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I try to see every episode of House M.D. CSI Grey's Anatomy West Wing (when on air) with my hectic schedule I can only sometimes see episodes of Law and Order Without a trace Cold case The practice NCIS ER Colombo (yes, still on air!) RIS (an italian production, means "Reparti Investigazioni Scientifiche" (Scientific Investigations Departments; what does it means in French Kaethel?) Simona 
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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Here's my list (in addition to watching Lois & Clark DVDs ofcourse): - The Dresden Files
- Heroes
- Smallville (I have a love-hate relationship with this series
I used to watch: - Charmed (especially the season with Drew Fuller and the last season)
- Mahabharata (it's a Hindi series on an Indian epic)
- Land of the Giants (an old TV show I watched ages ago)
- Small Wonder (another oldy)
If she had to move heaven and Earth, perhaps come back to haunt Perry and explain the story after they'd killed her, she would do it.
Waking a Miracle by Aria
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I used to watch a ton of TV but somehow it dwindled down with me even noticing. Nowadays the only thing I watch regularly is Gilmore Girls. I also usually watch House with my husband, a show I like very much, but it doesn't bother me much to miss an episode, either.
lisa in the sky with diamonds
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Hm, the mention of "Verliebt in Berlin" threw me for a loop, mainly because it's a localized version of Ugly Betty (which is in itself only a remake of some hispanic telenovela, I believe). I definitely wouldn't have guessed anyone would watch it on this board.
Shows for which I would drop everything are few and in between, though productions like JAG, Stargate SG-1, 24, Smallville, House MD, Boston Legal or Dead Like Me have been on that list or are currently my favourites. Many other shows which have partly been mentioned previously are nice to watch but don't come close to my favourites - plus I only watch them sporadically because there's already enough recording and downloading going on for me. The likes are CSI's, Doctor Who, Law And Order, Scrubs, NCIS and probably more I forgot to mention.
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Ah, tv. Something I don't to use that often; I pretty much have to work in silence or else nothing gets done.
The one tv show I keep up with is Grey's Anatomy. I'm just addicted to Patrick Dempsey.
If I actually have free time, I'll watch How I Met Your Mother, The New Adventures of Old Christine, and all the recent comedy shows that have ended like Friends, Frasier, and Raymond.
"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Firefly Early Edition The Pretender (despite the poorly done arcs) Roswell (season 1 only) Ocean Girl (season 1 is all I remember) Spellbinder (season 1) The Secret World of Alex Mack Star Trek: The Next Generation Smallville (for Chloisy or mytharc eps) Earth 2 New World Zorro Scarecrow and Mrs. King Remington Steele SeaQuest (season 1) Bones Heroes
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Simona asked: RIS (an italian production, means "Reparti Investigazioni Scientifiche" (Scientific Investigations Departments; what does it means in French Kaethel?) Recherche Investigation Scientifique. It's really just a remake of CSI. Bettina said: Hm, the mention of "Verliebt in Berlin" threw me for a loop, mainly because it's a localized version of Ugly Betty (which is in itself only a remake of some hispanic telenovela, I believe). I definitely wouldn't have guessed anyone would watch it on this board. See, I'm surprised with the reactions to that, actually. Granted, I have never seen Ugly Betty, though from what I've heard, that one's more like a sitcom or something, whereas VIB isn't. But I wouldn't have been surprised at all to see Lois and Clark fans also enjoy Verliebt in Berlin. I'm curious as for what makes you say it's surprising. Kae  (who, like Simona, loves Columbo, but that's beside the point  )
- I'm your partner. I'm your friend. - Is that what we are? - Oh, you know what? I don't know what we are. We kiss and then we never talk about it. We nearly die frozen in each other's arms, but we never talk about it, so no, I got no clue what we are.
~ Rick Castle and Kate Beckett ~ Knockout ~
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Friends Desperate Housewives Emergency Room before Dr. Carter left
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Firefly, fell in love with Jayne Cobb after the second ep. The Shimauma household does a Firefly marathon weekend at least once a month.
Scrubbs, love Dr. Cox, love JD, Love Turk, and especially love the janitor and his squirrel army. Hell, I love Rowdy(the stuffed dog)
Survivor. I'd love to get on that show, but they're gonna cancel it before I can afford to take the time off.
