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It's been entirely too long since we've had a poll. And since we have what seems to be an influx of new FoLCs, we should get to know each other a little better. (And because I can, I'd like to make a little plug for #loisclark on IRC, where you can come and talk to some of us! We're fun!)

1. What does your board name mean?
2. Where do you live, and what is something you love about that place?
3. When did you start watching L&C?
4. Rank the seasons in order of preference:
5. What is a show currently on the air you just can't miss?
6. What is your cooking (or burning) speciality?
7. What sports team do you always root for, even when they suck?
8. What is something you never leave the house without?
9. Who is the first FoLC you really remember talking to?
10. As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
11. What is something you collect?
12. Are you less bored than when you started this poll?


My answers:

1. What does your board name mean? I'm an editor (and here everyone thought I was just evil for a living) and jax is a play on my maiden name.
2. Where do you live, and what is something you love about that place? Washington state, and I love that we have all types of landscape -- mountains and ocean and plains and a rainforest. Oh yeah, and Nordstrom. laugh
3. When did you start watching L&C? Halfway through the first season, in 1994. I had to beg my mom to stay up until 9.
4. Rank the seasons in order of preference: 4, 2, 1, 3.
5. What is a show currently on the air you just can't miss? Desperate Housewives.
6. What is your cooking (or burning) speciality? I make awesome chocolate truffles and my fettucini alfredo generally gets high marks.
7. What sports team do you always root for, even when they suck? The WSU Cougars.
8. What is something you never leave the house without? Cherry Chapstick and my BlackBerry.
9. Who is the first FoLC you really remember talking to? Kltpzyxm and DaisyMay390 in IRC; I was so excited to find fellow fans my age after all these years!
10. As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? Lois Lane. wink
11. What is something you collect? Jewelry in little blue boxes with white ribbon.
12. Are you less bored than when you started this poll? Of course. I love polls.

Clark: "You don't even know the meaning of the word 'humility,' do you?"

Lois: "Never had a need to find out its meaning."

"Curiosity... The Continuing Saga"
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Features Writer
Features Writer
Joined: Feb 2006
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1. What does your board name mean? - Um... I think my name, Catherine Bruce, means 'The pure short one' or 'Short on purity.' My first name, Catherine, means 'Pure One,' and Bruce is Short.
2. Where do you live, and what is something you love about that place? - Tennessee. I love it because my mommy lives here with me. *Unabashed mamma's girl*
3. When did you start watching L&C? Uuuum... early season two or late season one laugh
4. Rank the seasons in order of preference: Two, One, four, three. Or, Two, One, Three, Four, depending on the day laugh
5. What is a show currently on the air you just can't miss? - Smallville blush But only the ones Lois is in
6. What is your cooking (or burning) speciality? - Microwaveable or Toaster.
7. What sports team do you always root for, even when they suck? - I read sports as sporks :p But the Minnesota Vikings laugh
8. What is something you never leave the house without? - Clothing on...
9. Who is the first FoLC you really remember talking to? - Cape Fetish. I knew her before I knew I knew her XD
10. As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? - An animal vet, military, a writer, an artist, an actress...
11. What is something you collect? - Shirts with the Superman logo. blush
12. Are you less bored than when you started this poll? - Well, had I not been doing what I was doing, and you know what it was that I was doing, then yes laugh

Mmm cheese.

I vid, therefor I am.

The hardest lesson is that love can be so fair to some, and so cruel to others. Even those who would be gods.

Anne Shirley: I'm glad you spell your name with a "K." Katherine with a "K" is so much more alluring than Catherine with a "C." A "C" always looks so smug.
Me: *cries*
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1. What does your board name mean?

