding me about Oshin. I had forgotten that one.
- Oshin - Muppet Babies & The Muppet Show - Remington Steele - Moonlighting - Lois & Clark - Batman - 60s live action series with Adam West and the Kapow special effects - Spiderman cartoons - Doctor Who - Who's The Boss - I hate the fact that Alyssa has an attitude problem though - Full House - Growing Pains (is that one with Michael J Fox in it?) - Thundercats - He Man and She Ra - Will & Grace - Ned & Stacey - they stopped the show right when they ended the living arrangement but admitted that they loved each other .... noooo why???? - there is one that I cannot remember that was based on a book where this girl goes off to become a teacher in an isolated town in the hills somewhere and suddenly has a preacher and a doctor chasing after her and the preacher in the series was oh so hot..... damn what is that show called? - Dad's Army - Allo Allo - Are You Being Served? - Fawlty Towers - Yes Minister & Yes Prime Minister - something for Lady Mirth to figure out: 11-15-16-09 11-01-04-05
I think I'll stop there.
The Little Tornado.
The Little Tornado is .... .... Marisa Wikramanayake Freelance Writer & Editor, Board Member of SoEWA and Writing WA http://www.marisa.com.au
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Kopi Kade. Kopi Kade. KOPI effing KADE. YOU'RE SRI LANKAN?!?! Holly Molly Maloney!! But you said English was your FIRST language. How? 
“Is he dead, Lois?”
“No! But I was really mad and I wanted to kick him between the legs and pull his nose off and put out his eyes with a freshly sharpened pencil and disembowel him with a dull letter opener and strangle him with his own intestines but I stopped myself just in time!” - Further Down The Road by Terry Leatherwood.
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Originally posted by The Little Tornado: - Growing Pains (is that one with Michael J Fox in it?) Nope, that's the one with Kirk Cameron. Why am I blanking... Family Ties!! That's the one with Michael J. Fox. Carol
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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I didn't realise that Lady Mirth had posted a reply as well as PMed me. Blurt it out to everyone why don't you? (Just Kidding).
CarolM: I saw both Family Ties and Growing Pains and both Michael J Fox and Kirk Cameron were gorgeous!
The Little Tornado.
The Little Tornado is .... .... Marisa Wikramanayake Freelance Writer & Editor, Board Member of SoEWA and Writing WA http://www.marisa.com.au
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and both Michael J Fox and Kirk Cameron were gorgeous! Too bad Kirk Cameron went a little loopy.
Fanfic | MVs Clark: "Lois? She's bossy. She's stuck up, she's rude... I can't stand her."Lana: "The best ones always start that way.""And you already know. Yeah, you already know how this will end." - DeVotchKa
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In no particular order ... 1. Lois & Clark - of course! 2. Grey's Anatomy - quite possibly my favorite show EVER! 3. Desperate Housewives 4. Smallville 5. Friends 6. X-Files 7. Ally McBeal 8. Will & Grace 9. All My Children - been watching since around 1985 10. Young Riders 11. Sex and the City 12. Cosby Show 13. Fresh Prince of Bel-Air 14. Full House 15. That 70's Show I'm sure there's a few more but I can't think of them at the moment ...
"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles." Chris Reeve
"Whatever comes our way, whatever battle we have raging inside us, we always have a choice. It's the choices that make us who we are, and we can always choose to do what's right." Peter Parker
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Hmm... Mainly these ones: - Gilmore Girls - Lost But also these ones: - Bones - House Annnndddd... -Good Eats I love watching the Food channel... ~Anna.
Lois: Jimmy, give me back my dress. Clark: Now there's something you don't hear around the newsroom everyday.
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Bones Blood Ties Super Nanny Nanny 911
It takes a thief Clean House Big Spender Little people, Big world
Law and Order CI(but only when Vincent D’Onofrio is on) and CSI NY
Clark: "Can I have a rat chief? Can I, huh? Please?"
Perry: "Clark, do you want me to send you to the dark room?"
Clark: "The dark room?"
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How do we define "obsessed" here? Because, for me, obsession indicates a deep level of commitment, such as the reading of fanfiction. In that case, I was once obsessed with Lois and Clark. I do have a couple of sentimental favourites, but as I don't have cable, if it isn't still airing, I usually have no way of seeing it.
These days, I have little time for television, but if I have a moment, I tend to watch crime shows that develop more or less independently on a week to week basis--so L&O, House, Close to Home, Without a Trace and so forth. I like that I can miss a whole month yet still follow one week's storyline. I'm only in the beginning stages of Doctor Who interest, since I keep forgetting which night it runs.
