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Joined: Dec 2006
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Good idea 1. Name? Mona 2. A nickname people call you on the boards? Zoar 3. Where do you live? In Los Angeles 4. When did you start watching L&C? I think soon after it started when I was in college. 5. Other shows you watch? I am not a tv junkie but during baseball season and when there is some hope for the boys in blue, I watch the Dodgers, I'll sometimes watch House Hunters to see different parts of the country, and used to be a big Strong Medicine Fan until season 3. 6. Three things you can't live without? My dad, sparkletts water, (I know this is an odd answer but believe me, while I don't eat much I sure drink enough H20, lol, and books. 7. Three things you can't live with? Malicious gossip, cigarrette smoke and other drugs, and any form of abuse especially toward children or animals. On a lighter notes, if I get to answer twice, I'd say, I have never cared for cats, the way the writers destroyed L &C and for that matter the "ancient" show of Northern Exposure anyone remember that? and finally, no new L and C fan fic. 8. A fun fact about yourself? Even at my elderly age in my early 30's , I still love going to Disneyland. I will, however, admit, lol, because I won't be able to hear your laughter, that I don't care for roller coasters. 9. Your last vacation? To somewhere new, Oregon in July and a couple weeks ago I visited Northern, CA, where I went to college and taught for several years. 10. Which L&C character are you most like, and why? Clark because I value kindness and honesty above most else and if I don't know you, I can come across as very reserved but once you have my friendship, I am loyal to the end. I also hold fast to tge belief, though often I get hurt by it, that there is tremendous good in the hearts of most all people. As a p.s. I am still scouring around hoping to one day very soon meet my "Clark!"
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1. Name? Christina
2. A nickname people call you on the boards? Symbolic, Angel, Symbolicangel
3. Where do you live? Springfield, Oregon
4. When did you start watching L&C? I think I was 13 when it first aired, although I didn't get the chance to really watch it until it was over and they were showing reruns. But I do remember seeing it when it first aired.
5. Other shows you watch? Smallville! Earlier this year I discovered Jericho, and I just went through the whole first season of Heroes on DVD in the past two weeks. I also watch Charmed with my husband sometimes, though that's really his show. Oh! And Roswell. I guess I'm drawn to shows about the paranormal!
6. Three things you can't live without? My family, music, and reading/writing. It all keeps me sane--although sometimes my family has the opposite affect.
7. Three things you can't live with? Selfish people, cigarette smoke, or really, *any* kind of smoke, and the thought of anything happening to my children.
8. A fun fact about yourself? I love to sing and I seem to have a knack for remembering song lyrics.
9. Your last vacation? My husband and I went away to the Oregon coast and then to Portland for our first anniversary in June. But the real vacation was when we went to Vegas in June, 2006, for our honeymoon. We flew on a helicopter and got to see the Grand Canyon. <Sigh> That was amazing. The only thing more amazing so far in my life has been giving birth.
10. Which L&C character are you most like, and why? I'd have to say Clark. I go out of my way to help people, sometimes even when they don't deserve it. I've been lectured countless times by well meaning friends that I let people walk all over me too often. I also like to see the good in people, but it breaks my heart when I see the bad. Or maybe I should have chosen Lois...it looks as if I babble like her!
Silence is golden. Duct tape is silver.
~Saw it on a T-Shirt.