When I came to FoLCdom, I was fresh out of a Batman fandom. So rather than choosing a Superman-related name, I decided on Queen of the Capes because of my awesomeness in two superhero realms. ^^

2. Where do you live, and what is something you love about that place?

I *currently* live in a dorm, and I love the faster internet! wink

3. When did you start watching L&C?

Hm. I first saw it when I was a little kid (came in the middle of "Lois and Clarks", of all things), but wasn't that interested at the time. When I was older, TBS showed reruns....I think I was a teenager, but I honestly forget when it was. o_O

4. Rank the seasons in order of preference:

1, 2 (or 2, 1 depending on my mood), 5 wink , 4, 3

5. What is a show currently on the air you just can't miss?

....uh...I seldom watch TV anymore, so I guess none of them :p

6. What is your cooking (or burning) speciality?

Well, I do have a way with baked chicken and curry; but I've also been told I have a knack for pie crusts. *g*

7. What sports team do you always root for, even when they suck?

Sports have *teams*? eek

8. What is something you never leave the house without?

My purse, naturally wink

9. Who is the first FoLC you really remember talking to?

Hmmm....talking or chatting or---? I guess maybe Paul, though I probably spoke to other people too...JulieS is another early one. And Dave, where are you these days??

10. As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

The world's youngest Doctor. wink

11. What is something you collect?

Comics blush

12. Are you less bored than when you started this poll?

Hmmm, I guess so. It's been a looong day, though, and I'm not quite all here. Otherwise, I'd have much awesomer answers.


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My name is JD and I am a poll junkie. PS, there are several of us on LJ, so please tap into that if you're new! Would always love to add you to my list.

1. What does your board name mean?
Heh, that's a great question. I discovered lately I really just have a thing for shadows and sneaking around. One of these days, I'm going to do a photo shoot of shadows...

2. Where do you live, and what is something you love about that place?
I live by Gulf Shores, and I really love my friends and the people i work with. And it's nice to know that if I need a vacation, the beach is a short car drive away!

3. When did you start watching L&C?
Aw, from the Pilot episode. I squealed about the previews for weeks before it came out.

4. Rank the seasons in order of preference:
2, 1, 3, 4...I think. Really three of them tie for first place, and then whichever season has the clones is last. :p

5. What is a show currently on the air you just can't miss?
Grey's Anatomy. It's really my only must-see. Everything else, I watch reruns.

6. What is your cooking (or burning) speciality?
Definitely desserts right now, which I find hilarious because I can't eat most of them, but I make some MEAN rum balls. Otherwise you can usually find me cooking my 5 billionth piece of chicken for dinner.

7. What sports team do you always root for, even when they suck?
Either the Mets (how about the new stadium!), or the team at the university where I work.

8. What is something you never leave the house without?

9. Who is the first FoLC you really remember talking to?
Erm...I have a bad memory, but an early conversation involved Pam and hiding behind ficus trees in the IRC channel...

10. As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
An artist. Couldn't seem to put down that pencil, so I couldn't be happier today.

11. What is something you collect?
Watches. I'm ridiculously frugal to the point of crazy...until you let me loose in a Swatch or a Fossil shop.

12. Are you less bored than when you started this poll?


"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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1. What does your board name mean? I died as Bethy in Little Women in high school, and soon after that I started playing online. I was uber paranoid about people finding out my real name (still am – with some very general info on me, plus my first name...you can google me) so I was DeadBethy. After awhile, I dropped the dead, kept the Bethy, and now it’s a pervasive nickname online and RL alike. I like it.

2. Where do you live, and what is something you love about that place? I live in an apartment with no doors and the walls don't go to the ceiling. One thing I love about it: The mirror wall. Sounds tacky, but really isn't. Other thing I love: My roommate...who is ditching me to go live with her parents in the suburbs to save money. frown

3. When did you start watching L&C? From the get go. We would record L&C and Seaquest, while the whole family watched Murder, She Wrote. Scary were the weeks when we were out of the house at that time – two VCRs + 3 shows = Bethy lost out on L&C.

4. Rank the seasons in order of preference: Um...2, 1, 3, 4? Maybe?

5. What is a show currently on the air you just can't miss? I don’t have cable and get crappy rabbit ear reception...so...um...does online “air” count? Bones, Chuck, Mentalist, House. Dude, all one word titles. Bizarre.

6. What is your cooking (or burning) speciality? Burning specialty: Popcorn. Cooking specialty: Spaghetti sauce. Baking specialty: UUUGGGLLLYYY cookies. They taste really really good, though.

7. What sports team do you always root for, even when they suck? {whisper}The Detroit Lions{/whisper} {duck and run}

8. What is something you never leave the house without? Keys. School pass that gets me on public transportation. Cell phone...yes, I’m a techno-addict.