The only program currently airing that I watch fairly regularly is Scrubs--comedy keeps me sane. I used to watch Gilmore Girls, but after the main writers left, I quit. I'm also watching this season of ANTM as part of a group-bonding experience, not because I care about the show in any way.
Swoosh --->
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Wow. There are so many television shows mentioned in this thread that I've never even heard of!
TV loves in the past: Star Trek and Star Trek: The Next Generation. However, I really went off the franchise when Deep Space Nine came along, and now my overriding feeling about the shows is... apathy.
Due South. Oh, that was fantastic. Definitely must see TV... until season three. I lost interest with the second Ray. (Fans will know what I mean.)
Then there was Lois and Clark. (Still is, I suppose, because I still hang around on the mbs, even if I'm not getting any reading or writing done at the moment, and only occasionally watch an episode.)
Recent discoveries: Blind Justice (sadly cancelled after only thirteen episodes) and, very bizarrely, Friday Night Lights. The premise should have put me off this one, but I'd heard good things about the show so gave it a chance. It's great.
Chris <who has finally stopped revelling in the world of rubbish that getting a satellite receiver last December opened up to her!>
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I love Good Eats!! The Food Network Rocks!! And, How can you forget Paula's Home Cookin'! It's the southern in me. It is genetic. I love watching those shows!! Thanks princessanna!! I forgot about the Food channel. :p
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Boards Chief Administrator Emeritus Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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Why is it, whenever I have to list my favourite TV shows, I never, ever think of comedy? Let's just rectify that. Among my absolute favourites along the years and having a heavy presence on my DVD shelves and in no particular order: Frasier Cheers Drop The Dead Donkey Black Books Red Dwarf The Office (UK version) Alan Partridge (in all his incarnations, but especially as chat show host) Still Game Yes Minister/Prime Minister Blackadder Absolutely sure there are others, but it's after 1 am and my brain is fried... LabRat 
Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly. Aramis: Yes, sorry. Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.
The Musketeers
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Ooh, LabRat. You reminded me of another of my favourites. Blackadder.
Also, someone else mentioned Doctor Who. I can't believe I forgot to add that one to my list!
Lois: Jimmy, give me back my dress. Clark: Now there's something you don't hear around the newsroom everyday.
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Oh, Still Game! Absolutely!  Now, why didn't I think of that one? That's not to say that I don't enjoy some of the other comedies LabRat and other people have mentioned, but Still Game is the only one that I've bought on DVD. That says something about the series, I think. Chris
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I'm really only obsessed with three shows, and two of them involve Superman.
Lois & Clark Smallville and most recently, I've become addicted to Jericho. Other than that, I really don't watch much TV.
Silence is golden. Duct tape is silver.
~Saw it on a T-Shirt.
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I don't get to pop in here very often anymore (RL takes up too much time!) but I saw this thread and had to respond. I'm completely obsessed with television. Here's the list of shows I'm currently watching, even if they aren't actually airing anymore: Desperate Housewives Brothers & Sisters Prison Break Heroes Bones Veronica Mars LOST Grey's Anatomy One Tree Hill Six Degrees ER Dancing with the Stars Gilmore Girls NUMB3RS How I Met Your Mother Jericho Survivor October Road What About Brian Smallville American Idol Sex and the City Buffy the Vampire Slayer Angel Firefly Beauty and the Geek BBC's Robin Hood
I also watch these if/when I have time: 1 vs. 100 Deal or No Deal Extreme Makeover: Home Edition Racheal Ray Oprah
I've been watching these on DVD as they come out, so I'm a season or so behind: House Boston Legal
On second thought, maybe it's not RL that's taking up too much time....
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Well lets see. What do I like to watch besides ''Lois & Clark''? - McLeod's Daughters - Desperate Houswives ( Teri Hatcher's fault  ) - FRIENDS ( even if it's not on the air anymore :p this and LnC are the anly 2 shows I own on dvd :p ) - Medium - Lost (that's actually my parent's fault  ) - CSI (all of them I think) - Cold Case - Close to Home - and since a couple of weeks I have been watching Las Vegas ( that's Dean Cain's fault  :p ) And I think that was it :p It's not that I would stay home for everyone of them (maybe just the first 2 :p ) but I do watch them!! ooh I olmost forgot I do watch Bones now and then 
"I have no regrets. If you regret things, then you're sort of stepping backwards. I'm a believer in going forwards." ~Kate Winslet