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1. Name? Carol 2. A nickname people call you on the boards? Er... Carol, CarolM [not to be confused with Carol Malo...] 3. Where do you live? Republic, MO - just outside Springfield 4. When did you start watching L&C? Beginning of the clone argh in reruns, Nov 2000. I have seasons 1-3 on DVD [and sis owes me 4 for my bday I think], but I've realized that fic is so much better and I don't watch them often 5. Other shows you watch? Oh boy! Sis got me hooked on a bunch while practically bedridden at the beginning of this last pregnancy... 24, LOST, Survivor, CSI:LV, ER [though I'm not really sure why anymore], Earl, Numb3rs, NCIS, Bones, Criminal Minds, Amazing Race, House [didn't get to see it last night because DH wanted to TIVO The Unit instead *sigh*, sis is going to have to tape it for me], and of course, Friends 6. Three things you can't live without? TIVO [how else could I watch so much?], Internet/Laptop, my family/kids 7. Three things you can't live with? Too little sleep [with a preemie newborn - I'm doing this way too often], someone hurting my kids [or any kids, but mine especially], stupid students 8. A fun fact about yourself? Erm... We moved into our first house on Friday the 13th - it was on Elm St. We found our second [current] house on 6/6/6. Other than the house, we don't do debt. We haven't for several years and in about a month we'll have the other car paid off [early] and then will have just the student loans and house left - can't wait to get rid of them. 9. Your last vacation? DH and I spent the weekend in St. Louis in May for our 10th anniversary - last REAL vacation [more than a weekend] was in 2002 to San Diego, Reno, LV and Phoenix 10. Which L&C character are you most like, and why? You know that takes more thinking that I want to do at the moment, because I don't think I'm particularly like any of the 'big' ones and the more minor characters aren't coming to mind... Maybe Martha - I'd like to be like Martha, don't know that I am, but would like to be
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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1. Name? Not Trinity, lol 2. A nickname people call you on the boards? Trinity 3. Where do you live? I currently go back and forth between living at school during the week and my parents' house on the weekends and during summer and winter breaks. Both are suburbs of Chicago, IL USA 4. When did you start watching L&C? around 4 months ago 5. Other shows you watch? Ready? LOST, Desperate Housewives, Heroes, Grey's Anatomy, Prison Break, The 4400, The Dead Zone, American Idol, Kyle XY, Psych, The Shield, Family Guy. I also just added Journeyman, Reaper and Bionic Woman to the list. It sounds like I do nothing but watch TV but I swear I do have a life... 6. Three things you can't live without? Chocolate, my Macbook, and the music of Tori Amos 7. Three things you can't live with? Drugs of any kind, racists, and people who don't use their turn signals 8. A fun fact about yourself? I'm graduating this May with a bachelor's degree in Criminology and Sociology and I'm getting married next August. And I love penguins. 9. Your last vacation? Went to visit my future in-laws in Pittsburgh, PA 10. Which L&C character are you most like, and why? Hmm. Lois because I love chocolate. Jimmy because I'm really just a big dork.
Thanks to Cat for my rockin' avatar! ++++ (About Lois & Clark) Perry: Son, you just hit the bulls eye. It's like we're supporting characters in some TV show and it's only about them. Jimmy: Yeah! It's like all we do is advance their plots. Perry: To tell you the truth, I'm sick of it. Jimmy: Man, me too!
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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I also challenge everyone to include their favorite books and films.
Thanks to Cat for my rockin' avatar! ++++ (About Lois & Clark) Perry: Son, you just hit the bulls eye. It's like we're supporting characters in some TV show and it's only about them. Jimmy: Yeah! It's like all we do is advance their plots. Perry: To tell you the truth, I'm sick of it. Jimmy: Man, me too!
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Oh this is fun, I'll give it try! 1. Name? -Camy 2. A nickname people call you on the boards?-another folc 3. Where do you live? -the Netherlands 4. When did you start watching L&C? -about a year and a half ago. They where showing re-runs and I'm so glad they did!!! The first episode I saw must have been at the end of season 1 or the begining of season 2. I was hooked immediately, there was just something about that show that made me want to buy the dvds, I think the only season released back then was the first! But I bought it and waited patiently for the rest. *uhum* *uhum* 5. Other shows you watch? -hmm let's see... 'friends' (I really love my dvds  ) 'McLeod's Daughters' and 'Desperate Houswives' from time to time, to see Teri Hatcher  and 'lost'. I don't watch that much tv, do I? 6. Three things you can't live without? -well LnC, my family and my friends! 7. Three things you can't live with? -homework, a rainy day and getting up early 8. A fun fact about yourself? -Let me think... well I'm half french. 9. Your last vacation? -In France,visiting family! I always LOVE that!! I go there every year. 10. Which L&C character are you most like, and why? -Let's see, is there actualy a character like me?? I guesse I would have to say Jimmy, I always smile  and if my friends want to know something it's me they ask! I'm not saying I always have the correct answers but I love to talk ( so there's a litlle bit of Lois there too!)