9. Who is the first FoLC you really remember talking to? I emailed Nan Smith to tell her I liked her stories and ask what this “list” she kept thanking was...

10. As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? A mommy.

11. What is something you collect? Wow, used to have so many things for this...Books, but now I go to the library more than buy. TV shows on DVD? Electronics, definitely. {glances lovingly at all three personal computers}.

12. Are you less bored than when you started this poll? Hm...wasn’t bored before. Am not bored now. So...no? But was greatly entertained, nonetheless!

Thanks, Jenn!


I don't suffer from insanity...I enjoy every minute of it.
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1. What does your board name mean? First name, last initial
2. Where do you live, and what is something you love about that place? Nearly in the country, it's like 3 hours from pretend Smallville
3. When did you start watching L&C? late 2000 with the real wedding I think
4. Rank the seasons in order of preference: 2, 1, 3, 4 I think maybe
5. What is a show currently on the air you just can't miss? Which night? Overall, LOST. Watch my nick in IRC at night thought... wink Tonight I was CarolMLOST, CarolMCM [Criminal Minds] and CarolMCastle...
6. What is your cooking (or burning) speciality? BBQ Chicken cups
7. What sports team do you always root for, even when they suck? St. Louis Cardinals
8. What is something you never leave the house without? Kids :p Or hardly ever
9. Who is the first FoLC you really remember talking to? MissyG /sniffle/ Miss you Missy!
10. As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? Teacher and mom
11. What is something you collect? Plaster of paris houses for my Christmas village I'm painting
12. Are you less bored than when you started this poll? um... sure

Joined: Mar 2007
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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1. What does your board name mean?

I love the name Mxyzptlk…makes me laugh, but I didn’t want to be a bad guy, so I flipped it to make him go away. wink Don’t ask me how to pronounce it though!

2. Where do you live, and what is something you love about that place?

I live in Florida where the sun shines and keeps me warm and sets beautifully on the water behind my house.

3. When did you start watching L&C?

When it was originally on at some point in the, I think, second season…it’s a bit of a blur now.

4. Rank the seasons in order of preference:

2, 4, 3, 1

5. What is a show currently on the air you just can't miss?

Bones and Smallville

6. What is your cooking (or burning) speciality?

Strangely topped, flatbread pizzas.

7. What sports team do you always root for, even when they suck?

Um, what? Sports? I don’t speak this “sports” language. wink

8. What is something you never leave the house without?

My phone

9. Who is the first FoLC you really remember talking to?

Hmm…I remember going into #lanekent and meeting lots of people at once. Our wonderful EditorJax was there that night…who knew she’d become one of my bestest friends!?

10. As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A wife and mom….still want that!

11. What is something you collect?

Rag dolls that I make when I visit Silver Dollar City. I’ve made 9, but I lost the first one I made.

12. Are you less bored than when you started this poll?

I was not particularly bored when I started it.

- Lauren

There's a lot of things you need to get across this universe. Warp drive, wormhole refractors. You know the thing you need most of
all? You need a hand to hold.
~10th Doctor
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1. What does your board name mean? It's my first and middle names.
2. Where do you live, and what is something you love about that place? I live in Sugar Land, TX. The best thing about here is my friends.
3. When did you start watching L&C? From the beginning, in 1993. I was hooked from the previews!
4. Rank the seasons in order of preference: 2, 1, 3, 4
5. What is a show currently on the air you just can't miss? The Big Bang Theory - so hilarious!
6. What is your cooking (or burning) speciality? Cooking: anything dessert. I couldn't even narrow it down.
7. What sports team do you always root for, even when they suck? the Houston Astros.../sigh
8. What is something you never leave the house without? My phone! And usually at least one child.
9. Who is the first FoLC you really remember talking to? Ben. His nick on the list was bullfrog. That's all I know.
10. As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? A lawyer.
11. What is something you collect? Cookie cutters.
12. Are you less bored than when you started this poll? Sure. Less sleepy, at any rate!

