Do I need to say anything more about Lois & Clark and Dean and Teri (hey, didn't they make that episode?

)? Nah... But other great screen "couples":
My favorite TV show of all time is
Babylon 5, where there is terrific chemistry between a lot of the characters.
John and Delenn -- the primary romantic couple
Add Susan Ivanova and Marcus Cole to that. They were great together, and I'd like to have seen more. Marcus' snarky comments to Susan as his straight-woman (with a temper), coupled with the vulnerability that they both had, but hid desperately, made them a treat to watch, even for the relatively small amount of screen time that they had. And I wish that there hadn't been that silly disagreement that led to Claudia Christian bailing out at the end of the 4th season, if only because I would have loved to have seen her in
Day of the Dead instead of Lochley; does anyone
not think that her visitor would have been Marcus?
Londo and G'Kar, ambassadors from two warring races whose very adversarial relationship took a number of surprising twists and turns over the course of the series.
Yes, everything from slapstick humour to literally trying to kill each other, and then ultimately becoming friendly enemies, or perhaps quarrelsome friends; they were wonderful foils for one another, both personally and as leaders of their respective races.
And a L&C link: Tracy Scoggins showed up on the 5th Season of the show as the space station commander, 4 years after leaving L&C...
Yes, I was glad JMS kept her on into
Crusade and semi-paired her up with Matthew Gideon. They were a good team, and I'd like to have seen their relationship develop as the story arc progressed.
Plus, as a starship junkie, I'd've liked to see something like a Drakh attack on B5 -- "Severed Dreams" but with the station and the
Excalibur fighting together... and they could always have had Ivanova's
Warlock-class ship there too. Well, I can dream.
But I digress... so who else had good screen chemistry? Well, here's a mouldy oldie that might not qualify since the characters aren't actually played by people, and all the chemistry was in the script and voice acting: Lady Penelope and Parker from
Thunderbirds. Even in the recent movie when they
were real people, they acted everyone else off the screen.
Or, since we're going back to older shows, how about Rock Hudson and Susan St James as
McMillan and Wife, not least because, IIRC, it was the first US TV series that dared, or was allowed, to show a married couple in bed together. More to the point, I remember the episodes being both good mysteries/police procedurals and having good character development, and Mac, Sally, Charlie and Mildred were fun to watch, both in action and at home.
I could probably think of more if I tried, but most have already been mentioned.