"I have no regrets. If you regret things, then you're sort of stepping backwards. I'm a believer in going forwards." ~Kate Winslet
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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1. Name? Jennifer2. A nickname people call you on the boards? Jojo3. Where do you live? Los Angeles 4. When did you start watching L&C? Very First episode5. Other shows you watch? Daily Show, Heroes, a ton of anime shows you probably have never heard of, Colbert Report, Scrubs... 6. Three things you can't live without? fanfiction, music, and manga (God my existance is sad...) 7. Three things you can't live with? stupidity, bad drivers, and people who shoot their mouth off about things they don't understand. 8. A fun fact about yourself? Um I can stick my entire fist in my mouth? It's about the only stupid human trick I know... 9. Your last vacation? I went home to Alabama for a friends wedding. Met a cute German man. *sigh* Cute German men... 10. Which L&C character are you most like, and why? No idea... I don't think there is just one I'm most like. ^_~
Angry Clark: CLARK SMASH! Lois: Ork!
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Make room in this bandwagon, 'cause I'm jumpin' in! 1. Name? Hasini 2. A nickname people call you on the boards? Um, still Hasini, although my friends always call me Hasi for short. 'Hey you!' works as well, although you could just as well say Lady Mirth. 3. Where do you live? Sri Lanka. 4. When did you start watching L&C? When I was ten years old. I was having dinner when I saw this beautiful woman on TV that I thought looked a lot like Lois Lane in the cartoons - and then found out she WAS Lois Lane! What followed was a four-year obssession. I think I followed every episode of all four seasons save for about seven, which I only missed due to things like the TV breaking down, hurricanes, lightening storms and a great aunt's funeral. And I would totally have skipped the great aunt's funeral. This show was practically religion. 5. Other shows you watch? Hmm. I don't really watch TV that much anymore. Smallville, Highlander, Robin of Sherwood, Gilmore Girls, Related (they cancelled it, the idiots!)24 and of course, the X Files. And I still love Fantaghiro. 6. Three things you can't live without? My brother, my computer, my huggy pillow. Excuse me? Where is it written that a 20-year-old can't have a huggy pillow? 7. Three things you can't live with? Stress, WOWSERS and intolerance. Also bathroom hoggers, 'cause if anyone's hogging the bathroom it's got to be me! 8. A fun fact about yourself? My Dad is a practical jokester who shouldn't be exposed to small children. The temptation is too great. One night when I was very small, I was watching Dynasty on my father's knee as was my custom, and in one scene Joan Collins was soaking in a marble bathtub in a luxurious, carpeted bathroom. We don't have carpeted bathrooms in SL, nor had I ever seen one so fancy. I was quite confused. "Daddy," I asked, "why is that lady bathing in middle of the living room?" I think the devil himself got into Dad. "Well, hon," he told me seriously. "The fact is, there are a whole lot more people abroad than there is here. So they don't have much space to go around, see? The houses there are quite small, so they don't have room in their bathrooms for the bathtub. So they bathe in the living room." I believed it till I was ten. And yes, I am still that gullible. 9. Your last vacation? I stayed at a beach resort for my Mum's College Reunion weekend. Had an intimate and abusive relationship with a deranged bee that had shacked up in my bathroom. I tried to tell it that inter-species relationships wasn't really my thing and that having a bachelor pad inside a hotel bathroom wasn't normal bee behaviour. That's when it turned abusive. Anyway, I learned a valuable life lesson - never try to break anything gently to an unbalanced insect. I came home a jaded woman. 10. Which L&C character are you most like, and why? Lois! Because she's pretty! Okay, I outgrew that one at the age of twelve.  Because she messes up and has all these insecurities but underneath it all has the potential to be so much more. She never takes bull from anyone, speaks her mnd and is effing brilliant! And she's snarky. I see her as a real diamond in the rough.