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Joined: Apr 2003
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1. What does your board name mean? A crazy girl. Hee hee although my friends may disagree they think I'm too serious
2. Where do you live, and what is something you love about that place? Sydney I love that even though it's a bustling city it's still so easy to get to the beach or the ocean.
3. When did you start watching L&C? 1993 (I think)
4. Rank the seasons in order of preference: 2, 3, 1 and 4
5. What is a show currently on the air you just can't miss? I don't watch too much TV these days
6. What is your cooking (or burning) speciality? Chocolate butterfly cupcakes, chocolate shortbread, pasta and honey soy chicken
7. What sports team do you always root for, even when they suck? Currently the Australian cricket team though the main sport I really follow is soccer
8. What is something you never leave the house without? Besides the obvious my ipod, a book, my sunglasses and my mobile phone
9. Who is the first FoLC you really remember talking to? Lara
10. As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? journalist or a writer
11. What is something you collect? model airlines my favourite is the model I have of the Airbus A380 and books
12. Are you less bored than when you started this poll? yes!

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart

Helen Keller
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Joined: Aug 2007
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Cool, a poll!

1. What does your board name mean? Well, I can't really divulge, but I would like to point out that my initials are B.S. That was accidental.

2. Where do you live, and what is something you love about that place? I'm living in a basement suite and right now it's hard to think of something I like about it. Maybe that I only have another two months in it?

3. When did you start watching L&C? Two years ago, almost exactly. I was on a procrastination marathon to try to get out of writing a paper and some kind soul had posted a whole bunch of the episodes online.

4. Rank the seasons in order of preference: 3 (just the first half), 2, 4, 1. I think. There are epis I really like in S4, but then a lot of episodes I just can't stand.

5. What is a show currently on the air you just can't miss? It changes a lot, but right now I'd have to say it's Chuck and The Office

6. What is your cooking (or burning) speciality? Hmm... I would have to say Tuna Casserole. Easy and yummy.

7. What sports team do you always root for, even when they suck? Usually whichever team is playing against the Vancouver Canucks, which is my brothers' favourite team. wink

8. What is something you never leave the house without? My student ID. It gets we WAY too much free stuff to be left at home.

9. Who is the first FoLC you really remember talking to? That would be Nancy, my first BR. I was brand new to the boards and too intimidated to even ask for a BR without throwing my first chapter up and running for cover. Luckily, she responded to my pathetic plea and sent me an email.

10. As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? Ballerina. Of course, I don't think I've really grown up yet, so maybe I still have time for that. Ha ha.

11. What is something you collect? I like to collect handouts/old assignments/class resources from classes I've taken in the past. My idea is that once I'm teaching they'll all magically transform into lesson plans that I can use with students while putting in minimal work. I'll let you all know how that works out.

12. Are you less bored than when you started this poll? Yes! But I'm not less tired, so I think I'll have to head off to bed regardless. This has been fun! Thanks for putting it up.

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Joined: Dec 2008
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1. What does your board name mean?

I'm a mad Hawthorn fan (the Hawks) in AFL (Australian Rules Football) and it tied in with Lois being 'Female Hawk' in 'Just Say Noah'.

2. Where do you live, and what is something you love about that place?

Victoria, Australia. The beach, the lifestyle, the sport and usually, the weather.

3. When did you start watching L&C? mid S2.

4. Rank the seasons in order of preference: 3,4,1,2

5. What is a show currently on the air you just can't miss? There isn't one.

6. What is your cooking (or burning) speciality? Chicken carbonara.

7. What sports team do you always root for, even when they suck? Hawthorn (see above).

8. What is something you never leave the house without? Wallet, keys, phone.

9. Who is the first FoLC you really remember talking to? Iolanthe (assuming 'talking' can include email!)

10. As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? A vet.

11. What is something you collect? Stamps.

12. Are you less bored than when you started this poll? Yes!

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1. What does your board name mean? My childhood nickname was "Sister Sue", so I went with Sue when it came time to create an alter ego.

2. Where do you live, and what is something you love about that place? I'm in the Western US, somewhere high in the Rocky Mountains and I absolutely love the mountains and the high desert. I also love that I'm within a day's drive of no less than nine spectacular national parks (Grand Canyon, Mesa Verde, Rocky Mountain, Arches, Bryce Canyon, Canyonlands, Zion, Great Basin, and Death Valley).