America's Top Model, such a shallow show, and yet I love to see these girls gripe and whine about the stupidest things.
Total Home Makeover, it's beautiful to see people being blessed. Makes my heart clench.
Jayne Cobb: Shepherd Book once said to me, "If you can't do something smart, do something RIGHT!
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Yeah, interesting topic... as a sitcom junkie, I have a lot to add: - Simpsons - Gilmore Girls (yeah...Luke and Lorelai...  ) - Desperate Housewives (well... I'm kind of biased...) - Friends - The Cosby Show (all-time) - Home Improvement and then there are a couple of things that I'm not really a fan of but I watch them nevertheless: Full House, Malcolm in the middle, Hope & Faith, Two and a half men, Dharma & Greg, Will & Grace, Sex & the city, Sabrina the teenage witch, Clueless... It's just as good that I recently got a new comedy channel Jana
"Maybe I know what it's like, trying to find fulfillment in the wrong person. Trying to fit into the mold others expect of you."
"Looking for love" by DC Lady
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Ooh, if we're getting into older shows, these are what I used to drop everything to watch:
Firefly -- I saw probably two episodes on the original run, then fell in love when it started airing on SciFi. I absolutely adored River. Sliders -- This was the other fandom I started off in, but left after the show ended. The first two and a half seasons were great, until they introduced Kari Woowoo and the show went down the tubes rapidly SeaQuest, which gave me problems when both shows were airing and I was working Sunday nights. But Jonathon Brandis *swoon* Star Trek: The Next Generation - my father was an original trek fan, and had to watch the new series. So of course I got sucked in. Earth 2 - another family favorite. I'm sad it didn't last long.
And going back futher, Cheers, Who's the Boss, Alf... I know there's a lot of other shows. I was addicted to ABC's TGIF (a block of shows on Friday night that aired Perfect Strangers, Full House, Family Matters, and a bunch of other comedies around that era). If it wasn't summer and I wasn't grounded, I was usually glued to the tv in the evenings.
"You need me. You wouldn't be much of a hero without a villain. And you do love being the hero, don't you. The cheering children, the swooning women, you love it so much, it's made you my most reliable accomplice." -- Lex Luthor to Superman, Question Authority, Justice League Unlimited
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Currently, the shows that I record and won't miss are:
Heroes Battlestar Galactica (S3 isn't engaging me as much as the previous two, but is still enjoyable) Desperate Housewives Supernatural House Dr. Who (not sure if the lack of ship coming up will reduce my interest, as it was that that hooked me in the first place, but currently looking forward to S3) Spooks
Past shows:
Classic Gold Team Stargate was a huge, huge must see - that's seasons 1-8 for the uninitiated. <g> It jumped the shark big time for me with S9 and although S10 has redeemed itself a little and I have enjoyed many S10 eps, it no longer has the hold on me that S1-8 had and still have.
Angel - up to Connor and the move to W&H, which is when it JTS. Although I've been catching up with later seasons in reruns lately and finding myself not so turned off by them as I was when they were first shown. (A quite frequent phenomena with my TV watching <g>)
Buffy - didn't much like the final season, but it was great till then.
to be continued...
Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly. Aramis: Yes, sorry. Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.
The Musketeers
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Robin of Sherwood - just loved this mystical, magical '80's version of the legend and still have a lot of fondness for it. Blake's Seven - no matter what, come what may, I had to be in front of the TV to watch this one. X-Files - I'd lost interest somewhere just before Mulder left and still haven't seen the seasons after that, but loved it up till then. NYPD Blue/Hill Street Blues - two of the greatest US cop shows ever imho. <g> ST: Voyager. I know it was universally considered to be the least popular of the Star Trek franchises, but I just liked this group of characters and thoroughly enjoyed tuning in each week to get a further glimpse of their lives. They really didn't have to do much to keep me happy. The Young Riders. Westerns aren't generally my thing, but this was my big love right before LNC. I was also quite fond of The Magnificent Seven, but not to the same extent. Firefly - cut off in its prime, as we all know, but pure gold while it lasted. to be continued... LabRat 
Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly. Aramis: Yes, sorry. Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.