“Is he dead, Lois?”
“No! But I was really mad and I wanted to kick him between the legs and pull his nose off and put out his eyes with a freshly sharpened pencil and disembowel him with a dull letter opener and strangle him with his own intestines but I stopped myself just in time!” - Further Down The Road by Terry Leatherwood.
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Can I just say that I am so enjoying everyone's responses? We are quite the diverse group of fans here, as evidenced by the fact that we have fans who align themselves with everyone from Lois to ... Mindy Church?!? (I want to meet that person!) We'll have to do a books and movies thread next time I am bored at work. 
Clark: "You don't even know the meaning of the word 'humility,' do you?"
Lois: "Never had a need to find out its meaning."
"Curiosity... The Continuing Saga"
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I stayed at a beach resort for my Mum's College Reunion weekend. Had an intimate and abusive relationship with a deranged bee that had shacked up in my bathroom. I tried to tell it that inter-species relationships wasn't really my thing and that having a bachelor pad inside a hotel bathroom wasn't normal bee behaviour. That's when it turned abusive. Anyway, I learned a valuable life lesson - never try to break anything gently to an unbalanced insect. I came home a jaded woman.  This totally cracked me up! We found our second [current] house on 6/6/6. I have a 6/6/6 story as well. I got married the Saturday before, and on 6/6/6 we flew to Vegas (Sin City). It was my first time flying. I always thought that was a strange coincidence. I, too, am enjoying reading everyone's responses.
Silence is golden. Duct tape is silver.
~Saw it on a T-Shirt.
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Okay, here goes... sorry if some of my answers are vague. <g>
1. Name? - Definitely not MetroRhodes. <g>
2. A nickname people call you on the boards? - DJ
3. Where do you live? - In the mind of my muse... Oh, you meant literally? Um, somewhere in southern U.S.
4. When did you start watching L&C? - 1993, 1st ep, I was 15.
5. Other shows you watch? - Heroes now (thanks to some prodding by friends and family) Lost and American Idol.
6. Three things you can't live without? - Hmmm, without getting too deep or philosophical... my contacts, my husband, and my two dogs.
7. Three things you can't live with? - pessimism, anal retentiveness, and whining (especially whiny children.)
8. A fun fact about yourself? - I love to sing - in the shower, in the car, while I'm doing laundry... I even got to sing with a live band once - very fun. <g>
9. Your last vacation? - Florida/Disney World
10. Which L&C character are you most like, and why? - Hmm, that's a toughy. I guess probably Clark. I try to be a positive person (optimistic) and look for the good in others. I try not to ruffle feathers and do not get my feathers ruffled very easily - although it does happen sometimes, and when it does, boy -- look out. <g>
-- DJ
Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.
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1. Name? Anna B.2. A nickname people call you on the boards? Hope AnnaBtG counts, because that's all I have :p 3. Where do you live? Athens, Greece.4. When did you start watching L&C? Since I caught a rerun of "Smart Kids", I think it was in 2002.5. Other shows you watch? Currently, CSI (Vegas) and House MD.6. Three things you can't live without? Hmm... my friends (or I'll go crazy), my watch (I don't have any particular attachment to this particular one but I HAVE to know what time it is at any given moment), and soap (I can't stand feeling dirty... in the literal sense of the word, that is. ).7. Three things you can't live with? Cigarette smoke, dust, and people that like to irritate me on purpose.8. A fun fact about yourself? Fun? Hmm... I like silly jokes. 9. Your last vacation? We went with family to Kalamata (Greece) in late August.10. Which L&C character are you most like, and why? I'll say Clark, because I like to see the good in people, I like to help in any way I can and I can be pretty naive.See ya, AnnaBtG.