3. When did you start watching L&C? From the very first episode, baby!

4. Rank the seasons in order of preference: One/Two (I can't pick, I love them both for different reasons), Three and then, way off in the distance, Four.

5. What is a show currently on the air you just can't miss? "Bones", "The Tudors" and "The Amazing Race" There are two others, "Dexter" and "Mad Men", but they're currently on hiatus.

6. What is your cooking (or burning) speciality? Several things, actually. I love cooking!

7. What sports team do you always root for, even when they suck? Pittsburgh Steelers!

8. What is something you never leave the house without? A bra

9. Who is the first FoLC you really remember talking to? When I first found the boards, back in early 2006, I was a total lurker. I wanted to try my hand at writing so I posted a plea for a beta. <crickets chirping> Then Sara (tvnerdgirl) posted a similar request so I wrote to her and asked if she'd like to trade betas with me. I caught the luckiest break ever when she agreed. She's since left the fandom (school) and I still miss her horribly. She's awesomely fun and witty.

10. As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? I didn't really have a goal for later, I just wanted to be Cindy Brady (from "The Brady Bunch") at the time.

11. What is something you collect? Refrigerator magnets.

12. Are you less bored than when you started this poll? I wasn't bored, just looking to delay getting ready for work. Now I'm late. laugh razz

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis
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Nobel Peace Prize Winner
Boards Chief Administrator Emeritus
Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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1. What does your board name mean?

I could probably cut and paste this somewhere from an earlier thread as I've told it before. laugh But to cut a long story short, I posted a TV question to a teletext page which was (very unusually back then) frequented by people who used nicknames. I thought for a bit and finally came up with Doc. Klein's LabRat. It was just after S4 ended and I was feeling nostalgic already. When I got onto the net for the first time and found FoLCdom, a few months afterwards, it seemed natural to keep using the nick. Gradually, it got shortened to LabRat (or Lab or Labby or Rat or a dozen other variations).

2. Where do you live, and what is something you love about that place?

Cumbernauld in Scotland. It was one of a number of experimental 'new towns' in the early '60's, built to bring families out of the tenements of Glasgow and provide healthy living. I've lived here since I was six months old and what I like about it is that it's quiet and peaceful and surrounded by countryside.

3. When did you start watching L&C?

Can't remember the year, but it was about a year and a half, maybe, before S4 premiered in the UK. I had – embarrassingly enough – no interest in LNC when it was airing prior to that. In fact, I spent a great deal of time teasing a good friend for her obsession with a kids' show. :rolleyes: Something she has never failed to remind me of since. And I'd never had an interest in Superman comics as a kid, so it largely passed me by.

Then, one day, on holiday, I caught a few snatches of one of the Clone arc episodes - only enough to gather that Clark Kent was having to deal with an evil double of his wife - and my radar pricked up immediately. For as long as I can recall I've had a fascination with plots involving evil doubles and memory loss. I've been known to watch shows I normally hate if that's the plot of the week. And here was a show giving me both at once!

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to watch any more at that point and I mostly forgot about it. Until a few months later when I caught an ad for re-runs on one of our cable channels. Even then I managed to miss most of the first episodes of S1. I think the first episode I caught in full was Phoenix. It wasn't love at first sight, but I was keen enough to come back each week and gradually I realized this was a show I really loved…and the rest is history.

4. Rank the seasons in order of preference:

1,2,3,4. I enjoyed them all, but I liked the early seasons best.

5. What is a show currently on the air you just can't miss?

Hmmmm. Not sure these days there are shows I can't miss. I've learned in my time that I may believe that I can't miss them but if I'm forced to it turns out I can. laugh I've also learned not to get too broken up when my favourite shows end because something else will always come along to catch my interest.

Let's see. At the moment, I'm taping S2 of Ashes to Ashes, S3 of Dexter, S4 of Supernatural.

Oh, hang on, thought of one! The Daily Show. Stuart and I never miss TDS and I'm always bereft when it's not on because of a break.

6. What is your cooking (or burning) speciality?

Well, mostly my cooking skills consist of 'place in microwave, wait for ding'. But I've been having to get to grips with some minor cooking to help me with my diabetic diet and I'm keen on a particularly simple and tasty chicken noodle soup recipe that I found online. To my amazement, last week I invented a fish stew which actually works and tastes great. Sadly though, I'm usually one of those people who throws various ingredients in a pan on spec and ends up with something totally inedible. I envy my sister-in-law who does that and ends up with a five course gourmet dinner.