The Musketeers
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There have been a lot of favourite shows over the years, but those are the main ones, I can recall and which feature heavily even to this day in my DVD collection (or on my wish list). The ones which still give me many hours of viewing pleasure with nostalgic wallows now and then. There are shows I watch/watched casually such as The Dresden Files, Without A Trace, Close To Home, Law & Order, Law & Order: SVU, Primeval, Location x3, Grand Designs (I'm a sucker for watching other people's houses <g>), Torchwood, Waking The Dead (up till Frankie/Mel left), Inspector Morse...but they're not in the 'OMG, I missed X, my life is over!' category. LabRat [Sorry for the multiple posts - for some bizarre reason it was the only way the mbs would let me post this.  After a certain amount of text, a few paragraphs, the post wouldn't go through. But it was fine if I kept each post to just a portion of the text. Go figure. Beats the heck out of me.]
Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly. Aramis: Yes, sorry. Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.
The Musketeers
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This has been a fun thread to read through, seeing what other people love! I've concluded my taste is weird Shows I love: - Gargoyles. This was an animated fantasy/sci-fi drama that aired in the '90s. It had some of the best storytelling, character development, and worldbuilding I've ever seen. Although it's not on the air anymore, this is a really great time to be a Gargoyles fan as we're finally getting new material in the form of comic books. (In general I can't stand comic books, but I'll make an exception for this!)
- Boston Legal. I adore this show. I adore Alan Shore. It cracks me up and moves me at the same time. It's just so well written, well acted, well put together. Denny Crane! (I also liked the last season of The Practice, where Alan and Denny were introduced.)
- Firefly. I completely missed this the first time around and only started watching after a bunch of friends took me to see Serenity, but it really was a beautifully-done show. Why do shows like this always get cancelled?!
- Beauty and the Beast. My mom watched this when I was a kid. I've read more fanfic for this than I've actually seen episodes, but I just got the Season 1 DVDs for my birthday so I hope to rectify that.
- Fraggle Rock. Okay, this doesn't really fall in the same category as the others, but I fully intend to raise my children on DVDs of Fraggle Rock
. I love the music, I love the imagination... I love that Jim Henson sat down to design a show to "bring peace on earth" and this is what he came up with. In this vein also falls Dinosaurs, The Muppet Show, The Storyteller...
Shows I watch as much as possible: - Law and Order. I watch all the incarnations of this, but my favorite is SVU. I got into the habit of watching while doing my homework last spring, and between TNT, USA, etc there's always some variation on! I got to the point where, if L&O wasn't on, I didn't know what to do with myself <g>.
- Desperate Housewives. I watched the Pilot to see Teri, and continued watching because I genuinely liked the show.
- Smallville. I caught up with the last few seasons over Christmas break. I still throw things at the television, but in general I like this show much more than I used to.
Shows I've been briefly obsessed with in the past: - X-Files. I went through about a year, toward the end of its run, where I was a big fan of this show, but ultimately I got tired of being jerked around by the writers. The "is Scully's baby an alien?" season finale killed it for me. I was only in it for the M/S relationship anyway.
- Star Trek: TNG. I got hooked watching reruns of this a few years ago, and even wrote one ridiculous piece of fanfic <g>, but the cost of DVDs was prohibitively high ($100+ per season?!) and I've mostly moved on since then. I still catch the odd rerun on SpikeTV, but I don't tape them anymore <g>.
- Quantum Leap. I got briefly hooked on this, too, but lack of time kept me from seeing too many episodes.
- Northern Exposure. This was such a fun quirky show. I got the DVDs for my Dad for Christmas a few years ago and we watched quite a few of them before I came back to school.