What we've got here is failure to communicate...
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Freelance Reporter
Freelance Reporter
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Great idea... so, a bit about me:
1. Name? Vivienne 2. A nickname people call you on the boards? viv 3. Where do you live? Melbourne, Australia 4. When did you start watching L&C? First watched it on TV and rediscovered when the DVDs came out 5. Other shows you watch? House, SVU, NCIS, SG-1, Smallville (aussie shows - Chaser, Spicks & Specks, City Homicide) + a whole stack of others I can't think of at the moment 6. Three things you can't live without? friends/family; my cats; sport (esp. hockey, AFL and cricket) 7. Three things you can't live with? intolerance/ignorance; my parents (I love them but could kill them when we live in close quarters for too long!); smokers 8. A fun fact about yourself? I've never been overseas (much to my chagrin) and hope to rectify that if I ever get the time and money 9. Your last vacation? Hiking last weekend at Wilsons Promontary National Park. 10. Which L&C character are you most like, and why? Clark - I can sometimes be a bit shy and tend to fly solo a lot of the time (no pun intended) but am fiercely loyal to my friends can be overly stubborn and pig headed sometimes, but refuse to compromise my values and try to do the right thing as much as possible.
All right... all right... but apart from better sanitation and medicine and education and irrigation and public health and roads and a freshwater system and baths and public order... what have the Romans done for us?
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I am also enjoying everyone's responses.  Yay that we come from near and far to celebrate L and C, that's awesome. Mona
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1. Name? Alexis 2. A nickname people call you on the boards? LL 3. Where do you live? Seattle, WA. 4. When did you start watching L&C? 1993. It was the episode titled, "I'm Looking Through You." I was bored one night, and came across the show. I was immediately drawn in by Teri and Dean's on screen chemistry. The funny thing, was that my parents started watching the show before me, and they ended up getting bored, and moving on. I, on the other hand, got wrapped up in the show, and it will be my ABSOLUTELY FAVORITE TV show of all time. 5. Other shows you watch? Heroes, Smallville, Grey's Ananomy, Ghost Whisperer, Desperate Housewives, Medium, All My Children, One Live to Live. 6. Three things you can't live without? My own Clark Kent (aka: my boyfriend), chocolate, and my muse. 7. Three things you can't live with? brocoli, lack of sleep, and mornings 8. A fun fact about yourself? I'm starting a publication dedicated to superheroes. A couple of months ago, I attended a convention, and I was dressed up as Lois Lane. I was wearing a press badge, and I guess I looked so much like Teri in the picture, that the the guy from the Superman website table, asked me what newspaper I was from. I should've said the Daily Planet, and ran with it. 9. Your last vacation? Cannon Beach, Oregon. My boyfriend, and I celebrated our 4 year anniversary on August 25th. We stayed at the same place, and in the same room where we made it official four years ago. 10. Which L&C character are you most like, and why? Lois. I can be very stubborn, and head strong at times. I also babble A LOT. Don't get me mad, because I can verbally run you into the ground. I LOVE chocolate, and when it comes to cooking, I can only turn on a microwave. In addition to all of that, writing keeps me grounded, and helps me de-stress.
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After reading Alexis' response ... uh oh, there are two of us Loises running around Seattle? Why do I have a feeling that us vs. the Emerald City, we'd kick some azz? That being said, I am glad to know there are some other fans locally! I only know of a couple -- jude and carrotbat.
Clark: "You don't even know the meaning of the word 'humility,' do you?"
Lois: "Never had a need to find out its meaning."