7. What sports team do you always root for, even when they suck?

I hate sports. My philosophy is if you want to be involved with a sport play it. Don't watch someone else playing it. I had a temporary love of Formula One for a few years, back in the day, and supported Scot David Coulthard, but that waned.

8. What is something you never leave the house without?

Homer. <G> He has some minor health problems which mean we can't leave him home alone so he comes with us everywhere.

9. Who is the first FoLC you really remember talking to?

Gosh, all but lost in the mists of time. I remember being terribly excited when I went on irc one evening and discovered one of my favourite nfic authors – Menolly – was in the room. Came over all gushing fan and utterly mortified myself. Other than that, I can just remember talking to most of the 'names' around at the time, either because I was asking questions about how things work in response to things they'd posted or because I was sending them fdk about their fanfic. (My first big intro to FoLCdom was sitting every night for a period of several months, downloading as many fanfic from the Archive as I could in the two hours online time I was allocated and then sitting up into the small hours reading. So my first real contact with FoLCs would undoubtedly have come out of that source.)

10. As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Nothing specific. All I knew was that I wanted to work with animals and outside. I wasn't going to be stuck in a stuffy office, typing, like 99% of girls were expected to. I even refused to join the typing lessons at school in my zeal to avoid that fate. Which is, no doubt, why I spent the majority of my working life stuck in an office, typing. razz

11. What is something you collect?

Books! Can't get enough of books. And DVDs. My twin passions. Keep me supplied with both and I'm content.

12. Are you less bored than when you started this poll?

LOL. Definitely. I wasn't so much bored as procrastinating over updating the TOCs. <g>

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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1. What does your board name mean? It's my first and last initials, plus "dragon." There's a story behind how I decided to create it, which makes it short for "dry-skinned dragon," but I won't go on about it here.

2. Where do you live, and what is something you love about that place? Frederick, Maryland, USA. I like the look and feel of the downtown area.

3. When did you start watching L&C? When the pilot aired--I was ten.

4. Rank the seasons in order of preference: 1, 2, 3, 4

5. What is a show currently on the air you just can't miss? I don't have any shows I watch every single week, but my sister TiVos Dollhouse and I watch that with her and our friend Kayla whenever my sister has time. Also, I'm waiting for the seasons to end for Psych, Numb3rs, Bones and Smallville so that I can watch the whole seasons all at once during the summer. I was bummed when I heard that Pushing Daisies got cancelled after the winter hiatus, because that was the only show I was actually watching every week this season.

6. What is your cooking (or burning) speciality? I don't really like to cook, but when I do, I make a pretty mean omelet (among other things).

7. What sports team do you always root for, even when they suck? I don't follow sports--I'm terrible as a spectator, and can only stand to actually play very few sports, and even then only rarely.

8. What is something you never leave the house without? My car keys.

9. Who is the first FoLC you really remember talking to? LabRat--I'd just submitted my first L&C fic to the archive.

10. As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? I had no clue whatsoever what career I wanted (truthfully, I still don't), but I knew I wanted to get married and have kids--haven't got that yet either.

11. What is something you collect? Magic: The Gathering cards. And books--I have hundreds of books.

12. Are you less bored than when you started this poll? Only slightly--now that it's over, I have to go back to the boring stuff.

"You take turns, advise and protect one another, even heal or be healed when the going gets too tough. I know! That's not a game--that's friendship!" ~Shelly Mezzanoble, Confessions of a Part-Time Sorceress: A Girl's Guide to the Dungeons & Dragons Game

Darcy\'s Place
Joined: Apr 2003
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Joined: Apr 2003
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1. What does your board name mean? It's my real name. Oddly, the boards and archive are the only places online that I use it.

2. Where do you live, and what is something you love about that place? Charlotte NC. I love that there's so much green in a big city (I lived near smaller cities that was completely overrun with pavement, not a landscaped median to be seen). I love that almost everything I need is within 5 minutes of my house. And I absolutely love the light rail that can take me downtown within 30 minutes. We're a big city now!