And of course there are shows I watch when I catch them but don't go out of my way to see... House, The Cosby Show, Monk, Family Matters, Fresh Prince... When my father asked me what I wanted for my birthday, I gave him a list of DVDs and concluded I watch entirely too much television Kaylle
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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This thread has been really interesting! Thanks, Kae, for starting it. Now let's see, my TV habits... For a while, the only TV show I really watched obsessively was Lois & Clark. Nothing else really captured my imagination or my interest the way L&C did. I spent time daydreaming (mostly through some of my more boring college classes) different scenarios for Lois and Clark to get into (hence my intro into fanfic [g]). I used to watch Friends all the time – and I still catch the reruns when I’m home in the evening – but I was never completely taken by it. Back in the day, I really liked the early seasons of The Practice, enjoyed The Nanny through its run, and liked to stay in touch with Mad About You. However, the TV show that had me ridiculously, to-the-point-of-strange-looks obsessed was always L&C. Well, something has snuck up on me... a TV obsession that I didn’t even know I had until recently. I’ve seen the show mentioned in this thread, and my heart jumped a little each time – that’s how bad it’s getting. I think it’s official, people: I’m a total Law & Order: SVU addict. It’s always been a show I liked – catching it here and there, always thinking, ‘hey, I should make more of a point to watch that show.’ But with the end of last season (S7), I was hooked. Olivia and Elliot are my new Lois and Clark. What is it with me and partners who become best friends? Their interaction is awesome, though the dynamic of their situation is definitely different than L&C’s. There might be some fanfic in the future there, though I've never written fic for any other show, so I'm a little scared. And I have to say, I am enthralled by Mariska Hargitay (Det. Olivia Benson) – she’s a phenomenal actress, and she’s unbelievably *gorgeous*, even in her streetwise detective outfits. Half of me is insanely jealous she can look that good in a ponytail and hooded grey sweatshirt, and the other half of me insanely admires her for being able to pull that off [g]. Other shows I’m watching now: Desperate Housewives: I still love Teri as an actress – Susan is my favorite character, and I’m loving the Ian/Susan/Mike triangle that’s going on this season. Carlos and Gabby have great chemistry together, too. Grey’s Anatomy: I’m so proud of myself because I “discovered” this show; i.e. I was the one watching it when the first episodes aired, and all my friends were like, ‘another medical drama... whatever. It’s ER: the next generation.’ I loved it, and I kept telling them to watch... now they are hooked, too! I’ve been a Mere/Der diehard since the start. I think Ellen Pompeo and Patrick Dempsey are perfect together! American Idol: yes, some cheesy reality TV. I’ve never tried to deny it [g]. Brothers & Sisters: Kitty and the Senator... love them together. Rob Lowe is adorable, and completely steals every scene he's in. How I Met Your Mother: comedy-wise, it’s all about this show. I think it’s the most hilarious sitcom on television. Hmm, do I watch too much TV? Quite possibly. But I'm in good company, right guys? [g] Tracey 
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Ones I watch if I have to stay up extra late to do it: LOST 24 Ones I try to watch the night they're on, but TIVO  : The Unit Survivor CSI ER Numb3rs 48 Hours Mystery The "To Catch A Predator" ones - think it's 48 Hours but not sure My Name is Earl [when Survivor's not on] Amazing Race Ones I borrowed my sister's DVDs to watch but too late to start the current season  : House Criminal Minds NCIS [still haven't seen S3 - she'll get it when it comes out] Bones Others we TIVO/watch occasionally: Mythbusters First 48 Sell This House Big Spender [new one for us] The one with Hulk Hogan [thank DH for that one :rolleyes: ] NASCAR Survivorman Deadliest Catch Engaged and Underage The one where they break into the house then upgrade security... I forget the name *sigh* Food Channel Stuff TLC/Discovery/etc. American Chopper Fairly ecclectic I guess. Ones I will admit to only among friends who are fascinated with a superhero  : Backyardigans [love them!] Oh and all time fave: Friends. Did I miss something? Is Early Edition still on? Or is it on overseas? I LOVED that show but lost track of it between work and school  . Carol