"Curiosity... The Continuing Saga"
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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1. Name? Julie 2. A nickname people call you on the boards? JoMurf or Jo 3. Where do you live? Is this heaven, no it's Iowa! 4. When did you start watching L&C? From the very first show! 5. Other shows you watch? Grey's Anatomy, Reality shows, NCIS...... I could go on forever. 6. Three things you can't live without? My daughter, living near water, friends 7. Three things you can't live with? my parents! , smokers, my ex?! 8. A fun fact about yourself? I used to believe (thanks to my mom!) that you had an innie or outie belly button based on how the doctor tied the umbilical cord. Found out the truth when a frend of mine brought her newborn home. I didn't feel as stupid when I had to explain it to my OLDER sister! 9. Your last vacation? me, my daughter and a Florida beach--and I even dared to go para-sailing! 10. Which L&C character are you most like, and why? My 1st thought was Lois due to the love of chocolate and the babbling, but I think I'll change it to Dr. Klein for the love of science and overexplanations (ie: babbling!) Jo
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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1. Name? Brenda 2. A nickname people call you on the boards? BJ, Brit (other fandom - don't ask, it only makes sense to me). 3. Where do you live? Just south of Atlanta, Georgia. 4. When did you start watching L&C? About a year and a half ago. I met KathyB in another fandom and she pimped it. 5. Other shows you watch? Dr. Who (yup, KathyB pimped that one, too.) I don't currently have a TV, so everything I tend to watch is already on DVD. 6. Three things you can't live without? My kitty, my family and good food. I mean really good food. The kind I use to be able to find everywhere in the San Francisco Bay area. I'm dying from the lack of good Chinese food. If you're out there and know of a good Chinese restaurant in the Atlanta area, please let me know. I'll be forever in your debt. 7. Three things you can't live with? My current job, small minded people, mosquitos 8. A fun fact about yourself? I studied Russian in college. This only becomes a fun fact if you realize that only about 5 people in the entire state in which I lived spoke Russion at the time. 9. Your last vacation? Long Beach, Washington. Very relaxing. 10. Which L&C character are you most like, and why? Eh, Eduardo Friaz? Because I'm a quiet, yet competant bit player? BJ
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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1. Name? Sheila 2. A nickname people call you on the boards? Sheila, ethanseth 3. Where do you live? Savannah, GA 4. When did you start watching L&C? In syndication, 2002 5. Other shows you watch? CSI Miami, Law & Order SVU, JAG 6. Three things you can't live without? My husband and children, L&C fanfic, Red grape juice 7. Three things you can't live with? cats, bugs that fly, cigarette smoke 8. A fun fact about yourself? My dream at age 12 was to fly fighter jets for the USMC but my vision destroyed that dream. 9. Your last vacation? Freeport, Bahamas 10. Which L&C character are you most like, and why? Lois...because I'm in love with Dean...I mean Clark
I'm a firm believer in the fact that God doesn't put any more on us than we can bear. He does however make us come to Jesus every so often.
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Boards Chief Administrator Pulitzer
Boards Chief Administrator Pulitzer
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Ooh fun! I had a blast reading everyone's responses, and it's been so long since I've been around here. So, here goes: 1. Name? Sara Kraft2. A nickname people call you on the boards? Krafty or Sara K3. Where do you live? Tucson, Arizona4. When did you start watching L&C? I remember clearly watching the pilot when it first aired, but I don't think I watched it religiously until much later in the season. After that, I'd lock myself in my room, and I had all my friends and family trained not to bother trying to talk to me between 7 and 8 p.m. on Sunday nights. 5. Other shows you watch? I don't watch much actual TV nowadays, mostly just stuff that's off the air. I do watch Heroes, though. And also Doctor Who and Torchwood. Other favs: Doctor Quinn Medicine Woman, Gilmore Girls, Veronica Mars, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, and probably a few more I can't think of right now.6. Three things you can't live without? my laptop (with internet!), my friends, and the hope that I'll find love one of these days. ;P7. Three things you can't live with? drugs of any sort, writing any more analytical papers Met with her and some other FoLCs in LA, then trekked up to Canada. A week after that, I met up with more FoLCs in Washington. Yay FoLCs!10. Which L&C character are you most like, and why? Gosh... I think it'd be a mix of both Clark and Lois. I think that's why I love them so much - I'm able to relate in so many ways.