3. When did you start watching L&C? I want to say somewhere in the first season. My father and I watched SeaQuest together, so I think I caught it on a night that SQ was a rerun.

4. Rank the seasons in order of preference: Er, can't rank, but I know I don't like the clone and NK arcs.. the rest are sporadic

5. What is a show currently on the air you just can't miss? Chuck, Heroes, Big Bang Theory, Fringe, Lost, CSI. I love House, but it loses out to BBT because that one isn't online. I just have to wait the 8 days for House to be online.

6. What is your cooking (or burning) speciality? My husband would tell you everything, except for bread. I can do homemade cinnamon rolls, though!

7. What sports team do you always root for, even when they suck? Carolina Panthers, Pittsburgh Steelers, and Chicago Bears. Makes it hard if any of those teams play each other.

8. What is something you never leave the house without? Keys. I've been locked out of the house a few times because I thought the husband had his since he was driving.

9. Who is the first FoLC you really remember talking to? Oh geez, I really don't remember. I started off on the newsgroups and quickly moved to the AOL chats. Then a few years later I hit IRC, and freaked out when Wendy and a few others called me by my first name! (Had it in my IRC settings, couldn't figure it out. LOL)

10. As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? A teacher or an astronaut. I thought of both, until Christa McAuliffe. The astronaut dream died in my pre-teens, the teacher my 3rd year of college.

11. What is something you collect? Books and novelty t-shirts

12. Are you less bored than when you started this poll? A little.. I'm still at work. laugh

"You need me. You wouldn't be much of a hero without a villain. And you do love being the hero, don't you. The cheering children, the swooning women, you love it so much, it's made you my most reliable accomplice." -- Lex Luthor to Superman, Question Authority, Justice League Unlimited
Joined: Jun 2003
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Top Banana
Top Banana
Joined: Jun 2003
Posts: 1,384
1. Vicki is my real name.

2. I live in Puerto Rico. Lots to love about it, but my favorite is seeing the beach from my house.

3. Started watching L&C when the reruns were on TNT.

4. Seasons 1, 2, & 3. I not as fond of Season 4, although it did have its moments (like AKA Superman, which cracked me up).

5. I rarely watch TV.

6. I cook a mean Pastelon (a local specialty, similar to Shephard's Pie, made with mashed plantains instead of mashed potatoes)

7. The N.Y. Mets. I grew up in upstate NY, and I can still remember how our teachers allowed us to listen during class on our little transistor radios to the 1969 World Series. laugh The Mets will always have a special place in my heart.

8. I never leave the house w/out my cell phone.

9. I don't remember who the first Folc I talked to was. The only Folc I ever met personally was named Vicki, just like me. She came to Puerto Rico and we went together to the premiere of the movie "Flight of Fancy" (which was filmed here). We met ALL of the actors EXCEPT Dean Cain, who was the only no-show. frown The next day we went with our husbands on a day trip up the mountains to the little town where the movie had been filmed. We laughed the entire day. What a great memory. smile1

10. I wanted to be a wildlife researcher, like Jane Goodall.

11. I collect books.

12. Definitely less bored. smile

"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution" - Daniel Webster
Joined: Jul 2006
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Joined: Jul 2006
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Well, I'm at work, bored and being completely rejected, so I was wandering around. Figured this could be a nice thing to waste time with, not that I expect my answers to be interesting to most people...

1. What does your board name mean? It's from the title of a song, The Eyes of Lara Moon by a British progressive rock band that I absolutely adore, called Arena -- and since Lara happens to be someone "important" in the Superman universe...

2. Where do you live, and what is something you love about that place? I leave near Montréal, Canada. Can't think of anything I seriously love about the place - I can tell you what I hate: it's too damn far from Alaska!!

3. When did you start watching L&C? Right from the moment it started airing, in the 90s.

4. Rank the seasons in order of preference: 1 and 2. I like to pretend that the other ones don't exist.

5. What is a show currently on the air you just can't miss? blush Smallville... I also watch "The Big Break" on the Golf Channel (yes, you read that right), "Survivor", "House" and "NCIS"

6. What is your cooking (or burning) specialty? I can make crèpes. That's where it ends.. lol!

7. What sports team do you always root for, even when they suck? I don't root for a team of anything. I do root for Phil Mickelson, though. (and for anyone who doesn't know who that is, look for him in the intro of Witness. "Don't be afraid to hit the ball. The ball's not going to hit you.")