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Looking over this thread, I can’t believe how many people have mentioned TV shows I watched when I was so small I now wonder if I just imagined them. They will always hold a special, nostalgic place in my heart. Labrat said: Robin of Sherwood - just loved this mystical, magical '80's version of the legend and still have a lot of fondness for it. It still runs on the local TV channels from time to time, but I still remember the first time I watched it. I was about four or six, perched upon my Dad’s lap in front of the TV. I liked the old Robin, but Jason Connery was my first crush. =) I think no series ever captured the magic of Sherwood the way this series did. And the gorgeous Celtic music! Of course, I still have that awesome action sound track running through my head…dum, dum-a-da, dum, dum-a-da, dum dum dum Labrat said: X-Files - I'd lost interest somewhere just before Mulder left and still haven't seen the seasons after that, but loved it up till then. [QUOTE] Oh, ditto! I watched the pilot of this series when I was seven years old and had the flu. I think my temperature went up again after watching it! < g> And for a while, I was convinced I wanted to be a forensic specialist like Scully. Schnuffichen said: Who wouldn’t love Bob Saget? Funniest Home Videos were so much funnier in the days when he was presenting it. Wonder what happened to the guy… Tzigone mentioned Remington Steele and I can’t believe how many people mentioned Early Edition ! I’ve never heard a word about it since the first season (I was ten). And it was such a great show! If there are three shows I can’t help but group together, it’s Remington Steele, Moonlighting and Lois and Clark. They embody the genre of romantic comedy cum detective series that I loved so much and died out after the 90’s. My generation seems deplorably unable to enjoy anything without state of the art special effects and CGI. And alternate rock. Tzigone also mentioned Ocean Girl and Spellbinder . They had a cult following among school children in their day. I loved all three Seasons of Ocean Girl (How yummy was Jason?) and the two seasons of Spellbinder. I really wanted Rhianna and Paul to get together though! Such a shame. And after the success of Ocean girl and keeping up the short-lived fad for Aussie dramas, they introduced Animal Arc , a modern day Noah’s Arc story. That was truly genius. The guy who was cast as Brett, Jason’s little brother in Ocean Girl, was in the starring role of Noah (And man, had he grown up! He was even cuter than Jason!). I think it had no more than one season though. My favourite show when I was little was the Czech series Fantaghiro: The Cave Of The Golden Rose. It was better than any Disney animated cartoon. It had rerun when I was fifteen and I found I still loved it. Alessandra Martinez does have the most beautiful eyes, and I’m only now realizing how dishy Prince Romouldo really was. <g> It had a cult following in it’s day. Also the Japanese serial Oshin. It defied the sordidness of soap opera’s everywhere and became a classic. Ran for years and years. I remember watching SeaQuest , vaguely. Mainly for the talking dolphin. Everybody Loves Raymond is still my favourite sitcom. Although I don’t know if I would have had the heart to watch it without Peter Boyle… 24 was great for four seasons, although the constant suspense got pretty old. Some humour or something would have been welcome occasionally. And then they killed David Palmer and Michelle. Now I want nothing to do with it. Stargate SG 1 was my favourite TV show in the era of Xena and Hercules (Kevin Sorbo is the sexiest man alive!). But our local TV station yanked it after the first season. (sob!) My Dad watched it with me because he liked Richard Dean Anderson from his McGyver days. He also recognized Teri at first, from McGyver. I unearthed some photos of her in it, and she looks eerily like a young Alyssa Milano in them. Maybe it’s just the hair. Speaking of whom, who doesn’t remember Who’s The Boss? Tony Danza’s glory days. And everybody had a crush on Alyssa Milano. Besides the above mentioned, the two shows that I considered calamitous to miss was Kung Fu: The Legend Continues and The Highlander . I’m a Methos junkie, and still remember Tracy Scoggins’ awesome guest appearances as Cassandra. Kung fu; nobody who’d seen Chris Potter and David Caradienne together could ever forget them. It pointed me in the direction of another Martial Arts movie: Martial Law starring Sumo Hung. The first season was hilarious, and I’m convinced the most beautiful woman in the world is Kelly Hu. Anybody remember Jane Seymour in Dr. Quinn; Medicine Woman ? I couldn’t believe how beautiful she still is when she appeared in Smallville Season Four. I loved Gilmore Girls with all my heart and soul for six seasons. Now I studiously avoid the seventh, considering what they’ve done to the show. Nothing good could’ve come of the Paladinos leaving. Alexis Bledel is the sweetest actress ever! AnkS mentioned Charmed (I was obsessed with it for 7 seasons), Mahabarata (the most gorgeous cinematic production ever to come out of India) and Small Wonder (that really happened?). I followed Mahabharata for years when I was small (What’s all the hue and cry about Fauji, anyway?) and I’m still stunned at how it mananged to capture the majesty and integrity of the book so completely. I still have the theme music of Small Wonder stuck in my head. Although that