8. What is something you never leave the house without? My keys and my bus pass. wink

9. Who is the first FoLC you really remember talking to? There are two -- LabRat, when I sent in my 1st story to the archive, which I hadn't posted on the boards because I didn't even know that existed. And Caroline is the first person from the boards that I remember talking to -- she helped beta one of my first stories. smile

10. As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? An astronaut. lol!

11. What is something you collect? Action figures? Stuffed animals? ...yeah, I guess those.

12. Are you less bored than when you started this poll? Yes. But I'm still lonely and sad...

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies
Joined: Feb 2006
Posts: 144
Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
Joined: Feb 2006
Posts: 144
1. What does your board name mean? It´s simply my first name.

2. Where do you live, and what is something you love about that place? I live in Cologne on Rhine, and I love my hometown because of the relaxed atmospere, the carnival and generally everything about it!

3. When did you start watching L&C? When the first season started in German TV! Looong ago by now...

4. Rank the seasons in order of preference: 1, 2, 3, 4

5. What is a show currently on the air you just can't miss? Smallville. Stop laughing! Generally I´m mooning about Tom Welling blush , and I love Erica Durance´s Lois Lane.

6. What is your cooking (or burning) speciality? Pasta, all kinds you can think of.

7. What sports team do you always root for, even when they suck? 1. FC Köln, the football team of my hometown (OK, for US board members: soccer wink )

8. What is something you never leave the house without? [B]My handbag, of course! Or have you ever seen a woman without her handbag?

9. Who is the first FoLC you really remember talking to? I think that must have been LabRat, answering some questions about how to enter the nfic section... blush

10. As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to work with horses, preferably as a jockey. I was cured of that idea quickly when I grew too big for that. Today I know it never would have worked out for me. Now I´m a tax accountant, and I´m content with my job.

11. What is something you collect? Small owls, made of clay or china or wood or whatever, small enough to fit into my palm. I love owls!

12. Are you less bored than when you started this poll? *Yawn* laugh No, just kidding. In fact, it woke me up!

Joined: May 2003
Posts: 492
Beat Reporter
Beat Reporter
Joined: May 2003
Posts: 492
1. What does your board name mean?

First initial, last name.

2. Where do you live, and what is something you love about that place?

Maryland, seafood.

3. When did you start watching L&C?

When it started.

4. Rank the seasons in order of preference:


5. What is a show currently on the air you just can't miss?

None currently.

6. What is your cooking (or burning) speciality?

Stuff with cheese sauce.

7. What sports team do you always root for, even when they suck?

Don't watch sports. My wife watches the local teams.

8. What is something you never leave the house without?


9. Who is the first FoLC you really remember talking to?

Don't remember.

10. As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?


11. What is something you collect?

Books. SF mainly

12. Are you less bored than when you started this poll?


Joined: Jul 2003
Posts: 299
Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
Joined: Jul 2003
Posts: 299
1. What does your board name mean?

My name, or what my friends call me

2. Where do you live, and what is something you love about that place?

New Jersey! And everything!!!!! I'm never leaving!

3. When did you start watching L&C?

From the beginning I believe however, I was 7 or so I don't really remember. I only remember watching Never on Sunday cause the snakes scared me!

4. Rank the seasons in order of preference:

2, 1, 4, 3

5. What is a show currently on the air you just can't miss?

24, Smallville, SVU

6. What is your cooking (or burning) specialty?

Everything! I'm a pretty good cook, even better at baking! I would love to be a cook!

7. What sports team do you always root for, even when they suck?

Carolina Panthers and YANKEES

8. What is something you never leave the house without?

My blackberry

9. Who is the first FoLC you really remember talking to?

No idea, Its been way too long ago!

10. As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?


11. What is something you collect?

Nothing really! Junk!

12. Are you less bored than when you started this poll? yea it gave me something to do besides homework

Being grown-up isn't half as fun as growing up, these are the best days of our lives, the only thing that matters is just following your heart and eventually you'll finally get it right! ~Ataris
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