apron still gives me the willies. Anybody remember Punky Brewster ? The series, not the cartoon. I never did get to wear mismatched socks. Another show that I never got to watch through, is a comedy called Heaven Help Us . A young, newly-wed couple dies in an accident on their honeymoon. They are sent to earth as angels to help people in trouble in order to earn their wings. They are supervised by Mr. Shepherd, who I think was a sort of incarnation of St. Peter. Our TV station yanked it mid-season. Wonder what happened to it? I was heartbroken for months. Simona, what is Colombo ? (I’m asking ‘cause that’s the name of Sri Lanka’s commercial capital.) Desperate Housewives . This show is an addiction more than anything else. The first season was awesome but there is only so much of the suburban cynicism you can take. I started watching for Teri Hatcher and stayed for Marcia Cross. I still collect the episode transcripts, though. Current favourite show: Smallville . I hate myself for it. I went out and bought all 5 seasons and binge-watched it. The plots and effects are great, the music is out of this world and the dialogue sucks worse than Electrolux. It’s hard to say who gets on my nerves more, Kristin Kreuk or her character, but her Bambi eyes annoy me so much that I’m sure it’ll be responsible for putting deer on the endangered species list. And it’s not because I’m pro Clois. I started watching firmly accepting that this show was not about romance, and therefore Clark could hook up with anybody he liked. (I only cared about Dean as CK, anyway). But the girl’s overacting plain annoys me. I am now an honorary Chlark shipper. Chloe deserves him. Plus, it gave me an excuse to ogle Jenson Ackles for a whole season. I started watching Dark Angel for Jessica Alba (what kid didn’t love Flipper ?) but stayed for Jenson. I cannot BELIEVE Fox axed it after 2 seasons. That network never did have much sense. But then, I remember that it was WB who took out Related (starring Lizzie Caplan and Laura Breckenridge), after just one season. When it was well on the way to becoming the best-loved sitcom since Friends (without the gratuitous sex). Ah. They don't make 'em like they used to.  *sigh*
“Is he dead, Lois?”
“No! But I was really mad and I wanted to kick him between the legs and pull his nose off and put out his eyes with a freshly sharpened pencil and disembowel him with a dull letter opener and strangle him with his own intestines but I stopped myself just in time!” - Further Down The Road by Terry Leatherwood.
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Top Banana
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Hmmm . . . what shows do I watch now? I like to catch a bunch of shows that have stopped filming, but I only really tape the NEW shows, and then only if I know I'm going to miss them. Here's my list: - Smallville
- The Class
- Phil of the Future
- Life with Derek (I don't know if this is still filming or not, but I don't tape it either way.)
- Hannah Montana (It's kind of a second-favorite . . . not really a first)
- Kim Possible
- American Dragon: Jake Long
- Avatar: The Last Airbender
- Star Trek: The Next Generation
- Lois & Clark (duh . . . but only on my DVDs, since it doesn't air anywhere on cable anymore)
- MacGyver
- Psyche (when I catch it on my parents' TiVo)
- M*A*S*H
Yes, I'm 23 (almost 24) and I still watch cartoons. 
"You take turns, advise and protect one another, even heal or be healed when the going gets too tough. I know! That's not a game--that's friendship!" ~Shelly Mezzanoble, Confessions of a Part-Time Sorceress: A Girl's Guide to the Dungeons & Dragons Game Darcy\'s Place
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Hack from Nowheresville
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ST: Voyager. I know it was universally considered to be the least popular of the Star Trek franchises I thought that'd be Enterprise. I like Voyager, too. Tzigone also mentioned Ocean Girl and Spellbinder . They had a cult following among school children in their day. I loved all three Seasons of Ocean Girl (How yummy was Jason?) Yeah, I watched those on the Disney Channel. I thought Ocean Girl had four seasons, though. But I only remember the first two, and only a bit of the second season. First season is on DVD now. Second season, too, I guess, though the site I looked at said "awaiting stock." Can't wait to catch up on those eps, too. I like the new Robin Hood series (though only casually). I never could get into Robin of Sherwood. I should like it. It has all the elements of a show I would like. But I just don't. It bores me. I've tried watching it twice and have seen at least two eps past the pilot. Maybe someday I'll give it another go. X-Files - I was addicted for four or five seasons, but then gave up on it. I don't know if it was the drawing out the UST so long that got me (I don't think so) or the never-answering-questions and changing/conflicting arcs each season (think that was it). I have caught the later seasons in reruns, though.